Chapter 315 The Wedding Banquet
When they were toasting at the table, through the introduction of Yu Qing, they knew that most of the city-level political circles were here, but they didn't know whether it was for the sake of Mr. Ruan, Mr. Xiang, or both.

After a round of toasting, Yu Qing and Xiang Yisen had signed up in front of the leader, at least they wouldn't be embarrassed to say hello next time they meet.

"Issori, I wish you a happy wedding." When it was the turn of the table behind, Xiang Yi stood up and said cordially.

"Why are they here?" Yu Qing gestured to the people sitting at this table with her eyes.

Xiang Yisen lowered his head and leaned into her ear and clarified softly: "We didn't send him an invitation card. It seems that we came in cheekily after hearing the news."

Coupled with today's big day, it is impossible for Xiang's father to make a move in front of the guests.

Xiang Yisen nodded to the guests at this table, lightly clinked glasses with everyone, and then moved to the next table.

Xiang Yi wanted to say something else, but Xiang Yisen didn't give him a chance.

Xiang Qin complained: "Dad, look at my uncle, he doesn't take us seriously. This family is becoming more and more impersonal."

"That's right, no matter what, we are also his elder brother and sister-in-law. You see, he treats us less enthusiastically than he treats other outsiders." Xiang's mother was also full of anger, and of course she wanted to vent it at this time.

"It's outside, so don't say a few words." Xiang Yi saw that other people at the same table were looking at him, so he hurriedly stopped the mother and daughter from complaining in a low voice, so as not to be seen as a joke.

"By the way, go ahead, I heard you say that this bride is your adopted daughter some time ago? Why didn't you see your parents come to this wedding banquet?" Xiang Yi asked again.

After Xiang Qin pinched him, Mi Qianjin looked away and said with a forced smile, "I don't know too well. Since she came out to work, she rarely contacted her family."

Xiang Yi nodded, it's hard to say much in this restaurant.

Xiang Qin hated secretly, staring at him with fiery eyes, and said in a low voice: "She is your sister in name, don't look at her with the eyes of a woman, I look disgusting at the side, and... if you let me Uncle found out, he can make you hungry!"

"I found that the current you like to think wildly, and always like to catch wind and shadows when you have nothing to do." Mi Qianjin's mind was exposed, and he never admitted it on the face.

"Hehe." Xiang Qin's laughter, I don't know if it was sarcasm or sarcasm, for the sake of the Xiang family's face, she was too lazy to argue with this man outside.

The wedding was very lively, and after seeing off the guests, Ruan Xiuhua gave Yu Qing two train tickets for the day after tomorrow.

He solemnly confessed to Xiang Yisen, "Yisen."

This was the first time that Ruan Xiuhua spoke to him so calmly.


"Yeah." Ruan Xiuhua looked at his daughter with great reluctance, "I'll hand over my precious girl to you, our Ruan family has only one girl like this, and I wanted to be pampered at home for a few years, but I didn't expect you to get ahead of me. You are free to love each other together, I hope that in the days to come, you will tolerate her more, understand her, love her, and make her happy."

"Dad" Yu Qing called him tenderly, her eyes were a little moist.But she is not an emotional person, and she quickly restrained her emotions.

Xiang Yisen put his arms around his daughter-in-law's shoulders, and with a slightly drunken face, he assured him, "Dad, don't worry."

Yu Qing looked at Father Ruan whose face darkened, and pursed her lips and smiled lightly.It seems that this man is really a little drunk, otherwise he wouldn't have called her father old.

"I will be by Qingqing's side no matter what hardships I encounter in the future. Of course, with our two smart heads, our lives cannot be difficult. For the rest of my life, I will do my best to give Qingqing happiness and protect her from letting her go. Hurt."

Ruan Xiuhua nodded, "I hope you will always remember your promise."

Mr. Ruan came with his family, and Grandma Ruan stepped forward to hug Yu Qing, and said, "Qingqing, we will wait for you at home when you return from three courts the day after tomorrow. Take a good rest at home these two days, and we won't say goodbye to you when we leave tomorrow."

Yu Qing was full of reluctance to let her family leave, "When will you get the car tomorrow? We will go to the station to see you off tomorrow."

Grandma Ruan scratched her nose with a smile, and said angrily: "Silly boy, how can a woman go to see her natal family before going to the third dynasty when she goes out? Our family will take care of ourselves. Remember to take the car to visit her the day after tomorrow." Grandma will do."

It is considered unlucky for a woman to see her natal family within three dynasties after leaving the house. Although Yu Qing didn't believe this, she didn't want her grandma to worry, so she followed her way.

"Grandma, Dad, Aunt Zhou, aunts and brothers and sisters, I wish you a safe journey in advance."

"In-laws, welcome to the provincial capital. If you have time, go to the house with the children. From now on, we will be in-laws, so we need to move around more among relatives." Ruan Xiuhua said while holding Father Xiang's hand.

Looking at his father-in-law's thick black hair and face without any trace of age, Xiang's father felt complicated.

When the two stand together and don't know it, they think they are two generations!
"What my in-laws said is that next time I have time, I will definitely go to see you with the children. This time, because of the busy work and the rush of time, our two families did not get together properly."

This time the Ruan family lived directly in the guest house, and did not go to the small courtyard to disturb the lives of the newlyweds. They sent the Ruan family away, Xiang's father settled the hotel bill, and the family of three drove back home. It was already dark.

As soon as he entered the house and looked at the rough arrangement of the dowry, Father Xiang rubbed his waist wearily, and said, "I'm going to wash up and rest first. I've been tired all day, so you should go to bed early."

"Okay, Dad, good night." Yu Qing asked Xiang Yisen to quickly boil hot water for Xiang's father to wash.

Wait for Father Xiang to wash up and go to bed.

The couple simply took a shower before returning to their room to rest.

As soon as she returned to the bedroom, Yu Qing was pushed against the back of the door by Xiang Yisen, and what followed was his passionate kiss.

Infected by his enthusiasm, Yu Qing put her arms around his neck, raised her head on tiptoe to greet him, and responded with the same enthusiasm.

It has been a long time since the two of them had been intimate since Grandma Ruan came.

Miss each other tightly.

At this moment, no matter whether it is legally or customarily, the husband and wife who are well-behaved do not feel that there is anything wrong with doing so.

Xiang Yisen let go of Yu Qing, smacked his lips, seemed to be reminiscing, and smiled lowly.

That night, there was a cool breeze outside, blowing the light bulbs in the house and swaying all night.

The fighting in the room was lingering and intense, and traces of each other were left behind the door, on the dressing table, etc. everywhere.

The next day, the family didn't get up until the morning, and Xiang's father sat at the dining table after washing up, looking as if he was still awake.

Yu Qing cared and said: "Dad, you have worked hard during this time. If you feel that you haven't recovered yet, go back to sleep after breakfast."

 can you pass~

(End of this chapter)

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