Chapter 303
The two young men struggling to pull the net were trying to pull the net back. Another middle-aged man, who was a little older and trying to stabilize the boat, might have sensed that the underwater power was terrifying, so he was busy. Let the two young men let go.

Yu Qing watched as one of the young men let go, and the other who let go a little slower was almost taken into the water. Fortunately, the young man in front who let go finally grabbed him with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Seeing that they let go, Lao Li heaved a sigh of relief, and shouted at them with the horn: "Row the boat away!"

"what happened?"

The people who run the workshop are drawn out.

They then leaned on the guardrail and looked down, only to see a few people on the boat struggling to stay away from the gate, but the speed was very slow.

"These people really don't want their lives!"

"Yes, there are more fish at the gate than other places, but it is also dangerous."

"Last year at the XX hydropower station, a father and son were also fishing at the gate. One of the fathers was accidentally sucked by the vortex, and he was out of gas when he was caught."

Yu Qing was taken aback. Fu Changan told her before that she should pay more attention to this side when they are on duty. She has never paid much attention to it. Now, after listening to their straightforward explanation, she realizes the serious relationship between them. .

She asked Lao Li in a low voice, "Is the gate so dangerous?"

Seeing that the people below had rowed away the boat obediently, Lao Li said with confidence: "Well, sometimes a fish weighing several tens of catties may get stuck underwater. Do you think people are stronger or stronger than fish in the water? This fish understands water better?"

Last year, a large fish weighing tens of kilograms got stuck in one of their gates, and finally the unit was shut down to take out the fish. Everyone at the station had a full meal of fish in the cafeteria that day.

At that time, it seemed that Xiao Yu hadn't come yet.

She could be forgiven for not being aware of the danger involved.

Yu Qing gasped. A big fish weighing several tens of catties was in the water. Don't even try to catch it, let alone a grown man, even two grown men. Its swinging force is really great.

I am very glad that she and Lao Li came here today, if something happens, it will be terrible!
on a fishing boat.

Guawazi asked with lingering fear: "Second Uncle, what should we do? We missed a fish today and lost a net. How can we explain to the team?"

Jun Yazi was almost scared to death today. He never knew that it would be so dangerous to be close to the dam, and he almost fell off.

Hearing Guawazi's words, he said angrily: "What are you going to tell me? It's not all your fault. You kept clamoring to come here to catch fish. You also said that the water here is the deepest and the fish are the most. This made me almost die here. .”

The second uncle's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. Today the captain will not trouble the two of them, but he will definitely not let him go, because he is the oldest among the three, so he is their leader of course.

"What else can I do? Pay as much as you should."

"But I don't have any money!" Gua Wazi almost cried in fright.

When the angry Junya heard that he was going to lose money, he felt like a discouraged ball, and he had no money.Will he be beaten to death by his parents' mixed doubles when he goes back?
The second uncle said in a bad mood: "No money, no money, deduct work points at the end of the year, use work points to pay for it!"

"Wow, I really have no money, and the deduction of work points is gone. My father will not let me go!"

Yu Qing was frightened by this incident, so she would unconsciously run to this place after work in the afternoon, only to be relieved when she found that there were no fishing boats on the river.

After finishing her work in the vegetable field, Yu Qing got up the next day and ran around the residential area, as if her life had returned to normal.

This illusion was broken in the morning.

In the morning in the duty room, seeing a few cars coming from outside the factory area, she was still wondering where the leader came to inspect the work of the power station.

In a few minutes, the car stopped at the gate.

She and Lao Li registered alone, and pushed the iron gate alone.



Lao Li had already opened the iron gate to let the car pass. She was about to go up to register the vehicle, but she didn't expect that Ruan Xiuhua was sitting in the co-pilot.

Yu Qing looked at the back seat again, it was Mr. Ruan, returning Ruan Zheng.

"Grandpa, big brother."

Looking at the car behind, there are the eldest aunt Shi Huilan, the second elder brother Ruan Yong, and the first cousin Ruan An.further back.
She couldn't see clearly for the time being, but it was probably the third brother Ruan Qiang and the others.

"Grandpa, why did you come here today? I thought you wouldn't arrive until the [-]th day."

When Mr. Ruan heard the words, he laughed heartily, "Haha, grandpa wants to give you a surprise. I brought all the family members here. Girl Qing, are you happy?"

"They're all here?" Yu Qing glanced at the car behind, my dear, the old man is domineering!Bring the whole family to work and school.

"There is a truck behind, and it is also with you?"

"Well, I packed some things and came here to help deliver the goods. Qingqing, come up first, let's go in first." Ruan Xiuhua greeted Yu Qing to get on the car with a smile, and seeing her daughter, her heart was filled with her at this moment.

"Okay." Yu Qing turned her head and said to Lao Li: "Uncle Li, this is my family, I will take them in first, and you will close the iron gate."

Lao Li recovered from the shock. He didn't expect Yu Qing's family to be so rich. There were four cars when they came, "Okay, okay, leave it to me, and you can take your family back."

Usually, there are very few vehicles coming to the factory area. This time, four vehicles came here, which must have alarmed many people. Fortunately, others said that it is not good to leave their posts during working hours, but the leaders of the station will definitely come to find out.

Standing by the window, Quan Jifeng watched the car drive past the factory building and head towards the residential area.

A little surprised, he said to Secretary Qin beside him: "I thought I came to the factory to set up the building, but I didn't expect to go to the residential area. Let's go, Lao Qin, let's go see who is here."

"Well, let's go and have a look." Secretary Qin went over in his mind, who in the residential area has such a great ability to call so many vehicles at a time.

As for the private car, he never thought that in this day and age, private people in the countryside would want to own a private car.

Yu Qing led the driver to park the car on the road in front of the building. She opened the back door, got out of the car, and shouted happily into the house: "Grandma, come out, grandpa and the others are here!"

Grandpa Ruan looked at his cheerful granddaughter, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, he raised his eyebrows at Ruan Xiuhua and Ruan Zheng inexplicably, and got out of the car.

"Qing girl, do you live here?"

"Yes, Grandpa, I live on this floor, but the house is a bit small."

Yu Qing felt quite a headache when she saw the relatives who got out of the car one after another, but she didn't show it, but ran into the kitchen to move the bench.

Grandma Ruan had already heard the sound of the car approaching, so she put down her work, so she came out as soon as Yu Qing finished yelling.

Seeing that the whole family came, he smiled and clapped his hands, "Oh, you are all here, it's rare and rare, get out of the car and come to have a rest."

Yu Qing brought out two stools and put them on the ground.

"Grandma, sit with grandpa first, let's sit and talk."

 Dear friends, ask for a wave of monthly tickets in the middle of the night~
(End of this chapter)

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