Chapter 324

Yicheng hemp spinning factory.

Today was supposed to be a Sunday off, but the factory leader made a broadcast to tell all the workers to go to the auditorium for a meeting.

Chen Daniu suddenly felt that the coarse grain porridge in her mouth was choking her throat, and then she thought that the factory had stopped production for a week, and she felt a bad premonition inexplicably.

"Eat quickly, do your homework early after eating, don't think about going out and having fun, if I don't finish my homework at night, be careful and treat you to fried pork with bamboo sticks!"

"Mom, we know."

Threatened to give a few children a meal, Chen Daniu drank the porridge in the bowl, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and ran into the bedroom. The house at home was tense, and there was a small bed in the small bedroom of the husband and wife.

Wu Weimin was still sleeping with his head covered on the big bed. The factory had stopped production for the past few days. He stayed at home and didn't know what to do. He went out to find something to do, but no one wanted to invite them.

Things are not going well recently, only sleep can relieve the depression in his heart.

"My son's father, get up quickly, the factory just announced that there will be a meeting in the auditorium, get up quickly!"

"Oh! Don't make noise and go to sleep!" Wu Weimin turned over irritably and continued to sleep.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep! You know how to sleep every day, why don't you sleep to death! You can eat enough when you sleep, and you can make money when you sleep?" Chen Da Niu rudely pushed the man who was sleeping on the bed like a dead pig.

Seeing that he was still lying on the bed and not responding, the anger in his heart was ignited, and it was out of control.

Chen Daniu lifted the quilt covering him, and saw that he was still frowning and closing his eyes, but he didn't want to get out of bed.

Furious with anger, he turned and left the bedroom, and came back with a basin of cold water in his hand, "Wu Weimin, can you afford to wake up today?"

"Don't make noise! ​​I'm so annoying!" Wu Weimin closed his eyes, and the disgusted expression on his face was obvious even with his eyes closed.

Although this man was a bit lazy before, Da Niu Chen never knew that this man was so vicious and irresponsible.

Just when he was angry, his liver ached from his disgusted expression, and the cold water in his hand was poured down directly.

Wu Weimin was doused with cold water, jumped up and wiped the water from his face, "Ahem, Chen Da Niu, you are looking for death!"

After splashing, Chen Daniu also felt guilty for a moment, but when she heard the other party's words, she threw the water basin angrily, and cursed with her hands on her hips: "Sleep, sleep, sleep! I will let you sleep. Let me see how long you sleep? If you are capable, you Lie in bed all day and don't get off the ground!"

As long as he doesn't get off the ground, she will act as a humanoid iron on the bed.

"This bed is all wet. You told me not to go down to the ground. Did you tell me to kill me?" Wu Weimin took off his wet clothes, and while changing clothes, he cursed: "Ms. Chen, you don't want to live a life, do you have the ability?" Go up and lie down and try! If you can lie down all afternoon, I will call you mom in admiration!"

"Bah! I don't want to be your mother! Don't tell me what you want, go to the meeting and see what the factory wants to say. I suspect it's announcing the closure of the hemp spinning factory!"

Wu Weimin was lifting his feet to put on his trousers, when these words got into his ears, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground and split his fork, "Ouch! Damn, my feet are useless, so don't talk nonsense if you can't speak, you fucking motherfucker. If your crow's mouth is really right, I'll divorce your dead star!"

Chen Daniu spat disdainfully, "You think I care about you, if it wasn't for the children, I would have left you long ago, you irresponsible bastard!"

Not enough to eat, not enough to do, even in bed is a high speed.

Unlike other Qing girls and men, it is effortless for one person to ride a bicycle with two people, and other people's legs are more powerful!Unlike her family, this man is purely a soft-legged shrimp!

She didn't even know what she was planning after following him all these years?
"You can do it, I'm too lazy to argue with you now, I'll deal with you when I come back from the meeting!" Wu Weimin said harshly.

Getting up from the ground, he limped out the door.

After losing her temper, Chen Daniu stroked her hair twice and found that it was not messed up, so she arranged her clothes and went out.

Wu Weimin looked back at her from time to time, her nose was not her nose and her eyes were not her eyes. Now, Da Niu Chen was all thinking about why the factory leader suddenly asked the workers to hold a meeting?I don't even care about the cowardly man in front of me.

"Big girl, come here quickly."

"Sister-in-law." Chen Da Niu walked up to Chen Da Niu and asked eagerly: "Why is there a general meeting for no reason?"

Mrs. Chen leaned into her ear, and said in a serious tone: "I heard that there are no orders in the factory now, and many of the products produced in the past are not sold, and they are all backlogged in the warehouse."

"That means the factory is not producing anymore?" Chen Daniu felt like she had finally waited for this day, and she didn't know whether she was more relieved or more worried.

"The warehouse of raw materials was also emptied last week, and all production was finished, what a waste of production! Others disliked the high price of our factory, and now the finished products are piled up in the warehouse and cannot be sold. I heard that everyone's salary this month is low. Can’t post it, what do you say?”

Mrs. Chen frowned tightly. Without salary, where would the family's living expenses come from?

Are you waiting to drink the northwest wind?

It's really anxious!

Chen Daniu stretched her neck, looked at the leaders standing on the front steps, and sighed, "I don't know what to do?"

Let’s talk about it with relatives, my mother-in-law’s family is in the hemp spinning factory, who to talk to, it’s a headache for everyone.

Let's find a friend. These years, I have been active in the factory after returning home from work.The two-point and one-line life, coupled with marriage and childbirth, has always revolved around family and children, and rarely interacts with the outside world. If you insist on talking about friends, I am afraid that the only one is Yu Qing who took the train together last time.

Taking a step back, even if she wanted to talk to her sister, she couldn't find anyone. She didn't know where she lived.

Yu Qing, who was missed by others, will finish lunch at Ruan's house. Ruan Xiuhua asked her what plans she has for the afternoon?
"In the afternoon, I want to take Comrade Xiang to visit my house over there. He doesn't know where it is after buying the house over there."

"Okay, then dad will go and have a look with you."

Xiang Yisen's face almost dropped when he heard the words, if it wasn't for the concern that he was in the Ruan family, he really wanted to shame his father-in-law.

Just because you look young doesn't mean you're really young. My daughter and son-in-law want to be alone for a while, why do you always move forward, don't you always show some face?
No one knows what Xiang Yisen is thinking, maybe everyone present will not know his resentment.

Hearing that Shi Huilan looked at Zhou Jingfang in surprise, she then asked, "Qingqing has a house in the provincial capital?"

Zhou Jingfang, who was looked at inexplicably, looked at a loss. What does it matter to her that her stepdaughter has a house?

Yu Qing smiled: "Well, when I came to the provincial capital some time ago, I happened to meet someone else who wanted to sell a house, and that house was also in my mind, so I bought it."

Shi Ping glanced at Yu Qing, her gaze stayed on Xiang Yisen, she was so jealous that she was going crazy, such a high-quality man actually found a country girl, I really don't know why his eyes are so long?

It's crooked!
 Feifei's five elements are short of a monthly pass~

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(End of this chapter)

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