Chapter 304 The family is here
Seeing Yu Qing bring out a stool, Ruan Zheng quickly went into the kitchen and brought out two stools.

Let the elders sit first.

When all the stools in the kitchen were moved out, there were only four stools and two small chairs. The others, Yu Qing, brought out a back chair from the study.

There is a chair in Xiang Yisen's bedroom on the second floor.

Seeing that she was busy, Ruan Zheng took the work in her hand and went to the second floor, while Yu Qing was busy pouring water for everyone and taking melon seeds and candies.

If there are not enough enamel cups at home, use rice bowls to fill water. Anyway, everyone will just order if the conditions are difficult.

The second brother, Ruan Yong, helped to move the kitchen table out for snacks.

"Aunt Zhou, Auntie, please sit down and have a glass of water. I'm tired after driving such a long distance, so come and have a rest."

Zhou Jingfang smiled at her. Facing this foreign stepdaughter, she inevitably felt awkward in her heart, but she did a good job on the surface.

"Okay. Qingqing, don't be too busy, stop and rest for a while." Shi Huilan responded with a smile.

She didn't intend to come at first, but later Ruan Zheng brought back ten catties of precious camellia oil. She didn't expect that the eldest niece who came back halfway still missed her as an elder in her heart.

You must know that the family wants to eat some oil these years. In addition to the oil stamps issued by the unit, it takes a lot of thought to buy it outside.

Another point, it was the old man who said that the Ruan family married a daughter, and all the Ruan family members had to participate, so they must go.

Although I was a bit reluctant in my heart, I was still willing in my heart, and there was not much resistance.

"Qingqing, sit down and talk to your grandfather and the others, don't be too busy."

Grandma Ruan brought out a small basket of apples from the house, and felt distressed when she saw her granddaughter looking like a bee, busy all the time.

"Okay, grandma."

Grandma Ruan put the apples on the table and asked everyone to take them if they wanted to eat. She took four apples and went to the car. The driver was embarrassed to get out of the car and sat in the car. Grandma Ruan sent an apple to each of them.

The Ruannan and Ruanbei brothers were originally nestled in Zhou Fang's arms, and they were a little motion sick after the car ride all the way, so they couldn't cheer up.

Seeing the big red apple at this moment, a pair of eyes somewhat similar to Yu Qing lit up.

Yu Qing understood their eyes, and asked with a smile: "Do Nannan and Beibei want to eat apples, can my sister help you peel them?"

"Sister." Ruan Nan turned his eyes to Yu Qing, and called out to him obediently, but stared at the apple in her hand, full of anticipation.

Seeing his appearance, Yu Qing felt so soft in her heart that she quickly peeled the apples for the two children, and patiently helped them cut them into small pieces so that they could hold them in their hands and eat slowly.

In order to attend her wedding, the mountain road was bumpy, and the two children suffered.

Mr. Ruan scanned around and saw that Ruan Zheng had moved the chair down from upstairs, "Ah Zheng, you and your brother should go and remove the things from the truck, and let the truck driver go back."

"Okay, grandpa."

Yu Qing quickly poured him a glass of water, "Brother, drink a glass of water before going, you haven't had a drink since you got off the car."

Her actions made her aunt Shi Huilan feel a little more satisfied with her.Yes, this niece also knows how to feel sorry for her brothers.

"Sister, I've been here for so long, and I haven't heard you call me brother, nor have you asked us if we're thirsty." Ruan Yong was a little unconvinced. This sister misses her elder brother more than him.

Yu Qing turned around in surprise, "Second brother, I poured water for you, didn't I put it on the table, come on, a glass of water won't quench your thirst, and then I'll have an apple."

By the way, third brother Ruan Qiang and cousin Ruan An were also forced to have an apple.

Ruan An took a bite, chewing a few times, his eyes lit up, "Qingqing, your apple is so delicious, it's crispy and sweet."

"Okay, I'll eat the apples when I get back, now go and carry the things down with me." Ruan Zheng looked helplessly at the brothers who had forgotten their business.

Ruan Qiang and Ruan Yong put down the apples, followed Ruan Zheng to the truck, and Ruan An followed behind while eating and walking.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, many guests have come to your house. What are you doing?" Quan Jifeng asked while scanning the crowd, and when his eyes met Ruan Xiuhua's, he was slightly taken aback, "Ouch It turns out that Brother Ruan is here, why don’t you tell me when you’re here, or I’ll pick you up at the train station.”

"How embarrassing, it's too troublesome." Ruan Xiuhua stood up and gave up his seat.

"You are a guest, how dare you give up your seat, you sit and you sit."

Several people seated again politely, Yu Qing had never felt this embarrassment before, there were not enough stools at home.

The chairs in the studio are not available in this era, and sister Zhu next door is not at home, so I can only walk a few steps to the next unit to borrow stools.

Grandma Ruan saw that the two daughters-in-law didn't have a stool to sit on, so she complained softly to the old man next to her, "You didn't say hello in advance when you came, making Qingqing unprepared."

Mr. Ruan kept a smile on his face, pretending he didn't hear it.

"Yu Qing, is there a guest at your house?"

Chen Yuzhu sat in front of the door and kept looking towards her house.

"Well, there are many guests at home, and there are not enough stools to sit on. Let me borrow some stools from you."

"Come in and move, there are four, I will move there with you."

"Thank you, I have troubled you." Yu Qing was very grateful, so she asked one more question, "Did you go to work today?"

"I'm still newly married now, and I have marriage leave when I get married."

"Oh." Yu Qing remembered hearing about the corner again, and moved the stool out together a little embarrassed.

"What relative of yours is here today?" Chen Yuzhu saw four cars, she didn't know where Yu Qing got such a powerful relative.

"It's my family, my grandma and dad, my aunt and my brothers and sisters. I'll introduce you later."

Chen Yuzhu looked at the woman walking in front in shock. When she first came to the power station to report, she still remembered how miserable this woman was.

A flimsy dress is still patched, but now she is told that these powerful people are her family.

Is this world magical?
But when she thought that all the people in the car were the leaders, she felt apprehensive when she saw the leader, so she quickly shook her head, "Forget it, I'll help you move there, and I'll leave."

Yu Qing just smiled and didn't force her.

Putting down the stool, Chen Yuzhu saw several tall and handsome men coming over carrying two large cardboard boxes, she asked curiously: "Yu Qing, those gay men are your brothers?"

"En." Yu Qing called her aunt and Zhou Jingfang to come and sit down, and answered her question casually.

"What are they carrying?" Chen Yuzhu didn't wait for Yu Qing's answer, she went over to have a look, and covered her mouth in surprise, "Oh my god, it turned out to be a TV and a refrigerator."

Ruan Zheng and Ruan Qiang put the refrigerator on the ground and asked, "Qingqing, where are the refrigerator and TV set?"

Yu Qing looked helplessly at Mr. Ruan and Dad Ruan. This was too high-profile, but she still had to lead the way for her brothers.

Let them put these two expensive electrical appliances into the small living room.

I just don't know, if the bums nearby know about it, will they come to her house again to steal at night.

(End of this chapter)

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