Chapter 322

When Grandma Ruan came back from shopping, as soon as she entered the yard, she saw two little grandsons, each with a small bicycle, having fun in the yard.

"Hey, who bought this little bicycle?"

Zhou Jingfang, who was sitting by the side watching the children, said with a smirk, "It was bought by their sister, and she said it was a gift for their meeting, but I said she spoiled the children too much, and it would be a waste of money to buy one for each of them." what."

It's good to listen to this, if it's not true, Grandma Ruan praised after listening to it: "Qingqing is a good gift, children must have a few toys of their own when they are young."

I just don't know how much this girl spent this time?
Grandma Ruan has a headache now. Although her granddaughter grew up in the country, she spends money like a rocket!

I haven't finished my heartache yet. When I entered the living room, I saw a pile of cardboard boxes piled up in the corner. I took a serious look, ho!Apples are printed all over the carton.

"What is this pile?"

The three brothers and sisters were chatting. Hearing Grandma Ruan's question, Ruan Zheng smiled lightly and said, "Qingqing bought the apples."

Tut tut!Who can compare to his cousin in gift giving? This is a big deal!

He was worried that his brother-in-law's monthly salary was not enough for her to give her a gift once.

"Girl, why don't you spend money with restraint? You want to learn how to set up a fruit stand after buying so many apples?"

"Haha. Grandma, your idea is absolutely brilliant!" Ruan Yong laughed loudly while lying on the sofa.

"Grandma's idea is good, but I promised grandpa at the beginning that I would give him ten boxes of apples, and let him eat one and get another one. I don't want to break my promise." Yu Qing spread her hands innocently and said.

Grandma Ruan couldn't laugh or cry, "You girl, you can take a joke seriously!"

"Haha, Qingqing, you spoil grandpa so much that he can be lawless." Ruan Yong thinks this cousin is too funny.

Ruan Zheng also leaned on the sofa and pursed his lips and smiled lightly. He wasn't as exaggerated as Ruan Yong's smile, but he couldn't stop the joy in his heart!
Grandma Ruan glanced at the nanny who was already busy in the kitchen, and said to Ruan Zheng: "Brother Zheng, go home and pick up your mother and two younger brothers. They will have dinner with us at noon. We bought a lot of vegetables."

"Will it be too much trouble?" Ruan Zheng felt that the family had a meal together, and it was lively, but the people in the kitchen were too busy.

"It's okay, how many times can the family have a meal together?" Grandma Ruan walked to him and sat down, "Remember to take a box of apples home with you, so you can eat slowly."

Yu Qing helped pour a glass of water and put it in front of Grandma Ruan, "Brother took so many apples to carry a box home, do you really plan to set up a fruit stand, grandma?"

Grandma Ruan took the cup, took a sip of water, and joked: "Hehe, don't say grandma really has such an idea, but you said this apple was for your grandpa, so wait for him to come back and dispose of it."

Ruan Zheng looked at the old and the young, shook his head and smiled, stood up, picked up a box of apples and went out.

When Mr. Ruan came back and saw the apples piled up in the corner, he asked in surprise, "Is this delivered by Qingqing?"

Ruan Xiuhua looked back at Xiang Yisen in surprise, "You really keep your promise."

Xiang Yisen could only pretend to be cold and nodded, what could he do, he didn't know how to do this at all!It was all arranged by your daughter!
Grandpa Ruan looked at Yu Qing with a smile, "Granddaughter, do you really let grandpa eat a box and give away a box?"

Yu Qing laughed loudly: "Haha, I really have such a plan. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. Grandpa, you can play to your heart's content."

Mr. Ruan laughed happily when he heard the words: "According to Grandpa's principles of doing things, I'm afraid I will disappoint Qing girl. But you can still give some to relatives and friends, but not too high-profile."

"Give it to grandpa, of course grandpa can dispose of it at will." Yu Qing didn't care about it.

Grandma Ruan asked, "Where did the three of you go this morning?"

"I went to your son's hotel for a while." Mr. Ruan glanced at Apple a few more times, went to sit in front of the sofa, "I'm a little tired after walking a lot, the old lady went to make a pot of tea, and I used Qing girl Sent tea."

"I'd better go clubbing. Grandma just came back from shopping and she's tired."

Ruan Zheng drove home, and before entering the house, he heard the laughter of his aunt and nephew from the corridor.

His footsteps stagnated for a while, and finally he walked into the house calmly.The house where their family lives now is the house of their mother's unit.

Of course, there is the relationship between Boss Ruan, so they can be allocated a suite with three bedrooms and one living room.It is impossible to allocate such a large suite based on Shi Huilan's position.

"Mom." Ruan Zheng entered the door and called Shi Huilan, then looked at Shi Ping, "Cousin is here again, why didn't you go to school today?"

Shi Ping replied with a smile: "Brother, today is Sunday and the school is on holiday. I'm bored at school so I came to see my aunt."

Ruan Zheng gave a faint 'oh', put the apple on the TV cabinet, walked to the door of one of the bedrooms, pushed open the door, and saw Ruan Qiang lying on the bed reading, and Ruan An lying on the desk doing homework.

The door was pushed open, Ruan Qiang frowned and was about to lose his temper. He looked up and asked in astonishment: "Brother, didn't you go to grandpa's house? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Both of you get up quickly, go to grandma's house for dinner at noon, and set off immediately."

"Go to the old house for lunch?" Shi Huilan confirmed what she had just said.

Ruan Zheng urged: "Well, grandma asked me to pick you up, Mom, if you have anything to pack, then go."

Shi Huilan glanced at Shi Ping, "Brother Zheng, do you think we should bring some food over there?"

Yesterday, their family had a meal together, and today passed again.
Their family is full of big men with big appetites, and now everything depends on supplies. She is a little worried that after these few days, at the end of the month, the parents-in-law will not be so drunk.

In addition, in this era, most of the relatives who visit the house bring their own rations, so her proposal is not abrupt.

Shi Ping, who was standing next to him, wanted to say, Mr. Ruan has a lot of benefits, how could he be short of food.

Ruan Zheng glanced at Shi Ping, who was standing tall and graceful, and nodded: "Mom is considerate, so fill half the bag."

"Brother, we're done, let's go now." Ruan Qiang and Ruan An came out after changing their clothes.

Ruan An saw Shi Ping who was standing beside him hesitantly, and asked, "Would my cousin also come with us to Grandpa's for dinner?"

"Of course, you, Pingping, are alone in the provincial capital, and today the school is on holiday, she won't go with us, do you want to leave her at home alone, and we go to eat delicious food?" Shi Huilan carried half a bag of food After coming out of the kitchen, he questioned his younger son after hearing what he said.

Ruan An scratched his head, why did he feel a little guilty when Shi Huilan said that?

"Okay, don't stand here, let's go." Ruan Zheng patted the silly brother on the back, and walked out first. He wanted to pat his head, but he was afraid that the more he patted, the more stupid he would be, and it would be troublesome if he really became a fool. .

 Thank you for your monthly ticket ~ recommended ticket ~

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  Good night ~ See you tomorrow ~

(End of this chapter)

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