Chapter 321 Gifts
"Well, dear, sister has a gift for you tomorrow, you will definitely like it when I see you tomorrow." Yu Qing rubbed his fluffy little head.

"Really?" Ruan Nan moved to Yu Qing's side, "Sister, can you tell me what the gift is now?"

Yu Qing shook her head mysteriously, "Don't worry, you'll know when we meet tomorrow."

"Okay." Ruan Nan pinched a small biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth, squinting his eyes slightly to enjoy it.Anyway, if there is a gift, then wait.

Grandma Ruan, "Nannan, you ate biscuits, you need to brush your teeth before going to bed."

"Grandma, I know."

"How many bags of tea are there?"

Grandma Ruan took out a few bags of tea from it again. She didn't know what to say about her granddaughter. When you said that you came to your mother's house, did you evacuate her mother-in-law's house?

The grandson-in-law really has no objection?

Yu Qing picked up a few packs of tea leaves, "This is for Grandpa and a few older brothers."

After that, she joined the group of men chatting.

"Come on, here are the tea leaves for you, one bag per person."

Mr. Ruan, Ruan Xiuhua, and the Four King Kong each have a package.

Ruan An exclaimed: "I have it too!"

Yu Qing pinched her earlobe, "Well, you can give your bag to your aunt. You usually drink less tea when you go to school."

"Qingqing is right, you donate this bag to your family to entertain guests." Shi Huilan snatched the tea from her youngest son's hand, and happily weighed it in his hand. It was at least one catty, enough for her to drink at home. years.

"In this life, I finally drink the tea that my daughter and son-in-law respect."

Mr. Ruan sniffed it under his nose, and said cheerfully, "Your husband and wife are interested."

The three big steels looked at each other with a smile, and quickly thanked: "Thank you Qingqing and brother-in-law, the brothers will accept it with a smile."

"As long as you like it." Xiang Yisen didn't dare to take the credit, "Qingqing took pains to prepare these."

"If the family is grateful, don't say too much, as long as everyone likes it." Yu Qing looked at Ruan Zheng and smiled, "I still have something to ask my elder brother to help me go out tomorrow."

"what's up?"

Yu Qing took out a consignment note from her pocket, "This is the consignment note, please brother and Yisen to bring the things back tomorrow."

Ruan Zheng took it over and looked at the list, "I can go alone tomorrow, and my brother-in-law can rest at home."

Ruan Yong said first: "I will go with my eldest brother tomorrow, and my brother-in-law will rest at home."

"Then trouble the two brothers."

Xiang Yisen rubbed his temples. When he came to the provincial capital, he faced a group of uncles who were younger than him. He kept calling his brother-in-law and his brother-in-law all day long. He felt a little awkward when he heard it.
Considering the hard work of the couple who had been on the train for a whole day, they separated after chatting for a long time.

It was the first time Xiang Yisen came to Ruan's house in the provincial capital, and it was also the first time he entered Yu Qing's boudoir. When his room was filled with pink, he laughed unkindly.

"Hehe, Qingqing, is this your boudoir?"

"Yes, how is it?" Yu Qing felt that his laughter was a bit meaningful, and asked with slightly squinted eyes: "I see from your expression that you don't seem to like this color very much?"

Xiang Yisen has a very strong self-help ability, he shook his head hastily while suppressing a smile, "No, no, no, I like it very much, but I like everything about Qingqing."

Yu Qing snorted, and found out the pajamas to wear from the luggage bag, "You sort out the clothes in the bag and hang them all in the closet. I'll wash up first."

The next morning, Ruan Nan got up early and sat on the sofa in the living room to do his homework, and looked up upstairs from time to time.

Zhou Jingfang was sitting beside her with her youngest son in her arms. Seeing this, she asked curiously, "Nannan, what are you looking at? Is there a flower upstairs?"

Ruan Nan nodded seriously: "Well, I'm waiting for my sister's beautiful flower."

Zhou Jingfang was amused, "Hehe, why did this kid talk? Your sister was too tired yesterday, so she might sleep a little longer today. Why are you waiting for your sister?"

"Sister, told me last night that there is a gift for me today, and I am waiting for her gift."

Zhou Jingfang didn't take it seriously, yesterday Yu Qing gave the children a lot of food, how could she give gifts today.

"When your sister wakes up, don't cry."

Ruan Nan didn't understand the meaning of the adult's words, tilted his head and asked, "My sister is awake, I'm too happy, why am I crying?"

"You will know when the time comes." Zhou Jingfang didn't want to say much, let the child experience it for himself.

Ruan Nan didn't understand the meaning of his mother's words, and was about to ask, when the sound of car brakes came from outside the courtyard gate.

He jumped off the sofa happily, "Brother is here!"

Zhou Jingfang looked at the child rushing out, shook his head helplessly, took the younger son's hand and followed him out.

Seeing that Ruan Zheng opened the trunk and was about to move things, "Ruan Zheng, what did you drag here so early in the morning?"

"The things Qingqing checked in."

After finishing speaking, Ruan Zheng and Ruan Yong moved boxes of apples into the yard.

Yu Qing, who was sleeping upstairs, was woken up by the sound of a car. After getting up and washing up, she went downstairs, and saw everyone walking around the apples in the yard.

"Sister, you're awake." Ruan Nan happily ran to Yu Qing, looking up at her expectantly.

Yu Qing looked blankly.

Zhou Jingfang saw that she didn't understand what her son meant, so she explained with a smile: "Nannan said that you promised to give him a gift today, so you got up early this morning and sat in the living room waiting for you to wake up. Now you wake up Well, he's not going to be happy."

"Oh~" Yu Qing patted her forehead lightly, and said angrily, "Look at my memory, I said I would give Nan Nan a gift, my sister will not break her promise."

Zhou Jingfang: "Actually, you don't need to spoil your brother. You brought him a lot of snacks yesterday, enough for them to eat for a while."

"Aunt Zhou, I have prepared this gift a long time ago. We, Nannan and Beibei, will definitely like it." After finishing speaking, Yu Qing looked at Ruan Zheng: "Brother, apart from the apples, there are two other boxes for the consigned things. Have you brought it back?"

"There are two more in the back seat, I'll move them down." Ruan Yong said.

Yu Qing pinched Ruan Nan's fat little face, "Wait, the gift will arrive soon. Let's look forward to it together."

Ruan Nan: "What will it be?"

Ruan Yong patted the cardboard box and shouted excitedly, "Nannan, it's a bicycle!"

"Wow! Bicycle?" Ruan Nan's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes, bicycle!" Ruan Yong carried down the two cardboard boxes, "Do you want my brother to help you assemble it?"

"Yes!" Ruan Nan said loudly, how could he play without helping him assemble it.

"Ha ha."

Everyone thought it was funny, this kid is really easy to coax.

"Qingqing, go and have breakfast, the food is warm in the pot." Zhou Jingfang suddenly remembered that Yu Qing hadn't eaten since she got up.

Yu Qing smiled at her, "Okay, what about grandparents?"

"Today is Sunday, your grandpa and father took Yisen out for a walk without going to work today, and your grandma went to the farmer's market with your aunt to buy vegetables." Zhou Jingfang told her family's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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