Chapter 317 Late Night Visit
Everything was silent, and it was pitch black under the sky.

In this dark night, only the operation workshop and the duty room of the security department of the Lingjiang Hydropower Station are still lit.

Although the street lamps in the factory area were on, the distance between the lamps was too far. In the dark night, the lights fell into the sea like water droplets.

A petite black shadow passed through the residential area, stopped in front of a building, lay in the corner for a long time, and then moved the figure up the stairs to the second floor.

"Dong dong dong."

In the dead of night, the knock on the door seemed particularly abrupt.

"Who is it?"

A deep and lazy male voice sounded from inside the house, from which it could be heard that the owner of the voice was awakened from sleep.

With the sound of shoes being trampled, the door was opened.

Jian Wenji looked at the little girl standing outside the door, and she had an impression in her memory that she seemed to be an employee of the power station, but she couldn't remember the exact name for a while.

So, after waiting for a while, seeing that the other party did not speak, he asked puzzledly: "This lesbian, is it you who knocked on the door? It's late at night, what do you want from me?"

Yu Tiantian raised her head and glanced at the man across the street wearing only a vest and shorts, she lowered her head shyly, "Chief Jane, can I go in and talk?"

Jian Wenji didn't know what was going on, so he glanced at the opposite door reflexively, and then thought to himself in annoyance, there was no one living on the other side, what was he looking at?

He didn't have any shady affairs with this lesbian, so what was he afraid of?
"come in."

After all, step aside, the lesbian walked past him, and could still smell the scent of toilet water coming from her body.

In the dead of night, in this enclosed space, and lonely men and widows, it's hard for people not to have daydreams in their minds.

Jian Wenji's apartment was no different from that of other employees, the only difference was that he had an extra sofa in his small living room.

"Want to drink water?"

He went over to sit on the sofa, poured himself a glass of water, drank a few more glasses with a few colleagues during dinner, and was a little thirsty at the moment.

When he raised his head, most of the water in the enamel tank went down.

"No, thanks."

"Oh." Jian Wenji put down the enamel jar, leaned back, and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the lesbian standing in front of him.

A red dress outlined the graceful figure unique to lesbians, and made her fair complexion even more tender.

Yu Tiantian has been paying attention to the other party from the corner of her eyes. Seeing him squinting, she feels secretly happy, disgusted, and more entangled.

She moved her steps carefully, looked at him timidly, and asked, "Chief Jane, I heard that the station is going to build a hotel in the urban area?"

"Well, there is such a thing, how did you know?" Jian Wenji asked with a smile, motioning for her to sit down and speak slowly.

"Everyone knows this in private, and it's not a secret."

Jian Wenji nodded, this is really not a secret.Just wait for her to go on.

Yu Tiantian moved to his side, leaned forward, and asked in a low voice: "I heard that a purchasing department will be established in the city, is this true?"

She had heard from her parents before that working in the procurement department was full of money, and not only was there a subsidy for business trips, sometimes the cost could also be paid for.

Jian Wenji squinted his eyes slightly. From his perspective, he could just see the scenery inside through the slightly opened collar.

The scenery is infinitely good, but you can't see it.

Regret in life!

"I'm just a small publicity section chief, not a leader at the decision-making level. I really don't know much about it."

Jian Wenji admired the beautiful scenery as motionless as a mountain.

Yu Tiantian looked at the greasy round face, endured the nausea in her heart, and pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Section Chief Jian, are you joking? I heard that the station plans to transfer you to be the section chief of the purchasing department. Why do you Don't you know?"

As soon as these words came out, Jian Wenji knew it in his heart, so he just said, a little girl came to him in the middle of the night, and her purpose was not simple.

He yawned, and his body leaning on the sofa became more relaxed, and he looked drowsy, which made the people watching by him a little bit unmotivated.

Seeing that the other party tended to ignore her, Yu Tiantian was anxious, why didn't this man follow the steps she imagined?

Pushed him, "Section Chief, Section Chief Jane, don't sleep."

Jian Wenji opened his mouth slightly, "Oh, that, what did you just say?"

He pointed to his ear, "I didn't hear clearly."

Seeing his drowsy appearance, Yu Tiantian was furious. She was sitting beside him with a beautiful woman, but he was indifferent.

Thinking about the scene when his brother and sister-in-law got along in his mind, his heart moved, and he moved to his side again.

Gently leaning on his shoulders, she leaned into his ear and breathed Rulan, "Mr. Jian, we do not swear. I want to join the purchasing department. Is it possible?"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Tiantian saw Jian Wenji tremble all over as she wished, and her ears turned red instantly.

Jian Wenji panicked and wanted to sit up straight, but the other party lay on top of him, so he couldn't sit up for a while.

He frantically tried to push Yu Tiantian away again, but it took him a while to realize that he pushed the wrong place with his hand.

Hastily explained incoherently: "That, that, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I didn't mean it."

Yu Tiantian's face turned red, and her gaze shyly crossed his face, is his gaze electrified?

Why did the current hit her heart directly?

Jian Wenji, the old fox, of course caught the other's daze in his eyes, and sneered in his heart. The little girl who didn't understand anything had the audacity to break into his wolf's lair late at night.

I really don't know whether to say she is ignorant or bold!
He asked apologetically, "Just now, what did you say? You want to join the purchasing department?"

Yu Tiantian came back to her senses, and for a moment forgot that she was still lying on top of the other party, "Yes, yes, Section Chief Jian, do you have a solution?"

"This..." Jian Wenji didn't hide the embarrassment on his face, "It's really not up to me to decide which one joins the procurement department. These are the people transferred from above."

But Yu Tiantian could tell from these words that there was still room for this matter. Seeing this helpless middle-aged man, he knew at a glance that he was new to the world in terms of women.

So she became bolder, gritted her teeth, and sat directly on his lap, "I know Section Chief Jane must have a way, so you can help me figure out a way, I really like this job of purchasing."

Jian Wenji gasped, feeling extremely shocked, all lesbians these days are so fierce, so let go?

Seeing Jian Wenji's round face flushed, Yu Tiantian felt complacent and became even more excited. She shook her head and said coquettishly, "Chief Jian, can you help me figure out a solution?"

Jian Wenji noticed signs of raising her head, this damn girl, did she know that she was playing with fire?
But then I thought that I was a widower now, and even if something happened, I could still be responsible.

So, he pushed the boat with the current, deliberately hurriedly tried to push her away, but the two of them got their wish and rolled to the ground together...

(End of this chapter)

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