Chapter 329 Make Money

"Don't count how much money you made today?"

Yu Qing could hear the other party's slight displeasure, but she ignored it at this moment. She patted the stool next to her, "Sit down quickly, let's count the money together and see how much we sold today?"

Xiang Yisen shook his head, sat down resignedly, untied the snakeskin bag, and poured out all the money inside.

This money is not a neat stack of money, but stuffed in casually, one can imagine the visual impact of pouring it all out.

Seeing the money at her feet, Yu Qing excitedly started counting the money, first counting the ones with large denominations, one hundred bills in bundles, no rubber bands, she had them in her purse.

"The water is boiling, you go wash up first." Xiang Yisen glanced at the kettle on the stove, the water in it was already boiling.


Yu Qing put down her work, poured out the water and took another pot of water to continue boiling.

After she finished washing her hair, the water in the pot boiled again, just in time for taking a bath. When the hot water poured down, Yu Qing felt that the fatigue in her body was relieved a lot.

She rubbed it with soap and scrubbed it again, and then scrubbed it with hot water. She felt that it was very inconvenient without a water heater, and taking a bath was very laborious.

After flushing out the whole bucket of water, Yu Qing picked up a towel and wiped it dry. She observed while wiping. She found that her body had changed, and her waist seemed to be thinner again.The front chest has also changed, and the previous underwear is tighter.

Well, does this mean that her figure is getting better and better?
Or does it mean that when you get married and have a man, your body will change?

Putting on the underwear, she threw the underwear aside, put on a nightgown and walked out.

After taking a shower, I feel that the air is much cooler, and I feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Seeing that Xiang Yisen had already counted three, he smiled and said, "The water is hot, you go wash it first, I'll do it here."

Xiang Yisen glanced across her chest, pressed his lips tightly when no one noticed, nodded slightly, stood up and moved out of the way.

Yu Qing didn't notice his expression, she just sat down and started sorting the tickets.

Xiang Yisen came out after taking a shower wearing only a pair of big underpants, and sat down carelessly to help sort out the money.

While Yu Qing was tidying up, she still glanced at him from time to time. She has a strong figure and top-notch appearance, so don't be too seductive.

Xiang Yisen must have noticed it, he was amused, and continued to work calmly.

"Comrade Xiang, don't you think it's interesting that we sit in the kitchen and pick money while others sit in the kitchen picking vegetables?"

"Well, it's very interesting. I think if the corner of your mouth wasn't blocked by your ear, it would almost crack behind your ear." Xiang Yisen nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Haha." Yu Qing laughed heartily, "I am in a good mood today, and I don't care about you, how much did you manage?"

"Six thousand two."

"Six thousand two, add my five thousand 370 seven. Hey! That's not right!"

Yu Qing looked up at Xiang Yisen, "It's 41 yuan less, did you forget to collect the money?"

Trying to recall, it seems that she paid for the fans, so there are still fish that slipped through the net?

Xiang Yisen put the money back into the snakeskin bag again, "There are so many people today, there are always people who want to fish in troubled waters, don't think about it if you can't remember it, it's getting late, let's go back upstairs and sleep first."

As he spoke, he lifted the snakeskin bag with one hand, and embraced Yu Qing with the other. When their bodies touched each other, Xiang Yisen's eyes flashed.

Yu Qing didn't struggle too much, she lay down on the bed, rolled back and forth, and gave five thousand to go out, and her pocket was almost empty when she came back from the provincial capital, and it was only a day later, and her pocket was full again.

"Comrade Xiang, money is so easy to make in this era, as long as there are goods, there is no fear that they will not be sold."

Xiang Yisen took a wet towel to help her wipe her hands clean, and wiped his own hands before lying on the bed and said with a chuckle, "If your words are heard by the leaders of a few factories in the city that are about to close down, Now, maybe they can't help but put your sack on."

Yu Qing happily giggled on the bed, "Then I'll keep a low profile when I'm out." As she spoke, she regained her interest and asked, "Comrade Xiang, which factories in the city are you talking about that are about to close down?"

She turned over and lay on Xiang Yisen's body, her big eyes rippling slightly like a clear spring, waiting for his answer.

Xiang Yisen stared blankly, "There are many factories that are about to close down, which factory do you want to ask?"

"Match factories, hemp spinning factories, bearing factories, and food factories are not doing well. They are about to close down. Some factories are still in arrears of wages. They have long been unable to make ends meet."

Yu Qing rolled her eyes, she was not interested in other factories, but this food factory.
"There are still food factories in our city?"

"Well, it's over at Martyrs' Park. It's also called a cannery. It depends on personal habits. Some people are used to calling it a food factory, and some people are used to calling it a cannery. They mainly produce some snacks and canned food."

Yu Qing knew that Xiang Yisen was wandering around the major factories in the city, and he should know exactly what machines they had, "Does their factory produce biscuits?"

"They don't have biscuit-making machines. They have always produced all kinds of canned food, some powdered seasonings, and some fried foods."


Yu Qing nodded, the equipment in this factory is too outdated and of no use value.

Then, he thought of the hemp spinning factory again, "You said the hemp spinning factory closed down, how will Sister Chen's family live?"

"You care about this and that, but you never thought about caring about me?" Xiang Yisen stared at her with deep eyes.

Yu Qing's scalp was numb from being stared at, "Why don't I care?"

Xiang Yisen stood up and pushed him down, "We've been tired all day, shouldn't we go to bed early, you always talk about unimportant people, do you still say you care about me?"

"You, I'm tired, you lie down quickly." Yu Qing blushed and thumped him twice. The man looked so serious on the bed, he was so seductive!

"That won't work, no matter how tired you are, you have to let me finish the task before going to sleep."

"Haha, you snake embryo!"

Yu Qing suspects that her body is getting better and better because of doing sports after marriage.

The next day the husband and wife got up late for the first time.

When the two woke up, the sun was already out.

Yu Qing wanted to turn over, but found that her whole body was in pain, so she kicked Xiang Yisen furiously.

"Zhuo, you want to murder your husband!" Xiang Yisen was not prepared for such a move from her, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and barely caught her kick.

Yu Qing kicked again, and laughed and cursed: "Don't put on a show, even if I kick you, you won't be hurt, so get up quickly. You're starving to death."

Xiang Yisen let go of his hand, lifted the quilt and got up.

Yu Qing looked away uncomfortably, got up and put on her clothes with her back to him, and naturally missed the man looking back.

After the two of them washed up, Xiang Yisen went into the kitchen, and Yu Qing brought half a bowl of corn dregs to feed the chickens.

I came back late yesterday and didn't pay attention. When I passed the chicken cage, I found two eggs inside. It seemed that two hens laid eggs yesterday.


 Thank you for your support~

(End of this chapter)

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