Chapter 310 Thank You
Li Juhua, who was lying behind the big tree at the entrance of the village, was about to be pissed off by the white wolf, but she didn't have the guts to go out and argue. First, she was concerned about the Ruan family. She had seen the Ruan family's toughness just now.The other one is to be scruples about Mi Qianjin. He once warned her not to provoke Yu Qing on her own.

"Girl Qing, where are your parents' homes?"

At this time, Grandma Ruan stepped forward with a smile, "Thank you folks for your concern for us, Qingqing. Our family lives in the provincial capital. Qingqing was lost in an accident when she was a child, and now she is finally found. We have taken care of her from the villagers. Be grateful.

We came back this time mainly to attend her wedding, and we wanted to take a look at the village where she grew up and the benefactors who saved her before the wedding. "

"Wow, girl Qing is getting married too."

The villagers were in an uproar.

"It's not surprising that the female college is going to marry, but I just don't know what the man Qing girl is looking for is what he looks like?"

"What I'm talking about is that ordinary men are not good enough for the current girl Qing."

"Miss Qing, this is the end of all hardships."

"Yes, but Qing girl has found her family now. Depending on the situation, her family is also powerful. Otherwise, she wouldn't have driven four cars. I just don't know if Mi Qianjin will regret it?"

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. No matter those who looked down on Yu Qing in the past, or those who really sympathized with her, they will try their best to say good things now.

Seeing that she is well-off now, the villagers don't want to leave a bad impression no matter whether they have a chance to meet her in the future, or whether they can gain some fame.

Grandma Ruan was very satisfied with the villagers' reactions, she pulled Xiang Yisen over, patted his arm, and said to everyone, "Let me introduce to you, this is Qingqing's fiancé, his name is Xiang Yisen, and he is the The mechanical engineer from here, this time I followed him, I also want everyone to recognize him, so that I don’t know that he is the son-in-law of your village when I meet outside.”

Many villagers were amused by Grandma Ruan's words, saying that the son-in-law of your village brought a lot closer to each other.

"Haha, I got to know you this time, and next time we meet, I'm sure I won't miss you." Mi Weiguo said on behalf of the villagers.

Xiang Yisen smiled: "Thank you for taking care of Qingqing before."

The villagers smiled honestly, they were all embarrassed about this incident, and to be honest, they didn't help Qing girl much, and they were ashamed to be thanked.

Yu Qing walked to Mi Weiguo's side and asked, "Uncle Mi, who rescued me from falling into the water last time? Are they all here now?"

Mi Weiguo searched the crowd, "Almost all of them are here, only Genzi seems to have gone to his grandmother's house, not in the village. But his parents are here to join in the fun."

After hearing this, Mr. Ruan said, "That's just right, Captain Mi, you find them, and we want to thank them on the spot."

"Okay." Mi Weiguo called the crowd, "Erhu, Songzi, Genzi Dad, and Mi Kun, you all come out for me."

After a while, the person who called the roll walked cautiously to the front of the crowd.

Dad Genzi scratched his head, mainly because he was a little embarrassed in front of outsiders, and asked with a smile, "Captain, why did you ask us to come out?"

Mi Weiguo didn't answer him right away, but looked at Mr. Ruan.

Mr. Ruan signaled Ruan Zheng to take out the gift.

Ruan Zheng opened the trunk of the car, and the four brothers brought out a gift together. Each thank you gift was the same, two catties of dried noodles, two catties of candy, two catties of brown sugar, one enamel cup, and one enamel washbasin.

For the Ruan family, these gifts were too light a gift, less than one ten-thousandth of Yu Qing's life, but the tickets that the family could scrape together were limited, so they could only buy these temporarily.

This is due to the large number of people working in their family. To collect these tickets, it is impossible for a family with one or two people to work to collect so many tickets.

Mr. Ruan walked up to the four of them, held their hands one by one and said a word of thanks, and Ruan followed behind to offer the gift of thanks.

Both the villagers receiving the gift and the surrounding villagers were stunned.

There is no need to thank the folks for their help. Even if they want to thank them, they just send a few eggs, a few handfuls of vegetables, or treat them to a light meal.

It was the first time for the Ruan family to send such a large amount of supplies in short supply.

Many people secretly resented why they didn't act earlier that day, otherwise, they would also have a share of today's thank you gift.

"Okay, okay, everyone is gone, let's all go home." Mi Weiguo invited the Ruan family to sit at his house and have a cup of tea.

Yu Qing didn't forget the old Grandpa Meagan who was driving the ox cart. When passing by his house, he also gave him a gift of the same weight.

Old Megan stood in front of the house and refused: "Girl Qing, your gift is too heavy for Grandpa to accept. I didn't do anything that day, so I deserve this gift."

"Old Grandpa Meagan, regardless of your contributions, you will accept this gift as a tribute from the younger generation."

The two declined, and after Mr. Ruan finally opened his mouth, Old Meagan had no choice but to accept it.

When they arrived at Mi Weiguo's courtyard, her wife Li Xiaoju quickly moved stools and poured water for everyone, and waited for everyone to sit down.

Mi Weiguo glanced at Xiang Yisen and said, "If we relied on our village's ox cart that day, we would actually have arrived at the county seat. I guess it would be difficult to save people. Later, I was lucky enough to meet a car from the Lingjiang Hydropower Station. Go to the county seat and wait for me to settle down, and then go back to find them, they have already left."

Yu Qing frowned slightly, and said annoyedly: "Uncle Mi told me about this, but I have never met these two benefactors, and I don't know where to start looking for them?"

"Actually, one of them is far away in the sky and right in front of us." Mi Weiguo hesitated for a while, but still said it.

"Who?" Ruan Xiuhua asked.

Yu Qing had already set her sights on Xiang Yisen, her star-like eyes flickered, and she asked with a happy smile, "Would it be you who sent us to the County Guard at the beginning?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were on him.

Xiang Yisen coughed lightly, and looked at her tenderly and distressedly with his eyes, "It's purely a coincidence. There was no other way to do it at that time, but the sooner he could be sent to the hospital, the more likely he would survive."

"When did you recognize me? You recognized me the first time at the Road Construction Machinery Factory?" Yu Qing asked brightly, it turned out that the two had already been destined for each other.

Xiang Yisen caught a glimpse of his father-in-law looking at him with a relaxed expression, thinking that it might be a good thing to say this.

"I didn't pay attention to you at that time. I only noticed you when I recognized you as our neighbor who lived upstairs and downstairs. I knew that you were the girl in the sunset."

Yu Qing was slightly puzzled, "Since you recognized me earlier, why didn't you tell me?"

 I wish you all a happy Children's Day~every year is as carefree as childhood~
  The new January will continue to climb the list, hope treasurers vote for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and punch cards~
  Thank you very much Feifei~

(End of this chapter)

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