Abandoned Women of the Age: Getting Rich by Spatial Warehouses

Chapter 309 It's a joy to talk or a joy to fight

Chapter 309 It's a joy to talk or a joy to fight
Mi Weiguo walked to Shaiguping, looked at a large group of people standing by the car, and at a glance, he didn't recognize anyone, "Who are you? Who are you looking for in the village?"

"Uncle Mi, it's me."

When Yu Qing walked out of the crowd, she was quite helpless, no one told her that the men in her family were taller than her, and two people standing in front blocked her.

"Girl Qing, why do you have time to come back?" Mi Weiguo pointed to the others, "They are"

Yu Qing showed a smile: "Uncle Mi, let me introduce to you. These are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my aunt, and the rest are my elder brothers, and the last one is my younger brother."

Xiang Yisen's face changed slightly. When did he become a brother?

It's not that Yu Qing didn't introduce him on purpose, but she just thinks that she doesn't have a deep friendship with the people in Mijia Village, so there's no need to introduce him so clearly, it's good to just mention it in one sentence.

"Your family?!" Mi Weiguo opened his mouth wide in shock, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Yes, it's guaranteed!" Yu Qing smiled and gave him time to digest the news.

"My dear, so, girl Qing, have you found your family?"

Mi Weiguo carefully looked at the clothes of these people, and suddenly became a little at a loss.Even if he wanted to shake hands to express his welcome, his hands had just been torn from the ground, and they were still stained with mud and he hadn't had time to wash them off.

"Yeah." Yu Qing nodded.

Ruan Xiuhua didn't know that Mi Weiguo was embarrassed, so he took a step forward and warmly held his hand, and said gratefully: "Comrade Mi Weiguo, I heard Qingqing talk about you. It was thanks to you that she woke up when she fell into the river. Otherwise, if you don’t soak to death, you will freeze to death.”

As he said that, he just wanted Ruan Zheng to hold down the new quilt he had prepared
"Okay! It turns out that you, the broomstick star, are back! It's really hard to find anywhere, and it doesn't take much effort to get here!"

Since Yu Xiaoling lost her son's xinxing, she has developed into a madman. At the beginning, she didn't dare to cross the villagers to join in the front in order to watch the fun.

Listening to them talking now, I realized that this beautiful and tall woman was the culprit who killed her son, how could she bear it?

I found someone to vent my grievances at Li Juhua's place today.

While speaking, she rushed forward, startling the villagers who were watching the excitement, this crazy woman went crazy again!
As soon as Yu Xiaoling's words came out, the faces of the Ruan family members turned dark, and the Meng family members turned pale with fright.

It was too late for the Meng family to stop, but they knew in their hearts that the death of their son had nothing to do with anyone else.

Yu Qing was startled by the sudden voice, and when she saw Yu Xiaoling rushing over, she remembered the embarrassment of being pressed by her hair on the hospital bed in the hospital. When she saw her, she felt that her scalp was still painful!
The hair that fell out last time has not fully grown yet.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Last time I wanted to report it on the spot in the hospital, but the health staff took her away. This time she rushed forward, that was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yu Qing pushed away the tall men standing in front of her, and kicked Yu Xiaoling out while she was rushing towards her.

Yu Xiaoling arched her body and fell backwards. With a bang, she fell heavily on the sun valley flat.


After a long while, Yu Xiaoling was relieved, her stomach hurt like hell, as if her intestines were about to burst, she pointed at Yu Qing, "You are courting death!"

It was the first time for the Ruan family to see such an arrogant person.

"I think you are the one looking for death!" Ruan Xiuhua was so angry that the veins throbbed on his forehead, "If you dare to bully my daughter in front of me, treat me as dead!"

"Come, come, tell me why my daughter killed your son. If you can't explain why today, you will be legally responsible for causing damage to my daughter's reputation!"

Yu Xiaoling went crazy, pointing at Yu Qing and blatantly saying: "She has been a broom star since she was a child, she and my son are in the same boat, if her bad luck has not rushed to other people, the boat will not capsize, and neither will the others." Falling into the water is all her fault, all her fault!"

Xiang Yisen walked out suddenly and punched Meng Yubao who was supporting Yu Xiaoling.


Meng Yubao covered his cheeks and glared at Xiang Yisen angrily, "Why are you beating people?"

Seeing someone bullying her family, Yu Xiaoling stood up to protect her, "Why do you beat someone? Just because you are the family member of that broom star?"

"You're right." Xiang Yisen smiled darkly, and punched Meng Yubao in the stomach again.

"Why are you still fighting? Don't fight!" Meng Yuguo, Meng Yu's brothers also came up to stop him.

Xiang Yisen raised his fist and said domineeringly: "I don't hit women, but I can hit men. If this crazy woman says another foul word, I'll hit her man. If she says something, I'll punch him." ! I’m going to see if it’s what you said about it, or I’m playing it best!”

"You and my brother are innocent, she is the one who cursed." Meng Yuguo couldn't find a reason to refute, so he pointed at Yu Xiaoling and said.

"He's innocent? It's his fault for not educating his wife well, and it's his fault for teaching her to bite like a mad dog! So he's not innocent!"

Xiang Yi stared at Meng Yubao sullenly, seeing the guilty look on the other side's face, suddenly a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

At the end, I still didn't forget to warn: "Next time, be careful with your mad dog, and don't let it out to bite people."

Meng Yuguo was furious in his heart. In their village, who dared to speak to their brothers like that, he bowed his head and shouted: "Brother!"

Meng Yubao signaled his second brother to stop talking, he coughed, "cough, take your sister-in-law and let's go!"

Today they encountered a hard stubble, it's better to avoid it!
The people of Mengjia Village fled in embarrassment, and the surrounding villagers were in an uproar.

For so many years, when have they seen the Meng family brothers deflated, today is a gain in knowledge.

Some bold villagers asked: "Miss Qing, are these people really your family?"

"Yes, look how much my dad and I look alike." Yu Qing restrained her anger, and moved her eyes to Ruan Xiuhua's side, making it easy for everyone to compare.

"Hey! It really looks like a father and daughter at a glance."

"Girl Qing, it's just that your father looks too young."

"Ha ha."

"Girl Qing, you came back this time to see your in-laws, cough cough, you pretend I didn't tell you." Aunt Zhang was pulled a bit by the people behind her before she realized that Mi Qianjin had remarried an official lady.

He blushed and retreated into the crowd in embarrassment.

Yu Qing was not angry when facing the simple villagers. They had no bad intentions, but they were used to speaking directly. She smiled and said generously: "After Mi Qianjin and I broke up, we agreed not to communicate with each other forever. Now we It can be said that it has nothing to do with his family. My family came back this time mainly because they wanted to see the place where I lived since I was a child, to see the simple villagers, and to thank the kind people who helped me.”

(End of this chapter)

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