Chapter 305 Debunking
Chen Yuzhu was extremely shocked in his heart. At this time, the TV set and refrigerator were brought over, no doubt it was the dowry prepared by her natal family for Yu Qing.

TV and refrigerator!

That is an electrical appliance that is hard to buy even if you have money!
Yu Qing's natal family actually gave her a generous dowry, plus Xiang Yisen's dowry.
I can not imagine!

Chen Yuzhu returned home dizzy and still sat in the original position, looking at the front of Yu Qing's house again, her heart could no longer be calm.

After thinking about it, he simply got up and locked the door, and walked to the cafeteria where he worked.

It was around ten o'clock when the back kitchen was busy. She stayed in the back kitchen for a while and found that everyone was busy and no one had time to talk to her.

After leaving the cafeteria, she reluctantly walked towards Qiao Daming's maintenance workshop, and then turned a corner halfway to the operation workshop.

Chen Yuzhu stood at the gate of the operation workshop, looking at the spacious and bright office environment, with a hint of jealousy lingering in her heart.

Seeing Yu Tiantian standing in front of the electrical wiring diagram again, seeming to be copying something, the jealousy in her heart became even worse, and she deliberately shouted excitedly: "Yu Tiantian, I tell you some amazing news!"

The already quiet working environment, when she yelled, everyone inside looked towards the door.

Yu Tiantian put down the folder and pen in her hand, and gave her a helpless look, "Yu Zhu, I'm at work now, please keep your voice down if you have anything to do, and don't disturb everyone's work."

"It's not something shameful, I don't need to whisper it." Chen Yuzhu saw that she started pretending again, the two of them had fallen out a long time ago, and acted in front of people as if they were still on good terms.

Holding his breath in his heart, he said bluntly: "You must want to know this news, it's about"

"Yu Zhu, what's the matter, let's go outside and talk about it?" After finishing speaking, Yu Tiantian's eyes showed a hint of pleading, she knew that according to the current relationship between the two of them, what the other party said was definitely not good.

Chen Yuzhu came here today to taunt her and watch her jokes, how could he give up just because of her submissiveness.

"Chen Yuzhu, who do you want to tell us about?" Chen Yuzhu's words aroused everyone's curiosity, and some people couldn't help asking.

"That's right, what exactly is it? Didn't you just say that there is nothing you can't tell others, so tell me quickly." Someone urged.

Not everyone in the workshop has compassion for Yu Tiantian.

"Yu Tiantian, don't pretend. In fact, you like Xiang Gong in your heart, and you are afraid that his life experience will hurt you, so you have always paid special attention to his affairs. Now I came here to tell you about him. Why are you blocking it? its me?"

"Oh~~" There was booing in the workshop.

"You..." Yu Tiantian blushed anxiously, "When did I say I like Xiang Gong? Don't slander me, pour dirty water on me, and ruin my reputation!"

Chen Yuzhu let out a 'ha', as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world, "Why did I slander you, do you still have a reputation? Why did Yu Qing slap you in the office last time? , although the leader has dealt with it, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, do you think everyone will not know if Xiao Li's mouth is sealed?"

Yu Tiantian eagerly turned to look at her colleagues, and saw that everyone was smiling but not smiling. At this moment, her mind went blank with a 'boom'.

It’s over.

Everyone knows her embarrassment!

How will she get along with her colleagues in the future?
Chen Yuzhu still felt that it was not enough, and said with a sharp mouth: "You used to always say in front of me that Yu Qing is a country fat woman, stupid and ignorant, and dare to think of a high-altitude flower like Xiang Gong, it's just a toad who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." ,Ridiculous."

"Wow!" There was an uproar at the scene.

"Maybe you still think so in your heart, but do you know?" Chen Yuzhu pointed outside and said, "Half an hour ago, a convoy of four cars came to the factory area. The first three were jeeps, and the second one was a truck. .”

"Chen Yuzhu, is there a leader here?" someone asked.

Chen Yuzhu glanced at Yu Tiantian, gloated and said: "The leader is the leader, but it's not the leader who came to inspect the work, but Yu Qing's family, which filled three jeeps, and the truck behind them also pulled refrigerators and TV sets. "

Everyone in the workshop looked stunned.

"Is this the dowry from my natal family?"

"Who knows. But the dowry can be sent directly from home to the man's house. Why did you bring it to the power station?"

Chen Yuzhu snorted, "That's because her natal family is not in the city, but in the provincial capital. I think, if it's not inconvenient to marry, otherwise, it is very likely that Yu Qing will not get married from the power station."

"provincial capital?"

"Wow, that means Yu Qing has a lot of background!"

"My dear, the dowry alone makes me envious and jealous. Xiang Gong will make a lot of money by marrying her."

"Guoli, do you regret it now? She didn't pursue her when she first came to the power station, and let others take advantage of it."

Peng Guoli regretted it in his heart, Yu Qing is beautiful and in good shape now, she is not the poor girl she was when they first met, but this kind of secret thoughts cannot be revealed.

So he reprimanded with a straight face: "You'd better not let Xiang Gong know what you said, or you will feel sad."

Seeing these things, Chen Yuzhu went to the wrong building, and hurriedly asked, unwilling to be lonely: "Aren't you curious about the identity of Yu Qing's parents? Now even the station leader has gone to her house, and she still treats her father and father Very polite."

These words successfully aroused everyone's curiosity again, and various speculations emerged one after another.

As for Yu Tiantian who was standing aside, who still remembers her.

It was almost noon, and the sun was getting bigger and bigger, making people a little hot. We moved all the tables and stools under the big trees beside the road to enjoy the shade.

The drivers of the jeep also got out of the car and sat under the tree drinking tea.

There are a lot of people in the family at noon, and the original iron tripod pots at home and Yu Qing's unfamiliar craftsmanship cannot cook well.

So she planned to get the rice from the cafeteria and cook the vegetables herself.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Yu Qing ran to the vegetable field not far away, and came back after chopping a cabbage.

While everyone was sitting outside, she took out some lettuce, a bundle of garlic moss, and a handful of fresh bamboo shoots from the studio.Finally cut the yam in half.

There are bacon, cured chicken, eggs, and two cured fish at home, so there is enough food for lunch.

As soon as her side was ready, Grandma Ruan walked in with Shi Huilan.

"Qingqing, what are you preparing for lunch?"

Seeing the meat on the stove, Shi Huilan glanced at her in surprise, "I really can't tell, the eldest niece is still a master of the house, and has a lot of meat dishes."

Yu Qing smiled: "Grandma, auntie, I've decided to stew cured pork ribs soup at noon, so that my brothers can eat it even when they are young. Then stir-fry scrambled eggs with shallots, fried bamboo shoots with bacon, and fried garlic moss with cured chicken. Stir-fry the cured fish with white pepper, and finally stir-fry two vegetarian dishes, one lettuce and one cabbage."

"Yes, you arranged it very well." Grandma Ruan praised.

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  Thank you Liang Weiying for your tip, and Baby Pig for your tip~

(End of this chapter)

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