Chapter 311
Xiang Yisen glanced at Mi Weiguo, and said with a light smile, "It's just a matter of little effort, and you are already alive and well, I'm a bit suspicious of taking credit for saying it, it's unnecessary."

"Okay, you convinced me." Yu Qing pouted, "Then tell me who the other person is? Don't tell me that person is Lu Jinzhong!"

Xiang Yisen really laughed out loud this time, "It's him!"

The Ruan family looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what's the story in this Lu Jin?
However, through the conversation just now, the Ruan family has a better understanding of Xiang Yisen's life.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Grandma Ruan pointed to a pile of things next to her with a smile, and the top was a quilt, and said, "This thank you gift is a token of my heart, I hope you will accept it."

"For us?!" Li Xiaoju looked at the top quilt in shock, "Why is there still a quilt? This is too precious, we deserve it."

Grandma Ruan explained: "Back then Qingqing was drenched, so you wrapped her up with the quilt at home. This was equivalent to saving her life. We just gave you a quilt. Don't worry about it. Please accept it with peace of mind. "

"It's too expensive, what a shame."

Li Xiaoju really thinks that a cotton quilt is too expensive. In this day and age when everything needs a ticket, people in the city want to get enough cotton tickets for a quilt, and they don't know how long they will have to save it.

Unlike the rural people, although the farm work is a bit hard, but the family really lacks quilts, they can plant a few ridges of cotton in the private plot, and they can still get enough cotton to make a quilt a year.

Mi Weiguo saw that the Ruan family insisted on giving them away, and they couldn't close the show if they didn't accept them, so he warmly invited them to stay for a light meal.

In the end, the quilt was accepted by the Mi family, and the Ruan family stayed for lunch.

Yu Qing took the Ruan family to Mi Zhu's house while Li Xiaoju was preparing lunch.

Standing outside the farmyard, Yu Qing said, "Here we are, right here."

"Ruan Zheng, go knock on the door."

Mr. Ruan looked at the simple farmyard. The courtyard walls were made of adobe, and the top row of adobe bricks had been washed away by the rain and only half remained.

The gate of the courtyard is old, and there are traces of time everywhere.

In fact, Mi Zhu and his wife had already heard the noise outside the courtyard, but they didn't know whether the Ruan family came to thank you or find fault.

So the couple didn't act presumptuously. When they heard the knock on the door, their hearts fell back to reality. If they could politely knock on the door first, they must not be here to find fault.

The courtyard door opened, and Mi Zhu's gaze met Mr. Ruan's gaze, his heart trembled slightly, he moved his gaze away stiffly, and quickly scanned the crowd, only to find that Yu Qing was not standing in front.

"Can you please come in and have a seat?" Old Man Ruan asked Mi Zhu with a smile as he glanced at the surrounding villagers.

Mi Zhu also noticed that there were villagers watching, and with a smile, he stood aside and let everyone enter the yard.

This time, Li Juhua moved a lot of stools and placed them in the yard with great interest. "The room is dark and the light is not good. Everyone just sit in the yard. It's cool and the air is good."

"It's okay, sitting in the yard is also good." Grandma Ruan said with a smile: "You two sit too, and our two families will chat together."

Mi Zhu pulled out a slightly stiff smile, and said, "Okay, okay, I just boiled a pot of water, first my wife is going to make a pot of tea."

"Don't bother, we just came here after drinking from Captain Mi's house." Mr. Ruan stopped him and explained sincerely: "Don't blame us for going to Captain Mi's house first instead of your adoptive father's house first. Actually, if our Qingqing didn't have Captain Mi's decisiveness back then, she wouldn't be able to live to this day, the grace of saving lives is greater than the sky, and it is also possible to go to see him first, don't you think?"

With the kindness of life-saving, Mi Zhu could only swallow it unwillingly, and had to nod, "You are right, we owe Qing girl, and we have suffered a lot and suffered a lot in our family these years. , but didn't enjoy a day of happiness, it's because I, as a father, have no ability to give her a better life."

The corners of Ruan Xiuhua's mouth, who is also his father, couldn't help twitching, really aggrieved!

Their rank is not low, and they take the initiative to apologize as soon as they come up, making them feel embarrassed to say something.

Mr. Ruan looked at him with a complicated expression, and comforted him, "I can't blame you. You brought her back and gave her a shelter from the wind and rain. It was the best of humanity. She should do some housework and farm work, yes. People have to support themselves."

Mi Zhu lowered his eyes and realized that this old man was also an old fritter, so he was not easy to deal with, so it's better to speak clearly.

So he avoided the seriousness and said lightly: "I am ashamed of Qing girl, I hope she will not care about these things with me, adults don't care about villains, and I will be satisfied when I have time to visit us two old people."

Grandma Ruan patted Yu Qing's hand, and asked lovingly: "Qingqing, you are familiar with this yard, right?"

Yu Qing gave a soft "hmm".

"Then tell grandma, which room did you live in?" Grandma Ruan said excitedly, "Take grandma to have a look."

Hearing this, Li Juhua's face turned pale, and she wanted to stop her, but she didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of these provincial people.

Yu Qing glanced at Li Juhua's pale face and Mi Zhu's nervous expression, and smiled sarcastically, "Grandma, there's nothing to see in that room, it's dark and damp, it's really not suitable for you to go in."

The faces of the Ruan family sank when they heard this.

"Dark and damp?" Grandma Ruan pointed to one of the wing rooms and asked, "Is that the room?"

Ruan Jing followed the direction of her finger and said with a chuckle, "Grandma, I'm not qualified to live in this room. This is the room of Mi Qianjin's own sister. The room I live in is in the northeast near the firewood room."

"Northeast, it's no wonder it's dark and humid. It's neither east nor west." Grandma Ruan touched her granddaughter's hair distressedly.

In fact, Mi’s house also has a West Wing room for storing sundries, but Li Juhua thinks that the West Wing is convenient for storing things.

If the utility room was moved to the small room in the northeast, it would be inconvenient to carry some commonly used things, so Yu Qing has never been asked to change rooms.

Mr. Ruan intuitively understood the character of Mi Zhu and his wife, and he didn't want to waste time here, letting them accept the gift and want to leave.

In fact, Mi Zhu had already noticed that the gift in the hand of the junior was just some ordinary food, and he felt a little dissatisfied.

"Then when did girl Qing get married? We took the time to go there, mainly because we raised her and wanted to watch her get married."

This requirement, if you change to other adoptive parents, Mr. Ruan will allow it.

Yu Qing glanced at the shameless couple with a half-smile, and reminded them: "You guys are serious, the city is too far away from here, don't force yourself, and it's the busy season of farming, you don't have extra time to go outside .

Besides, the most important condition when Mi Qianjin and I broke up at the beginning was that we should not communicate with each other forever.If I do what I want today, I will not come back.It's just that my family members want to meet you and talk about their feelings, so they made this trip. I hope you will also be a little self-aware. "

What did you say that you want to see yourself get married? It's because you have taken a fancy to the power of the Ruan family and want to take advantage of it.

How could their husband and wife's thoughts be hidden from the people who lived there, after all, everyone is not a fool.

"Girl Qing, is this how you miss us?" Mi Zhu asked sadly.

"What do you think?" Yu Qing asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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