Chapter 312
Leaving Mi Zhu's house, Li Xiaoju prepared meals for everyone except for a bacon and an egg, and the rest were all vegetables grown by herself.

Although the meals are not rich, the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

When leaving, Xiang Yisen wanted to take Yu Qing into his car, but Ruan Xiuhua pulled him into the car first.Brat, yesterday they were drunk and didn't care about my daughter, so they let him ride with her in the car.

Ruan, who was in the same car, was driven to take Xiang Yisen's car.

On the way back, Mr. Ruan and Yu Qing talked about Mi Weiguo's family, "This man is worth making friends with, he is upright and loyal. Although his wife has some women's petty thoughts, she is also a person who takes care of the overall situation. From the beginning you Falling into the water, she took out the quilt at home and wrapped you up without hesitation, so you can tell."

"Well, grandpa is right." Yu Qing nodded, "The last time I changed my hukou and came back, he helped me throughout the whole process. Later, I wanted to visit them more when I had time, but I couldn't spare because of so many things. time."

Mr. Ruan looked at his granddaughter with relief, "It's not your fault, there will be time in the future."

Then I talked about some dishes for the banquet held on May [-]st. The dishes are easy to arrange, but meat is a bit difficult in this age.

Mr. Ruan wanted to use his relationship to make a batch of pork and chicken, but was stopped by Yu Qing.

"Grandpa, leave it to me, I have connections."

"Are you sure you won't delay?"

"Well, sure." Yu Qing nodded seriously. Yesterday she ordered a batch of pork, chicken and fish online, as well as dry goods.

For example, dried fungus, day lily, dried shiitake mushrooms, etc.

These dry goods can be served with several dishes.

As for vegetables, etc., the cafeteria of the power station has to buy goods every day, and they will help her solve them.

Feeling guilty, Ruan Xiuhua rubbed the top of her head distressedly, and said, "Originally when you got married, we adults should take care of it for you, but now you have to worry about it. It's our negligence as parents."

Yu Qing didn't care about these details. She got married and her whole family came, except for her uncle who was far away from other places.

Just relying on this point, she can be moved so much, other things are trivial, and the family doesn't need to worry too much about it.

"If you can come and see me off to get married, I will be very content."

"My daughter's requirements are too low."

"Satisfaction is always bliss. I don't like complaining all day long." Yu Qing smiled and said while wrapping Ruan Xiuhua's arm.

Mr. Ruan was staring at the co-pilot, and suddenly felt that the co-pilot he liked to sit in was no longer good.

Back in the county seat, Xiang Yisen left Ruan Zheng outside the guest house because he still had something to do at the construction site, talked to his grandpa Ruan, took a deep look at Yu Qing, and drove away.

The family took a trip to the countryside, and the southerly wind was blowing in this weather, making people a little drowsy, so they all fell asleep.

Yu Qing went out for a while, and when she came back, she carried a lot of biscuits and candies in bulk.There are also wedding supplies.

These were all ordered online, so I took this opportunity to take them out.

Labour day.

Before dawn, the cafeteria of the power station got busy, and began to prepare today's breakfast.

There is a wedding banquet at noon today. This is the first time the cafeteria has hosted a staff wedding banquet since it was opened.

Master Wu, the master chef in the cafeteria, was under a lot of pressure, mainly because the station leader also told him not to make mistakes.

The ingredients for the wedding banquet were delivered yesterday for their cafeteria to process first. Now they are basically semi-finished products, and they only need to be returned to the pot for processing at noon before they can be served on the table.

Even so, there are still many things to do. The staff in the back kitchen of the cafeteria are not familiar with the process, and they feel a little nervous, causing their hands and feet to panic.

After breakfast, all the staff in the station went to work, and the people in the cafeteria began to prepare the lunch.

There was a dish of pickled pork with preserved vegetables. Chen Yuzhu sighed while cutting tiger skin and pork. Aunt Huang, who was sitting next to her, listened a few more times and couldn't help joking: "Why, you are not reconciled?"

Chen Yuzhu came back to his senses with an inexplicable expression on his face, "What am I not reconciled to?"

Aunt Huang explained: "Your wedding is as simple as giving out a wedding candy, but Comrade Yu, who is also an employee, has eight dishes, four cold dishes and twelve dishes. The wedding of the two of you can be said to be very different. Are you not jealous?"

"." Chen Yuzhu sighed helplessly, and admitted generously: "I'm not only jealous, I'm also envious. Every woman wants to be the most beautiful bride, but the reality has to make us bow our heads. Not everyone is like Yu Qing. Good luck, envy and jealousy are useless. The only thing that comforts me is that our family, Daming, treats me well."

"Tsk, married women are different. After being nourished by men, they will learn to speak well for men."

Chen Yuzhu smiled uncomfortably: "Da Ming is a good man, I'm just telling the truth."

"It's also your luck to find such a responsible and pragmatic man as Qiao Daming." Aunt Huang felt a little sour because her own man would not be considerate.

Yu Qing chatted with Grandma Ruan a little late last night, and this morning was the first time she overslept since she came to the power station.

When she woke up, Grandma Ruan had already found breakfast from the cafeteria, "Qingqing, come over to have breakfast after washing up. I have too many things to do today, so I didn't do it myself, so I called directly from the cafeteria."

"Thank you grandma, this is very good. You have been too tired these two days, why didn't you sleep a little longer." Yu Qing sat at the table and picked up the steamed bun and took a bite.

"As you get older and sleep less, you usually get up at this hour. The stove has already boiled hot water, and you will take a shower after breakfast. It's time to get dressed."

"Grandma, it doesn't have to be so early. They have to finish lunch before they come to pick up the bride. Don't worry."

Grandma Ruan glared at her reproachfully, "It's getting late, after you get dressed, it's almost time to meet the bride, and the person who can't meet the bride is here, you haven't dressed yet, what a joke."

It's just that she has just taken a shower and hasn't dressed up yet. Mr. Ruan, who has been living in the county town for the past two days, rushed back with his family.

As the granddaughter was dressing up, it was difficult for Mr. Ruan and the men of the Ruan family to come in and watch, but the aunt Shi Huilan was very curious about what Yu Qing would look like dressed up.
She went into the bedroom and closed the door, "Qingqing, you haven't changed into your wedding clothes yet?"

"Well, auntie, you guys are here early. I just finished taking a shower, and grandma is trying to dry my hair."

"It's so beautiful!" Shi Huilan noticed the Xiuhe dress on the bed, and the heavy industry's embroidery almost blinded her eyes, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "My dear, big niece, where did you order this dress?" Made? Those who don’t know this may think it’s the collection of some lady.”

She went up to check it out, it was a new cloth, not a collection.

 There is a child who celebrates Children’s Day at home, and I am so tired after playing with him all day~
  However, no matter how tired you are, you have to ask for a monthly ticket~
  Baby, take care~
(End of this chapter)

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