Chapter 331 Unexpected Visitor

The husband and wife finished their lunch early and were going to go upstairs to catch up on sleep.

Noon is the time when the sun is at its highest. Although the sun is not the most vicious of the year, standing under the sun is still very tanning.

In the afternoon, I went to the shop to clean up. There was no rush, so the two simply climbed upstairs and took a nap.

When you go upstairs, you can obviously feel that the temperature is a little higher than downstairs.

"The hotter the weather, the upper floor will not be suitable for people to live in." Yu Qing pushed the people behind her away, "Don't stick together, it's hot."

"Then we'll move downstairs tonight." Xiang Yisen still held on tightly.

In the past, he didn't have a wife to hug, but now he has a wife and still doesn't let him sleep in his arms, how could he bear it.

Yu Qing thought that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and the upstairs would be like a steamer in the future, so it would be good to move down.

"Then pack up and live downstairs at night."

After discussing it properly, the two of them closed their eyes and fell asleep after a while.

In the afternoon, the two went to the store by bicycle. Before they reached the door, they saw several people squatting at the door.

They saw that Xiang Yisen parked his bicycle at the door, unlocked it, and walked up to him and asked, "Are you the owner of this shop?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?" Yu Qing stood beside her with a small leather bag and looked at them. They were all dressed in the same clothes. The clothes were neat and not patched. It should be because of their family conditions.

"We heard people say that your store sells electric fans without tickets, and the price is not much different from department stores. Excuse me, do you still have fans here?"

"The goods in the warehouse were sold out yesterday. If you want to buy them, you have to wait for a few days." Yu Qing explained, she might as well give them a little news, "In a few days, there may be some other products besides electric fans, which are all in short supply. Then you can come and have a look."

"What product?"

"You will know when you come." Yu Qing calculated in her mind when she would come to the city next time, and said a specific date, "NO.15, I will open the door to sell goods on NO.15."

After seeing off these customers, the couple entered the shop.

The warehouse on the second floor is very clean, but the first floor is a bit messy.

There were so many people yesterday, it is inevitable that some people would litter, even the paper shells of some electric fans.It was late yesterday, so I didn't clean it up. Today, the couple finished the cleaning very quickly.

Yu Qing looked at the storefront of [-] square meters, "Do you think these three storefronts should not be combined? Even if you buy electrical appliances, you don't need such a big space."

Judging from yesterday's business, selling home appliances in this era does not require a spacious store.She can use the [-] square meters more reasonably.

"You have a new idea?" Xiang Yisen put the cleaning tools under the back stairs.

"Well, I have a preliminary idea. I want to separate the front from the middle to make a bakery or catering, and the other half is dedicated to a store. There is no limit to home appliances and cloths in it for the time being. All indispensable commodities in life can be placed here. Sell ​​in stores."

Yu Qing first tested the waters to see what would make money and be easy to sell, and then consider regular operations.

She feels that in this era, as long as she dares to break through, she can basically find a way out.

Xiang Yisen locked the door silently, pushed the bicycle to the curb, "Come up first, let's go to the farmers' market to buy vegetables first."

Yu Qing sat on the back seat of the bicycle, feeling a little uneasy. She didn't know what Xiang Yisen was thinking?
After getting along with Xiang Yisen for this period of time, he certainly knows how aggressive his little wife is, and even more so, how terrifying the speed at which she makes money and spends money. If he only sticks to an ordinary job for the rest of his life, he will definitely not be able to support him. her.

"What do you think about the job in the power station?"

When Yu Qing heard him ask this question, she smiled awkwardly and scratched her head, "Well, the original thought was that the market is not open yet, so I'll just hang out in this job for a year or two, and when the market opens, I'll venture into the sea. No think"

"I didn't expect you to get your self-employed business license this year, so you want to resign?" Xiang Yisen helped her with the latter words.

Yu Qing smiled, and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, "Test the water first, and I still have to go back to work."

Xiang Yisen sighed in his heart, because he was not strong enough to let his woman make a decision, he hesitated again and again.

While riding his bicycle, he said softly: "I respect your choice whether you can get in this class or not. In fact, I hope you stick to me every day, so don't worry about it."

"Haha, that's what you thought in your heart. You scared me to death. I thought you didn't want me to resign?" Yu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. After all, people in this era still value iron jobs.

Xiang Yisen smiled, "Do you want to resign directly?"

"I'll think about it again. I'm not in a hurry. It won't be too late to talk about it after my business has stabilized and I have accumulated some savings."

Yu Qing thinks that the iron rice bowl in this era is very valuable, and it can also make people take over the job, so she has to think about it.

Back home, Xiang Yisen continued to pluck the grass in the vegetable field in the yard, and Yu Qing started to make dinner.

The two sat on the sofa watching the news after dinner, Xiang Yisen suddenly said, "I'll go back with you this time."

"Ah?!" Yu Qing came back to her senses, looked away from the TV, and stared at him, "Don't you need to stare at the construction site here? I'm going back to work, not to break into a dragon's pool or a tiger's lair."

"It's not that I miss you." Xiang Yisen hugged her and took a bite. In fact, after hearing her plan in the afternoon, he was also a little restless, unable to calm down, and kept thinking about what he should do.

So he wanted to go back with her and be quiet in the countryside.

"Oh! It's all your saliva!" Yu Qing wiped her cheeks, really drooling.

"Haha, it's useless if you dislike it, who told me that I am your husband now." As he said, Xiang Yisen wanted to take another bite, "Come on, let my husband take another bite."

"No, you have to sit in a sitting position. Sit well for me and don't lean over to me."

"Ha ha."

Their laughter was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Yu Qing put one hand against the man's mouth, and pricked up her ears to listen to the sound outside, "Did you hear the knock on the door?"

"Bah ah!"

The gate of the courtyard banged loudly.

"Who's here at night?"

Xiang Yisen let go of the person in his arms regretfully, "I'll go and have a look."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and took a big step with his long legs, striding towards the courtyard.

Yu Qing was also curious about who would come to their house at night. This kind of situation had never happened before. Driven by curiosity, she also followed out.

"Who are you looking for?" Xiang Yisen opened the courtyard door and found a big man standing outside, and a young man at that.

This discovery immediately made him vigilant.

Before Luo Qijun knocked on the door, he never expected that it would be a man who opened the door, and what's the matter with this man's defensive look?

 Thank you Qiu for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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