Chapter 325 Leave
On the way back, Shi Ping was concerned about the cousins ​​in the car, and kept silent.

After returning home, several cousins ​​went back to their room for a lunch break, Shi Ping and Shi Huilan nestled on the bed and chatted about the Ruan family.

"Auntie, what does Yu Qing's adoptive father's family do?"

Shi Huilan lay on her back on the bed and asked without answering, "Why are you asking this?"

"I'm just curious. You see, the gift she gave once can be used as several people's wages, and she still has money to buy a house in the provincial capital. That's a lot of money. Where do you think she came from? Rich?"

Shi Ping never admits that she is jealous of a woman who is inferior to her in everything and lives a better life than her.

Shi Huilan began to suspect that Ruan Xiuhua and her parents-in-law paid the money, but now that she was asked by her niece, her suspicion deepened.

"Who knows, I heard that her man's family background is not ordinary, maybe the man paid the money. It's someone else's business, don't guess, go to sleep quickly, you have to go back to school in the afternoon Woolen cloth."

Shi Ping's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she hurriedly asked, "Auntie, what kind of family background is that man?"

No wonder the man's aura didn't look like he was raised by a small family when he first saw him.Today, she was fascinated by the man's gaze, and when he noticed him, he stared at him with a sharp look, which almost made her cry out in fright.

"I don't know about this. I only know that his family is from the capital." Shi Huilan didn't think too much about her niece.

"The capital city!" Shi Ping looked at the roof thoughtfully, "That's really a good place."

The small yard that Yu Qing bought last time is not in the same district as the Ruan's family in the big yard. It can be said that one family is in the east and the other is in the west.

This time it was Ruan Zheng who sent them here together.

I haven't been here for half a month, and the grass growing in the corner of the courtyard wall has grown a lot.

Ruan Zheng saw that the street in front of the door was fairly wide, and there were many people coming and going, so he asked, "Qingqing, the location of your yard is pretty good. Now that you don't live here, have you ever thought about building a yard facing the street?" The walls are torn down, and a few front rooms are rebuilt, and they are temporarily rented out for rent?"

Yu Qing's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she stood in front of the door and looked at the street. Although it is not an important traffic route, there are quite a lot of people coming and going.

"Don't tell me, brother, I can't think of this way of making money at all. Thank you for reminding me. Are there self-employed people in the provincial capital now?"

"Yes, there are not many. There are already a dozen or so households, and a dozen or so business licenses have been issued. How do you know self-employed?"

Ruan Zheng is still very clear about the affairs of his own department. The term self-employed is a new term that has only appeared in the past two years. Has my cousin who works in the countryside heard of it?

Xiang Yisen took the lead into the yard, chuckled and threw them a breaking news, "Because your sister is the first self-employed in our city."

"." Ruan Xiuhua
"Ha..." Ruan Zheng opened his mouth, and looked back at Yu Qing in surprise, "You really surprised big brother."

"Why does Qingqing suddenly want to apply for a business license? Is it because she is not happy at work?" Ruan Xiuhua thought a little too much, the most important thing is that her daughter's unit is good in everything, the only thing is that it is not good to live in a ravine.

"Hmm~ It's not that I'm not happy at work, it's just that I want to leave a way out for myself. Although I am free at work, but the salary is too low, I also want to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible, and live a life of doing whatever I want every day. I want to go there Just go there to play, buy whatever you want to eat, and never have to worry about money.”

Yu Qing was thinking about the future, Xiang Yisen walked up to her and rubbed her hair, and said emotionally: "It seems that you can't be lazy as your husband. Last time you said about running a power plant, you should It's not just talking."

"I have this idea, but the road needs to be walked step by step. If you take too wide a step, it will easily pull your hips." Yu Qing did not deny it.

Ruan Xiuhua was worried that the two children didn't know the depth of the business world, so they plunged into it and lost everything, "Qingqing, making money is not as easy as you think, you have to think twice."

Yu Qing turned around and asked, "Don't dad believe me? Or is he not optimistic about the current market prospects?"

Ruan Xiuhua shook his head: "That's not true, I just want you to think twice before doing anything. Oh, by the way, what are you going to sell?"

"Temporarily decided to sell electrical appliances. I have a batch of electric fans in my hand. I plan to sell these first."

Ruan Zheng glanced at the hot sun outside, and gave Yu Qing a thumbs up.

The children were well prepared, Ruan Xiuhua couldn't say anything more frustrating, "Don't worry about doing it boldly, remember to call back if you have any difficulties."

"Thank you dad."

Turning the topic back, Ruan Zheng turned the yard around and asked, "Qingqing, how do you want to change this house? If you want to build a front house, it will take up a lot of area in the yard, and there may not be anything left in your yard."

Yu Qing waved her hand indifferently, "We won't come back for the time being, it's a waste to leave it vacant here, why don't we just build a front house, and I can collect some rent to subsidize the family, but I'm afraid it will trouble my elder brother and father , please help me spend more time."

Xiang Yisen pursed his lips and suppressed a smile. His wife is now more and more free in front of her family.

The time spent with my family in the provincial capital flies by.

Three days passed in a flash.

Yu Qing gave Ruan Xiuhua 5000 yuan to help her build a front house.

Sitting on the train and waving goodbye to her family outside the window, Yu Qing didn't turn her head back until the train pulled out of the station and the platform was out of sight.

"Reluctance?" Xiang Yisen asked, pinching her little hand.

"Well, although we don't spend much time together, I can feel that they really treat me wholeheartedly."

Yu Qing leaned her head on his arm, who in the world could let go of her family who treated her wholeheartedly.

"Then we will visit the provincial capital more when we have time in the future, or send some good things for them if we have any good things."

Xiang Yisen spoke softly. Looking down from his angle, he could just see her thick and curly eyelashes and her white and straight nose.

He raised his hand and rubbed her head in distress. He lost his relatives since he was a child, and now he has found them back with great difficulty, and he is paying special attention to her. How could she be indifferent, and there is nothing wrong with being greedy for the warmth of such relatives.

"Well, listen to you."

Yu Qing adjusted her sitting posture so that she could lean on Xiang Yisen more comfortably. What's more, he made her feel particularly at ease.

This time when they went back, they didn’t get a sleeper ticket and bought a hard seat. Because the train going south was approaching the terminal station, there were many major stations passing by, and the sleeper berths had already been snatched up, so it was very difficult to buy a sleeper berth.

"Sitting uncomfortable?"

"Fortunately, it's only ten hours. We will be there soon."

Yu Qing misses the high-speed rail of later generations very much. She thinks it is too convenient to come to the provincial capital. It takes only one or two hours to get there, just like going shopping by car.

 Reward 1666 for 'Baby Piggy'~

(End of this chapter)

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