Chapter 316
Father Xiang couldn't help but yawned and shook his head, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

After all, when Yu Qing was not paying attention, she gave the boy sitting across from him a look. Last night's lack of restraint caused him to not sleep well the next night downstairs. Really.
Don't know what to say about him?

Besides, young people should not take advantage of their physical strength to be unscrupulous.

Xiang Yisen took a mouthful of rice noodles, raised his eyebrows and stared at him provocatively, I am young because I have good physical strength, what can you do?

Yu Qing asked: "What are your plans for today? I want to go to the store after breakfast later."

"I'm fine, I'll go with you." After Xiang Yisen finished speaking, he asked Xiang's father opposite him: "How about you, old man?"

"I like to be quiet, so I won't join in the fun. I'll sleep at home." Xiang's father's tone was not good. This unfilial son made him not sleep well, and now his head aches a little.

Yu Qing noticed faintly throbbing veins on Father Xiang's forehead with an inexplicable face. Are you angry?
Not understanding why he was angry, Yu Qing dragged Xiang Yisen out of the house after breakfast.

After getting into the car, Yu Qing asked, "Is your father angry?"

"No, maybe it's because I've been too busy and tired in the past few days, and my temper is a bit irritable." Xiang Yisen didn't dare to tell her the truth, he was afraid that she would turn into anger from embarrassment and finally he would get hurt.

"Then let's kill a chicken and stew it at noon today, and stew it with ginseng for a few hours to drink at night, so that Dad can replenish his vitality."

Xiang Yisen drove the car to the main street, and while paying attention to the front, he said with a smile: "Well, you have a good idea, you both need to make up your strength, you are not strong enough."

Yu Qing received his pointed eyes, blushed and ignored him, but talked about other things, "How is the shop looking like now? Have you paid attention to it these days?"

"I don't have time for these two days. After you left, I informed Brother Hua. It should be fixed after a few days. Let's go and have a look." Xiang Yisen gave her a gentle sideways glance, "You Urgent?"

"It's not that I need it urgently, but I just want to take advantage of the few days of wedding leave to smooth out these things in the city. The sooner I open the business to make money, the sooner I can feel at ease."

While the two were talking, the car stopped in front of the shop.

Xiang Yisen parked the car, got out of the car and removed the door panels one by one.

Yu Qing followed into the shop, and turned on the door switch casually, and the fluorescent lights in the shop lit up one by one.

Opening a store and doing business in this era is really simple and rude, and the storefront does not need to be decorated so exquisitely, just paint the walls white and connect the lights.

Of course, Yu Qing just sold an electric fan and didn't think it would be too good to pretend.

"The walls have been whitewashed and the ground has been cleaned up. As long as the goods arrive, we can open the door for business." Xiang Yisen said after checking.

"Well. The goods should be here soon." The goods have long been piled up in the warehouse of her studio, but they just need to find a chance to release them.

Yu Qing glanced at Xiang Yisen who was carefully checking the lamps. She wanted to live with him for the rest of her life, did she really want to keep lying?
"When you need help, you must say so."

"Well, I won't be polite to you. You are my husband now."

When they got home at noon, the two cooked two dishes casually for a simple lunch.Yu Qing cleared the table and asked Xiang Yisen to catch a chicken and kill it.

"Are you going to kill the chicken again?" Xiang's father asked casually when he heard that he was going to kill the chicken.

"Well, we bought this chicken from the countryside to make it convenient for us to eat meat. We don't have any food at home, so we cook chicken soup at night. Everyone has been exhausted these days, so it's just a matter of time for everyone to make up for it together." Yu Qing She explained with a smile that she was afraid that Father Xiang would misunderstand that she was a gluttonous foodie.

"Those chickens are laying eggs. It's a pity to kill them." Xiang's father has seen the quality of life of his son and daughter-in-law during his stay here.

Meat is basically never broken, unless they don't want to eat meat, otherwise meat can be seen on the dining table.

There is no fresh meat, and bacon has to be on top.

But the daughter-in-law doesn't eat much meat, the meat in the bowl is basically settled by him and Xiang Yisen.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Nothing is as important as good health." Yu Qing took the tray out of the living room and went into the kitchen to clean it.

Xiang Yisen boiled water to kill the chicken, "Is the old man reluctant to eat chicken?"

"Well, the older generation is used to saving money."

"The old man bought a train ticket for tomorrow morning."

"He bought his ticket?" Yu Qing was taken aback, "Why didn't I hear him say that?"

"Don't forget that we will also take the train to the provincial capital tomorrow. He takes the same train as us, but he has to sit at the terminal, and we just get off the train when we arrive at the provincial capital."

"It's better to take a ride with us, we can take care of as much as we can."

Yu Qing thought about it when they went to the provincial capital tomorrow, Xiang's father would be bored staying at home alone, besides, he has been here for a while, and the vacation may not be many days away.

After washing the dishes, she cleaned up the dowry brought in yesterday, fearing that Father Xiang would be bored sitting at home, so she moved the [-]-inch black and white TV out of the cardboard box.

Plug in the power, the TV is full of snowflakes when it is turned on.

Father Xiang became interested and walked over, "I don't know how many stations you can receive here?"

"The central station and the local station should be able to receive it." Yu Qing pulled out the antenna and said while turning the tuner.

Father Xiang saw that Yu Qing hadn't tuned out after a long time, so he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do it himself, "Let me debug it."

"Then you come, I'll clean up the house." Yu Qing stepped aside and continued to clean up the house.

In the bedroom where Ruan Zheng and Grandma Ruan slept, they folded the quilts and put them in the closet. These quilts and sheets will not be taken down to wash and dry until they return from the provincial capital.

In the end, she dragged the whole room upstairs and downstairs. It was more exercise than doing exercise, and she was so tired that she was out of breath.

Xiang's father sat on the sofa and watched TV leisurely, drinking tea and eating melon seeds, very comfortable.

Yu Qing understood now that why Father Xiang wanted to find another woman, it was all to take care of his daily life.Maybe the reality is a bit different from the ideal, and the person I am looking for is not the virtuous person it seems on the surface.

With his temperament of not caring about everything at home, being his woman is tiring!

"Qingqing, is this chicken going to be stewed now?"

Xiang Yisen's questioning voice came from the kitchen.

Yu Qing picked up the mop and went out, "Yes, you chop it up and blanch it in water, then stew it slowly in a casserole."


After tidying up the house, Yu Qing looked at the refrigerator in the living room and still found it inconvenient to use.

"Comrade Xiang, let's move this refrigerator into the kitchen. It's too obstructive and inconvenient to use."

"You are the hostess of the house, you can do whatever you want."

Yu Qing originally rolled up her sleeves and wanted to help carry them together, but Xiang Yisen refused, "Old man, don't just sit there and watch TV, come and help me."

Yu Qing never thought of instigating her father-in-law, so she hurriedly said, "Let me do it."

"Let me do it, you are a lesbian and have little strength." Father Xiang stood up and carried the refrigerator to the kitchen together.

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(End of this chapter)

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