Chapter 314 Wedding
"Brother Sen, where did you buy this suit? How much did it cost?"

"Yeah, how much did it cost? If it's convenient, help the brothers get one too."

Among these six people, except for Lu Jinzhong who grew up together, the others are all thorns in various factories, but they are extremely obedient in front of Xiang Yisen.

Lu Jinzhong, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, glanced at someone who was so handsome that everyone was angry with him, then looked back at the two people in the back seat, and said meanly: "His suit must have been given by someone else, it is unique, you guys Just forget about it."

Without even thinking about it, he knew that Yu Qing must have given it to him.

"Sister-in-law gave it?"

"Brother Sen, even if sister-in-law gave it to you, you can ask us after you get married. If you can get the best one, let it go."

This "sister-in-law" pleased Xiang Yisen's body and mind. He glanced at the rearview mirror and nodded while driving, "Okay, after today I will help you to ask."

"Brother Sen, I'll order a set too." Lu Jinzhong was afraid of leaving him behind.

"This suit is not cheap. Let me tell you first, I won't pay you any money."

Lu Jinzhong said with a distressed expression: "Brother Sen, you have to be kind in life, talking about money hurts your feelings."

"This matter is not negotiable." Xiang Yisen didn't want his daughter-in-law to be thankless for her efforts, and she was determined not to give money, especially the kid next to him, who was a big spender since he was a child, and his savings were cleaner than his face.

Otherwise, the last time I went to Yangcheng to earn money, the other two knew that they would come back to buy a house, and before he got into the car, he spent more than the money he earned, and even gave the money in, buying a radio recorder that was not suitable for eating or using.

The car with the red happy letter on it drove all the way into the Lingjiang Hydropower Station.

Ruan An, who was in charge of setting off the firecrackers, shouted into the house when he heard the sound of the car horn from afar: "Here we come!"

I kept my hands and feet, and quickly prepared the firecrackers, spreading them all the way from the road to the front of the building.

When the car came into view, the children around the firecrackers were pushed away and the firecrackers were lit.

With the sound of "cracking" firecrackers, the energetic groom got out of the car.

Seeing today's handsome groom, the crowd screamed. Today is May Day, and many employees didn't go back to their hometown or go out to play in order to participate in today's wedding banquet.

Just waiting to see this 'unique wedding'.

Sister Lu and Sister Pan, who were helping in the cafeteria, also ran out to watch the excitement when they heard the sound of firecrackers.

"Xiang Gong is much more handsome in his outfit today than usual!"

"Blessed girl Qing, I heard that she still has real estate in the city."

Pan Li tugged at Lu Zhenlan, and urged: "Don't look, anyway, they won't leave until after lunch. Let's go to the cafeteria to help. When the wedding receptionist arrives, maybe the meal will be served later."

In Yu Qing's small apartment, the living room was filled with dowry, and the family couldn't entertain so many guests. Just like last time, the tables and stools were all placed on the lawn in front of the building.

Xiang Yisen stepped on the firecracker debris all the way to the front of the building like stepping on a red carpet.

"Wow!" Lu Jinzhong covered his mouth and muttered to the brothers behind him in a low voice: "I thought Brother Sen's suit was unique, but I didn't expect his uncles to have the same set. Tsk! His father-in-law wore this suit." One set, if we stand together we think we are brothers."

Facing the four obstacles, Xiang Yisen shouted in a good-tempered manner: "Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, Andy."

And handed over four big red envelopes.

Ruan Zheng took the lead to accept the red envelope and put it in his own pocket, the other three followed suit, and finally Ruan Yong returned a small red flower.

Xiang Yisen glanced at the little red flowers on their chests, took them and looked down, the word 'groom' made him smile immediately, "Thank you, brother-in-law, I'll put them on right away."

Pin the little red flower on the left chest, seeing that the four uncles have not yet given way.

Xiang Yisen hurriedly asked the brothers in the back to distribute the candy, and the women and children onlookers were the most, and the candy was sprinkled out. The lesbians who had just watched the handsome men drooling, immediately bent down and grabbed the candy from the children.

Lu Jinzhong led the two brothers who were in charge of spreading sugar to be a money-spreading boy. Forgive them for their inexperience and not knowing when to sprinkle and when to restrain themselves.Can only act by wink.

"Four uncles, can you let me in?" Xiang Yisen looked over their shoulders and looked at the door not far away.

At this moment, Ruan Xiuhua came over and said with a serious face, "We have to finish lunch before we leave, what's the hurry?"

Xiang Yisen: "."

Ruan Zheng suppressed a smile and said, "Brother-in-law, sit outside and rest for a while, and bring the brothers to have a cup of tea first."

Xiang Yisen and several brothers were arranged to sit down at a table, and when Zhu Mei poured the tea and left, Lu Jinzhong raised his chin, "Brother Sen, you and your father-in-law go out, people who don't know you will definitely think they are brothers .”

"Haha, just now we saw the word "Father" written on the little red flower on his chest, and we thought we were delusional, but it turned out to be your father-in-law!"

"Brother Sen, we will become a family in the future, you and your son-in-law can go out and play together."

"Brother Sen, I think your father-in-law has better skin than you. If you don't know your age in advance, I think you are about the same age."

Xiang Yisen touched his face, gritted his teeth and asked, "Do I look that old?"

At noon, a meal was held in the canteen of the power station.

The four King Kongs of the Ruan family wanted to make things difficult for Xiang Yisen, and a girl would appear around them from time to time to strike up a conversation with them.

Looking at the busy Four King Kongs, Xiang Yisen gave Lu Jinzhong a thumbs up.It's still this kid's method that hurts!

Yu Qing ate lunch in the bedroom. Although the ancient wedding custom is not popular now, Grandma Ruan didn't let her go out to show her face before getting into the wedding car, so she could only stay in the bedroom and wait for the kiss.

After the banquet, everyone went to watch the dowry together again, as modern electrical appliances were placed on the grounds waiting to be loaded into the car, and they didn't know how many envious and jealous eyes they got.

Especially Peng Guoli, his guts were full of regrets. He thought he had met Yu Qing before he came to the power station, but he didn't seize the opportunity.

If there is regret medicine in the world, he must.
It's too late to regret!

After dawdling to figure out everything, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when a group of vehicles set off.

When I got back to the city, I took off the dowry and moved it back to the yard. It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at the state-run hotel.

Almost all the people who came to the wedding were present.

There should not be many ordinary people sitting in the front seat, because she found that there were a few people who sat on the rostrum at the No. [-] Middle School meeting last time.

There were also a few heavyweights sitting beside Mr. Ruan, but they all spoke respectfully to Mr. Ruan.

Yu Qing looked at Secretary Qin and Quan Jifeng who were helping to entertain the guests in surprise, and asked Xiang Yisen, "When did the two leaders come to the city?"

"We came together in the car in the afternoon. It's just that they got out of the car when they passed by the hotel and didn't go to the yard." Xiang Yisen looked at her tenderly and replied.

 Xiang Yisen: "We are finally married, friends who have persisted here, hurry up and vote for some monthly tickets as gifts~"

(End of this chapter)

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