Chapter 302

Coming out of the office, Yu Qing hummed a ditty all the way, she was so happy today.The leader approved her application for transfer from the post.

It's just that the factory building in the city hasn't been built yet, and she's still a comrade in the security department to the outside world. If necessary, she can do things in the purchasing department in advance.

After she gets married, she can officially take up the post and work hard for the construction of the hotel attached to the power station.

Haha, what a great news!
Yu Qing pondered in her heart that the leader disagreed at first, and it was just an excuse to say that the decision can only be made after a meeting.

How did it not take long before they changed their minds?
But no matter what the reason is, as long as the department can be changed smoothly.Working in the security department is not hard and leisurely, but she just can't stand staying up late.

Sleeping at night is the best time for the body to adjust and repair its functions. If she often stays up late, she is afraid that her current body will not be able to bear it.

The original owner had suffered a lot since she was a child, and she couldn't keep up with her nutrition. Her body was already overloaded. That is to say, she came and recuperated slowly, and her body slowly recovered.

She didn't want her recuperation to see improvement, and she collapsed because of staying up late.

After going home at noon and resting for an hour, she went to the duty room and found that there was nothing wrong. Seeing a colleague sitting in the duty room, Yu Qing went home and picked up the hoe and went to the field.

The vegetable field also belongs to the factory area, and she is working if weeding in the vegetable field. She is the first to know what's going on outside.

It took her two hours to scoop up the remaining few ridges of vegetable fields, and when she got home, she picked up a bucket and watered all the scoops in the morning and afternoon.

Looking back, Yu Qing felt a sense of accomplishment when she saw that the entire vegetable field had been cleaned up and only the well-growing vegetable seedlings were left. She felt that all the hard work was worth it at this moment.

Back to the residential area with a bucket in hand, I ran into Sister Lu who was sweeping the floor at work.

"Miss Qing, are you pouring vegetables?"

"Yes, Miss Lu, long time no see."

Sister Lu nodded, "It's been a long time since I saw you. How are you doing with your preparations for the May [-]st banquet? Do you want to help?"

"Thank you, Sister Lu, I don't need it for now, everything has been arranged."

"Oh, that's good. Don't be shy if you need help. Just tell me." Sister Lu said worriedly.

Yu Qing said with a smile: "Okay, sure, I won't be polite with Sister Lu."

Back in front of my building, I saw several bundles of moso bamboo piled up on the ground, but I didn't take it seriously.Putting down the bucket and washing her face, Yu Qing went back to the small living room to see Grandma Ruan using a sewing machine or something.

"Grandma, what are you doing?"

Grandma Ruan handed her a finished sleeve, "I'll make you a sleeve. Wearing it can prevent oil from splashing on your arms when you cook in summer, and it can also prevent your sleeves from getting dirty when doing housework."

Yu Qing was a little helpless when she took it and tried it on. The effect was good. Grandma should be afraid that she would wear it hot in summer, so she specially chose the fine fabric. The small blue flowers on the white background are natural and fresh in color, which is very suitable for summer.

"Thank you grandma, it's just that you use really good fabrics, and you are not afraid of being jealous."

Others feel more respectable when they make summer shirts made of fine fabrics, but you always use them as sleeves and bibs.

Grandma Ruan said arrogantly after hearing the words: "My granddaughter should have used the best ones. The fabrics used are light and thin. Wearing them in summer will not be too stuffy."

"Thank you grandma, you are still thoughtful."

"Well, of course, that's right, Qingqing, I bought the bundles of moso bamboos piled up in the yard outside from my family members. Aren't your beans, bitter gourds, cucumbers, and loofah seedlings picking vines? I'll take those bundles out tomorrow." Insert the bamboo."

"Thank you, Grandma."

Yu Qing was very touched. Grandma was afraid that she would be tired after going to the mountains, and she felt sorry for her.

It's good to have family hurt!

The next day, just before dawn, Yu Qing got up.

She wanted to take advantage of the two or three hours before going to work to insert the bamboo. Grandma Ruan also woke up early and wanted to go with her, but Yu Qing refused.

The only ones that need bamboo poles in the whole vegetable field are beans, cucumbers, loofahs and bitter gourds. Others are like pumpkins and wax gourds. She doesn't plan to put on airs.

It took her an hour and a half to insert poles for several crops.

After returning home and having breakfast, I went to work as usual.

"Comrade Yu, are you going to work after breakfast?"

When passing by the other two units in the same building, he ran into Qiao Daming who was about to leave for work.

"Well, early."

Yu Qing felt awkward in her heart, but she didn't feel it when she was standing in the corner listening to the play. Now that she saw one of the protagonists, some unsuitable images would always appear in her mind.


Qiao Daming looked at the figure passing by at a faster pace, and touched the back of his head, not knowing why.

Yu Qing arrived at the duty room and punched her card, and then accompanied her classmate Lao Li to patrol the factory area.

Lao Li is not old, probably less than 40 years old, but compared to other young workers in the power station, he is older.

There is nothing wrong with the inspection of the factory area.

Lao Li said: "Xiao Yu, let's go to the dam to have a look. The weather is already hot. People from the nearby villages often come here to catch fish by boat on the other side of the reservoir. I'm afraid they will approach the gate."

"Then go have a look."

After discussing it, the two went to the dam. Sometimes this person was afraid of something. As soon as they walked to the dam, they found someone fishing in the inner reservoir near the gate.

"Hey!! You want to catch fish and stay away from the gate!"

The upper part of the Lao Li Dam yelled at the villagers on the fishing boat below.

Yu Qing also found that these people are really ignorant and fearless, and they even put their lives at risk for a little profit.

Hearing their shouts, he only retreated a little, and did not leave the dangerous area of ​​the gate immediately.

Lao Li kept shouting, shouting so loudly that his voice would become hoarse after a while, so Yu Qing went to the operation workshop and borrowed a loudspeaker from them.

"Old Li, this is for you, use this to shout."

"Hey, good." Lao Li took it and shouted to them again, "I order you to retreat 50 meters immediately, and don't approach the gate, there is a vortex below, it's dangerous!"

Right above the gate, a splash of water splashed, and before Yu Qing could see it clearly, she heard the people below cheering, "What a big fish!"

"There are fish!"

The people on the fishing boat didn't care about the people above who stopped them. The fishing boat quickly approached the gate, and one of them was not afraid of death and cast a net to catch fish.

"Stop!" Old Li's eyes were about to burst, and he almost leaned out.

Yu Qing quickly grabbed his clothes, and looked down to see that the man's fishnet had been sucked, and the two of them pulled the fishnet to try to pull it back.

Now, she was anxious, "Let go!"

At this moment, she actually hated that her voice was too low to deter the greedy people below.

Lao Li yelled at the older villagers who were about to get on the fishing boat below with a loudspeaker: "Is it the net or the life that matters! Let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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