Chapter 327

"It's really hard to take the train in hot weather, and the sleeper is better." Xiang Yisen picked up the cup and took a sip of water, leaning lazily by the dining table, he didn't want to move.

After eating and drinking, she wanted to sleep. Not long after Yu Qing put down the bowl and chopsticks, her upper and lower eyelids began to fight. The dining chair was uncomfortable to sit on, so she hurriedly threw herself on the sofa.

I don't want to get up when I throw myself on the sofa. It's a comfortable thing to lie down when I'm tired.

Yu Qing opened a gap slightly, and said to Xiang Yisen: "Leave these things for tomorrow, I'm too tired, let's rest tonight."

The main reason is that she is afraid that this man will forcefully wash the dishes and clothes when he is tired, and she will also feel distressed if he is tired.

"Do you want some water?" Xiang Yisen asked.

"Give me a drink."

Xiang Yisen picked up the cup and sat on the sofa, and helped her up.

Yu Qing leaned on the man and drank half a glass of water, and wanted to pour it on the sofa, but was stopped by Xiang Yisen.

"It's almost eleven o'clock. If you want to sleep, go upstairs and sleep instead of lying on the sofa."

"I'm so tired, let me lie down on the sofa for a while to recover my strength." Yu Qing replied weakly.

Now she admires the sleeping skills of her whole life, she can sleep in seconds, and often sleep until dawn, the quality of sleep should not be too good!

This quality of sleep was something she couldn't envy in her previous life.

With a smirk, Xiang Yisen attached himself to her lower body and gave her a deep kiss. He didn't let her go until she was out of breath, "Do you still want to sleep now?"

Yu Qing thumped him a few times, dumbfounded, "You are necrotic, and your spirit is better now, but you still don't have the energy to climb the stairs."

How can you get the strength to climb the stairs after being kissed so softly?
"Then I'll carry you up." After saying that, Xiang Yisen couldn't help but pick her up and walk upstairs. That strong driving force is not the man he saw just now who was too tired to move.

It's obviously more like a chicken blood.

Back upstairs, after a hearty exercise, the two of them woke up until dawn.

After breakfast, Xiang Yisen hadn't entered the construction site for many days, and today he was going to the construction site to deal with some matters.

Yu Qing waited for him to leave, packed up the house, and rode her bicycle to the shop.

The store has two floors. She plans to use the upstairs as a warehouse and the downstairs as a store.

The [-]-square-meter warehouse on the upper floor was enough to supply the downstairs. Yu Qing released all the electric fans in the warehouse of the studio. There were hundreds of them, and they piled up almost two-thirds of the area in the warehouse.

There was no time to enter the studio during this period, Yu Qing turned on the computer and wanted to process the orders during this period first.

As a result, I went to the background and saw that there were a lot of orders, and there were also a lot of return orders. Most of them were because she didn't deliver the goods and couldn't wait for a refund.

Yu Qing confirmed the refund for all the orders that applied for a refund, and printed out all the orders that did not have a refund, and then sorted and shipped them.

It's already half-morning after this work.

When she was looking for goods in the warehouse, she found that there were only one or two copies of dried bamboo shoots and dried mushrooms left, and she took them off the shelves before turning off the computer.Wait until the next time you go back to the power station to buy a batch of dry goods before putting them on the shelves.

And she also discovered that the online store will not limit the flow of products because of new shelves or no sales, as long as the product exposure rate of her online store is the same.

Unlike before, you have to charge money to drive, drain traffic from external stations, etc. to have traffic.Many restrictions have been lifted for her online store.

Coming out of the studio, Yu Qing saw piles of electric fans, she put in dozens of cardboard boxes, and waited until she went down to the first floor to release the dozens of cardboard boxes.

She removed all the wooden boards at the gate, and turned on all the fluorescent lights in the shop. As the fluorescent lights turned on, the shop also brightened.

Yu Qing sat on the two cardboard boxes and began to unpack them.Take the screwdriver and assemble the fan.

It hasn't rained during this period, and the weather has been getting hotter and hotter since May. I don't feel it when I sit at home, but I feel hot and sweaty as long as I walk outside.

Her electric fan hit the public eye this season, and it's exactly what they need.

After installing the first fan, Yu Qing plugged in the power, turned on the switch, and when the fan slowly rotated, the breeze was blowing on the face, making it cool!
Then she unpacked another package and assembled the second one. She put the fan at the door and shook her head towards the door. Whoever enters the store will be the first to feel the cool breeze from the fan.

Before the third fan was assembled, someone noticed the shop.

A passing old man stood at the door, looked in and asked, "What do you sell in this shop?"

Yu Qing looked up and saw that he was always staring at the fan, put down the screwdriver in her hand, and walked over.

"Master, we sell fans."

"Just this electric fan?"


The uncle circled around the fan, "Hey, this place used to sell glass, but now it sells fans. How much does this fan cost? Do you need a ticket?"

"Master, we don't need tickets for our fans, 41 for floor fans and 35 for desk fans."

"Hey, it's a little cheaper than department stores, and you don't need a ticket. How's the quality of your fan?"

While the two were talking, a few more people came in from the store, looking at the store while listening to their conversation.

Yu Qing smiled politely at everyone, and said, "You can rest assured about the quality, and products that are not of good quality will not be able to enter the market."

Seeing a lot of people coming in, the uncle was afraid that others would take his first place, so he pointed at the floor fan and said loudly, "Give me one according to this."

"Okay." Yu Qing took out one of dozens of cartons and asked kindly, "Can you assemble it yourself?"

The uncle glanced at the third fan that Yu Qing had just dismantled and hadn't finished assembling, and nodded, "Such a simple thing can't trouble me."

The uncle gave 41 yuan in change, and Yu Qing took the money and put the electric fan at his feet.

When other people saw the deal, some were eager to buy one, and one of them, an aunt in blue denim, squeezed to Yu Qing's side, looked her up and down, and asked, "Girl, what are you doing?" It's speculative, are you not afraid of being caught after buying so much?"

As soon as she finished speaking, those who were about to pay stopped, and looked nervously at Yu Qing and then at the aunt who had just spoken.

"Auntie, you can't talk nonsense. If I'm speculating, would I dare to open the store directly?" Yu Qing was angry in her heart, and calmly took out the original business license from the fan box behind her .It was actually taken out of the studio.

She showed it openly in front of everyone, so that everyone could see clearly.

"There are really procedures for a business license for an individual business owner."

One of the men said: "Sister, you can't talk nonsense just now. When you said that, you shocked us just now. We are all good comrades who abide by the law."

"That's right, I was so scared just now that I wanted to run away."

"Is this true?" Auntie was a little bit unwilling and suspicious.

"The real one can't be fake, and the fake one can't be real. Auntie doesn't believe that you can go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to check." Yu Qing tapped on the place where the official seal was stamped, and raised her voice slightly, "This official seal can't be fake, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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