Chapter 328

The man who just spoke pushed the aunt away, moved closer to Yu Qing, and said with a smile: "Get out of the way, don't delay everyone's shopping, make yourself look like a neighborhood committee aunt, you are too lenient. Comrade, leave her alone , I want a floor fan."

"Okay." Yu Qing was amused, this aunt might really be the aunt of the neighborhood committee, but she was happy to ignore her.

"Comrade, bring me a desktop one. Now, this is 35 yuan."

"I want one of the two, comrade, hurry up and get it for me."

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't worry, there are all of them."

Yu Qing calmly helps everyone get the goods and collect money. This is the way to do business. No matter how good the business is, you, the seller, cannot be led by customers.

If your seller is in a mess, it is not far from losing the goods and not receiving money today.

She came one by one, picking up the goods and collecting the money without chaotic rhythm. The customers were anxious, sorry, and had to wait.She could only go as fast as she could.

The person who bought the fan walked out with the cardboard box, and the passers-by who were walking outside saw it and all came over. At this moment, there were really more people.

"Everyone line up, those who want to buy line up, come one by one, line up." Yu Qing shouted loudly, the line is not easy to mess up, but some people line up obediently, and some people haven't decided to buy in their hearts, so they all squeezed to the front to see the surprise .

As a result, those who lined up were thrown into chaos by them.

Xiang Yisen went to the construction site, checked the progress of the project, and checked the latest incoming and used materials. Seeing that everything was running normally on the construction site, he wanted to slip away again.

Lu Jinzhong stopped him, like a puppy abandoned by the owner, and said pitifully, "Brother Sen, you want to slip away again and leave all the affairs here to me, you are too unreasonable."

Xiang Yisen pushed him away, "It's useless for you to complain, my marriage leave is not over yet."

Lu Jinzhong stretched out his hand to stop him again, "You are so full that you don't know how hungry you are. Brother, I also want to take some time to talk to someone. Brother Sen, can't you make an introduction or spend more time at the construction site?"

This time, Xiang Yisen looked at him twice, and asked curiously: "You have always insisted that you don't want to find a country girl, why do you want to find a partner this time? You don't wait until you return to the capital? When I was talking about a partner , you have been persuading me over and over again."

Old Lu Jinzhong blushed, hesitatingly said: "Isn't this a long night of loneliness?"

Xiang Yisen didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked outside after passing him.

"Hey, Brother Sen, I haven't finished talking yet," Lu Jinzhong chased him out.

"What else is there?" Xiang Yisen didn't stop walking.

Lu Jinzhong chased him downstairs, "Brother Sen, as a brother, you have been married for so long and I haven't come to visit you yet. When do you think I will visit my sister-in-law?"

On the day of their May [-]st wedding last time, the brothers went back to that yard to pick up their relatives. The house over there was so beautifully decorated that he wanted to eat and drink there.

"Wait, wait until the next time your sister-in-law comes to the city on vacation." Xiang Yisen got on his bicycle and walked out of the construction site.

"There will be another time." Lu Jinzhong looked at the back of the far away, and secretly spat in his heart, forgetting righteousness when he sees color!

Are women really so attractive?

He doubts it!
"Brother Lu, what are you thinking?" Xiao Li patted his shoulder.

Lu Jinzhong shook off his hands on his shoulders, and squinted at him, "It's nothing, just watch my brother off."

Xiao Li glanced at the door, and remembered his purpose of coming to him, "Brother Lu, do you remember the lesbians you met at the May Fourth Fellowship?"

"I remember, what's wrong?" Lu Jinzhong rolled his eyes, he didn't suffer from amnesia, how could he not remember the past two days?

"They asked us if we had time this weekend, and they wanted to go for an outing by the Yijiang River together."

Lu Jinzhong clicked his lips, and agreed after a little thought, "Then go!"

Xiang Yisen rode his bicycle home, and the house was empty except for a few chickens foraging in the yard.

He raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, it was almost eleven o'clock.If he had gone out to buy groceries and had come back earlier at this time, he guessed that he should have gone to the store.

When he arrived at the glass factory, he saw a lot of people surrounding his shop from a distance, and many of them were carrying big cardboard boxes, and his impatience felt a little relieved.

Sure enough, when he arrived in front of the store, nothing happened, but everyone gathered around trying to buy a fan.

Xiang Yisen locked his bicycle and squeezed into the shop.

While Yu Qing was busy, she raised her head and saw her man standing out of the crowd, "Come and help."

There is no time to ask anything at this time, so I will talk after I am busy.

"Comrade, do you still have these?" Some people saw that there were only a few fans left on the ground, and asked anxiously, "If not, we won't waste time queuing up."

"Yes, now I have a helper here, go to the warehouse to get it right away."

Yu Qing asked Xiang Yisen to move the goods upstairs. If she had known that the business was so good, she would have directly shipped the goods to the store on the first floor.

Xiang Yisen didn't say anything, turned around and strode to the back, from the stairs to the second floor, saw that two-thirds of the upper floor was full of goods, his expression was slightly startled, but soon he started to move goods.

With Xiang Yisen's joining, the couple are busy and orderly, and they cooperate quite tacitly.

Maybe people in this era need a ticket to buy everything, and there are products that don’t need a ticket, and I don’t know if it’s because of the desire to take advantage of it.

Since the opening of the first order, Yu Qing has been busy all the time, even at noon the store is full of people.

Except for the two left by myself among the [-] fans, all the other fans were sold out before [-]:[-] pm.

This powerful purchasing power was unexpected by Yu Qing.

After the last customer left, Xiang Yisen closed the door and turned off some of the lights in the store, leaving only one or two lights.

Yu Qing sat paralyzed on the paper shell, she really didn't want to move anymore, she was exhausted today.

The two of them were so busy that they didn't even have lunch, and they were almost so busy that they didn't even have time to drink water.

Now the two of them were tired, thirsty and hungry, so exhausted that they wanted to just fall to the ground and sleep.

"The store is sold out, and I don't bother to clean it up today. Let's go back first." Xiang Yisen picked up the bulging snakeskin bag on the ground, trying to reach out to help Yu Qing up.

Everyone was tired all day, how could Yu Qing let him help her with peace of mind, got up by herself, and patted the dust off her body, "Let's go, let's pass by the park, stop and eat before going back."


Seeing that she still had strength, Xiang Yisen led her out of the shop with confidence, turned off the lights and locked the door.Tie the snakeskin bag to the back of the bicycle and fix it, and then step on the bicycle after confirming that it will not fall halfway.

"Qingqing, today you sit in the front."

"it is good."

The two filled their stomachs halfway, and it was already 08:30 in the evening when they got home.

While Xiang Yisen was parking the car, Yu Qing went into the kitchen to pour water on it, and then sat aside and waited for the water to boil.

"What's the matter? Are you tired today?" Xiang Yisen walked in carrying the snakeskin bag, and put the snakeskin bag at her feet.

 Thank you for your support~

  Continuing today, before 23:59, the monthly ticket is full of ten votes plus one more chapter, (currently 54 votes)
(End of this chapter)

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