Chapter 306
"Oh, there are still peanuts at home, you can fry a plate for grandpa and his men to drink."

Grandma Ruan boasted again: "Our Qingqing is really thoughtful."

The eldest aunt, Shi Huilan, laughed and said: "It's fine if Qingqing has made arrangements, then Auntie will help you peel the onions, peel the lettuce, and wash the cabbage."

"Okay, thank you Auntie, then I'll wash these cured vegetables first, cook them and then cut them."

Three people in the kitchen are enough. As for Zhou Jingfang, the two little brothers in the family cannot do without her. She has to take care of the children, so it is impossible for her to have time to help in the kitchen.

Yu Qing cleaned the bacon and stewed the pork ribs in a casserole before preparing other dishes.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the food in the cafeteria was ready. Grandma Ruan took a cleaned enamel basin and handed it to Ruan Yong, asking him to go to the cafeteria to cook.

"Grandma, there are two more dishes that will be fried soon. You and your aunt will take out the fried dishes, and let grandpa and the others drink first."

Yu Qing's fried dishes at noon are all in large portions, and they are divided into two plates and placed on two tables, one table for the men who are drinking, and one table for the women and children.

Speaking of this, I have to say that Zhu Mei is a very good woman. It was almost noon, and when she came back from the vegetable field, she found that there were many guests at Yu Qing's house. She moved out of her table without saying a word, and let Yu Qing and the others It is convenient to put tea, melon seeds and candies.

As soon as the food was served, another jeep entered the factory area, and it stopped on the road in front of the residential building not long after.

Hearing the movement, everyone who was preparing to eat looked over there.

Seeing the young man who was as handsome as his elder grandson coming towards them, Mr. Ruan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Ruan Zheng beside him, "Who is that?"

In fact, I had already guessed in my heart, but it was just for confirmation.

"Your grandson-in-law." Ruan Zheng said concisely.

"It's him!" Ruan Xiuhua gritted his teeth with hatred, it was this brat who abducted his precious girl.

Before I was rare enough, this kid got ahead of me.

But the damn rationality told him again that for the sake of his daughter's future happiness, he had to bear with giving the boy some face.

So unwilling!

"Yes, that's him. His name is Xiang Yisen. He is a young, promising young man with good abilities. Xiaoyu can choose him. It's really unique." Quan Jifeng helped Xiang Yisen before he came over. She spoke nicely in front of the Yue family.

Xiang Yisen walked under the tree under the eyes of all the people. He didn't see Yu Qing and Grandma Ruan. He quietly glanced at the food that had just been placed on the table, probably guessing that Yu Qing was in the kitchen.

The Ruan family sat at the table, motionless as a mountain.Even Ruan Zheng, who had been with him for a few days, was silent and had no intention of helping him.

Xiang Yisen passed Secretary Qin and Quan Jifeng, and finally his eyes fell on Mr. Ruan. After a pause, he respectfully called out: "Grandpa."

Mr. Ruan nodded slightly, his inner thoughts could not be seen on his face.

Quan Jifeng laughed heartily: "Old Ruan, congratulations on having a grandson-in-law."

After all, he didn't dare to look at Mr. Ruan's face, and quickly introduced to Xiang Yisen: "Boy Yisen, you haven't met your father-in-law, right? It's the first time we meet, and you won't be able to guess without introducing me." He is so young. Don't tell me, I never thought before today that brother Ruan would have a daughter who is about to leave the court."

Xiang Yisen was shocked in his heart. The image of his father-in-law that he had imagined in his mind for a long time, now seeing the real master, he found that the real master was completely contrary to his imagination, and the difference was too far.

How shocked he was in his heart, without showing it on his face, he still shouted respectfully: "Dad."

Ruan Xiuhua squinted his eyes slightly to look at him, and couldn't stop snorting coldly in his heart. This kid is respectful on the surface, but he must not be honest on the inside.

Nodding with a neutral face, "Dinner is about to come, and you came in time, please sit down."

Xiang Yisen didn't sit down. He heard that he was blaming himself for coming back to eat ready-made food. He explained: "I didn't know you were here until I got home in the middle of the morning. I didn't dare to delay and rushed over without stopping. If you don't entertain well , hope father-in-law Haihan."

Ruan Xiuhua snorted softly.

"Grandfather, Dad, and Uncle Quan Qin, you all drink first, I'll go in and see if Qingqing needs help." After finishing speaking, she went to the kitchen with her long legs.

Zhou Jingfang looked at her straight and slender back, and had to admit in her heart that although this stepdaughter grew up in the countryside, she had really vicious eyes.

I don't know where she found such an excellent son-in-law.

Ruan Xiuhua was upset, pointed at the back and said, "Dad, look at him, he's just pretending."

Quan Jifeng said with a smile: "This kid Yisen has been used to doing whatever he wants since he was a child. He must love Xiaoyu in his heart, so let him go. Leave him alone, come and pour this wine, we drink ours, don't worry about their little Yu." young."

Yu Qing just finished frying all the dishes, added water to the pot, and when the light at the door dimmed, she saw Xiang Yisen enter the kitchen.

"Comrade Xiang, why are you back? Just arrived?"

"Yes." Xiang Yisen looked at Grandma Ruan, "Grandma, you have worked hard today."

Grandma Ruan and Ruan Xiuhua had different ideas, she was very satisfied with Xiang Yisen, "Hey, it's not hard."

"This is the eldest aunt." Yu Qing introduced Shi Huilan who was sitting on the side resting.

"It's also hard work, auntie."

"Qingqing is the hardest here, I just helped wash some dishes." Shi Huilan looked at the handsome and handsome Xiang Yisen, and the satisfaction in her eyes was overflowing.

I just don't know if this niece-in-law has any brothers, and her niece from her natal family still lacks a partner.

Yu Qing put all the dishes on the table, introduced her family to him, and asked him to sit at the man's table to eat with the elders and leaders.

The dishes at noon, Yu Qingchao made a good stir-fry, and everyone was full of praise. She accidentally ate an extra bowl of rice.

When she was full of food, she took the initiative to take over Zhou Jingfang's task of feeding the children. Ruan Nan sat at the table and ate slowly. The main one who wanted to feed was Ruan Bei, a three-year-old child who was very tired after eating. While eating, they scurried around in the ping.

Ruan Bei ran to the back of the building, and Yu Qing accidentally found Yu Tiantian lying on the corner of the wall, her eyes were glued to the front.

Yu Qing walked behind her, followed her gaze, and found that it was under the big tree where her family entertained guests.

"What are you doing sneaking around here?"

Yu Tiantian was taken aback by the sudden voice behind her. She took a small step and turned around to find that it was Yu Qing. The hatred in her eyes burst out instantly.

Yu Qing was taken aback by the hatred in her eyes, she protected Ruan Bei and took a few steps back, staying away from her.

This man is crazy!

Yu Tiantian snorted coldly and ran away without saying a word.

Yu Qing looked at the figure running away, clutching her beating heart, feeling a little speechless.

Looking at Xiang Yisen from a distance with a complicated expression, who was sitting at the table drinking with the old man, what a beauty!

Looking back at the street where there were no people, could this woman have figured it out at this time, or regretted it?

Do you know Xiang Yisen's?

 Add more rewards for the 1666 of 'Baby Pig'~

(End of this chapter)

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