Chapter 307 Ready to go to Mijia Village
After lunch, Secretary Qin invited Mr. Ruan and Ruan Xiuhua to the office for tea, but Mr. Ruan refused.

Quan Jifeng said with a smile: "Since we don't want to drink tea, how about we treat guests tonight and ask the master in the cafeteria to make a table, so we can drink some more in the evening?"

Mr. Ruan smiled and waved his hands, "The two leaders don't need to spend money. We will go to the county later. Qingqing is going to get married soon, and she has to be busy with many things. She will start her wedding leave tomorrow. I hope you approve it." .”

"Approved, approved." Quan Jifeng wiped the sweat from his forehead, oh my god!This big leader actually called them the leader, which scared him to death.

"That's good, Qingqing won't come back at night, please pay attention to the comrades in the security department, I heard that there were thieves in your place last time?"

"The little thief was sent to the police station last time. During this time, I will ask the security department to arrange more patrols."


Mr. Ruan waved them to get busy.

Yu Qing cleaned up the dishes and returned the stool and table.

After the family figured it out, she packed up a few changes of clothes and planned to live in the guest house in the county with Mr. Ruan and the others.

The environment here is too bad, and the small house can't receive so many guests.

Sitting in the car, Yu Qing noticed that Xiang Yisen's face was a little red, she hurriedly stopped him from starting the car, and asked, "How much wine did you drink at noon?"

Xiang Yisen laughed and said, "Not much, just two or three cups."

"Two or three cups of white wine already weighs almost half a catty, and I think you have more than two or three cups."

Yu Qing hurriedly pulled out the car key, feeling a little scared in her heart, people in this era are not so aware of the dangers of drunk driving.

Fortunately, none of the three drivers had been drinking at noon.

"Hey, what are you doing with my car keys? Qingqing, bring them here. Grandpa's car is still waiting for me to leave first." Xiang Yisen wanted to lean over and grab it.

Yu Qing quickly jumped out of the car and said that she was not drunk, how could he usually speak in such a tone.

Seeing Yu Qing jumping out of the car, Ruan Zheng poked his head out and asked, "Qingqing, what's wrong? Is there still something missing?"

"Brother." Yu Qing ran to the front of the car and took a look inside. Mr. Ruan and Ruan Xiuhua had both drunk, and they were sitting in the back seat at this moment, not knowing whether they closed their eyes or fell asleep.

"Brother, didn't you have a drink at noon?"

"Didn't drink, what's wrong?"

"You can drive, do you have a driver's license?"

"Yes." Ruan Zheng looked up at Xiang Yisen who had jumped out of the car in front of him. His fair skin was redder than usual, and he knew he was drunk.

He wisely understood, "Do you want me to drive?"

"Well, it's too unsafe for Comrade Xiang to drive in this situation. I'm afraid I will trouble my elder brother to drive this car." Yu Qing smiled embarrassedly. In fact, she can drive, but she doesn't have this skill in this era. .


Ruan Zheng turned his head and nodded to the driver, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Brother, Qingqing is just making a fuss, and I'm not drunk."

Xiang Yisen just blushed and spoke clearly, but Yu Qing couldn't trust him.She only has one life, she can't bet on whether he is drunk or not, so for the sake of prudence, let Ruan Zhenglai drive.

They arrived at the county seat safely and stayed in the guest house. Old Master Ruan and Ruan Xiuhua got a little drunk at noon, and fell asleep when they returned to their room.

Xiang Yisen wanted to drive back to the city again, but Yu Qing forced Ruan Zheng to take him into the room and let him rest for one night before returning to the city tomorrow.

She wanted to drive after drinking, but as long as she was here, her relatives had to drink and not drive, and they couldn't drink while driving.

During dinner, everyone who had drunk sobered up, and Mr. Ruan asked about her adoptive parents.

Yu Qing truthfully told her life in Mi's family these years and the behavior of her adoptive parents.

Others were angry and felt sorry for her when they heard it, but Mr. Ruan pondered for a moment and said: "It is undeniable that if Mi Zhu hadn't adopted you back then, you might not be alive today. Do you think it's okay? Let's buy some gifts tomorrow Go to Mijia Village?"

"I have no objection, everything is up to Grandpa." To her, the Mi family is undoubtedly like strangers to her, since Mr. Ruan wants to meet the Mi family, then let's meet.

"Hmm." Mr. Ruan was very satisfied with his granddaughter's attitude, neither surprised nor angry, calm down.

If you were an ordinary person, if you were treated like this by the Mi family since you were young, you would not be so calm when you mentioned the Mi family.

He told Ruan Zheng to go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some gifts after breakfast tomorrow, and then everyone will go to Mijia Village together.

Zhou Jingfang felt sorry for the two children who were motion sick, and seemed hesitant to speak.

Mr. Ruan must have noticed, he didn't say anything, there is no shortage of her, a wife and two children, in Mi's family.

If she doesn't want to go, she can stay in the county with her two children!

Back in the room at night, Zhou Jingfang told her husband about her concerns.

Ruan Xiuhua looked at the two sleeping children and nodded, "Dad, I didn't mean that the whole family has to go, the children are motion sick, you can take them to the guest house tomorrow, but you have to be careful, here Don’t let the children out of your sight if you’re not familiar with the place.”

Human traffickers are rampant now, and Zhou Jingfang said that she will definitely pay attention.

When Xiang Yisen heard that he was going to Mijia Village, he refused to go back to the city no matter what, and insisted on going with him. Yu Qing had no choice but to follow him if she wanted to.

Mijia Village.

Mi Zhu got up in the morning and went to the private plot, and when he returned home for breakfast after two hours of work, he talked to Li Juhua about Mi Qianjin.

"When I came back from the field today, when I passed by the team's house, the team leader gave me a letter I wrote in."

"Oh~ What did Jin Jin say?"

"It is said that the daughter-in-law is already pregnant, and she may not have time to come back to see us during this period. Let us not be too tired and take good care of our health."

Li Juhua asked in surprise: "Is the daughter-in-law pregnant?"

"Yeah." Mi Zhu also had a smile on his face. After so many years, he was finally able to hold his grandson.

Li Juhua patted the table excitedly, "Qinqin is still lucky. I have only been married for a long time, and the good news comes. I will be able to hold my grandson in a few months. Thinking about it makes me happy."

As he said that, as if thinking of something, he gave Mi Zhu another look, "It's not comparable to the broom star you picked up. It has been in our house for more than ten years, and it hasn't even laid an egg for us."

Mi Zhu was stunned, he was in a good mood today, he was too lazy to talk about such useless things with this woman, Jin Jin was not at home, if that woman gave birth to an egg, would you dare to ask for it?
"After these two days of work, why don't I go to the city and help take care of my daughter-in-law for a few days?" Li Juhua was in high spirits, as if she could hug her grandson if she went to the city.

"Jinjin already guessed that you would want to go to the city. He said that we can rest assured that our daughter-in-law will be taken care of by his mother-in-law. We can just stay at home and wait for our grandson."

Mi Zhu doesn't really want to go to the city, the most important thing is that his daughter-in-law's family background is much better than theirs, and he seems a bit unable to hold his head up in front of them.

When getting along with in-laws, I feel aggrieved everywhere.

 On the last day of May, ask for a monthly ticket~ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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