Chapter 332 It's Late
"This, that, me, I'm the original owner of this house." Luo Qijun looked a little timidly at this man, and was a little speechless for a while.

And his performance made Xiang Yisen even more suspicious, he just said lightly, "This house has nothing to do with you now, so why are you looking for something at such a late hour?"

"You are." Luo Qijun began to change the subject of his ulterior motives, not wanting others to know, curious about the identity of this man.

Just as Xiang Yisen was about to speak, an extra hand came out from his waist, supporting his waist, and his head came out from behind him, "Huh!"

Yu Qing found out that the person outside the door was Luo Qijun, which was unexpected but seemed reasonable, "Why is it you?"

When Luo Qijun saw Yu Qing, joy flashed across his face, and then when he noticed the intimate behavior of the two people opposite him, the smile on his face froze, "This is it."

Yu Qing looked up at her husband, quickly stood up straight, and introduced to the people outside the door with a smile: "This is my husband, Xiang Yisen."

Then he looked at the man outside the door, and introduced to his own man: "His name is Luo Qijun, and he is the former owner of this house."

Luo Qijun was shocked in his heart, a sense of loss spread from the tip of his heart to his entire chest, and the smile on his face could hardly be maintained, "Ah, congratulations, I don't know when you got married, and you didn't even send your blessings in time."

It was dark at night, relying only on the little light from the living room, Yu Qing couldn't see the subtle expressions of the person opposite at all, she said politely: "We got married on May [-]st, and we didn't know where you lived at the time, so we didn't know where you lived. Please forgive me for notifying you. However, it is the same now that you have given your blessing.”

"I... I came to my parents' house for dinner. I happened to see the lights on in the house here, so I came to see if you were here. I hope I didn't disturb you." Luo Qijun pointed to the house in the distance, thinking for a while. I was very annoyed by my recklessness, and hoped that Xiang Yisen on the opposite side would not misunderstand.

Yu Qing, "Oh, so your parents' house is over there. I'll visit my uncle and aunt when I have time. Would you like to come in and sit down?"

Luo Qijun endured the sadness in his heart and shook his head, "No, I was worried about you living here alone. I saw the light was on, so I came here to take a look. Since there is someone at home with you, it's unnecessary for me. It's getting late , you rest early, I won't bother you."

"Thank you, it's dark and the road is slippery, so walk slowly."

Yu Qing sent him away politely, without thinking too much, the backyard door was closed, and she quickly ran back to the living room to watch TV.

It was only when she was sleeping that she realized how jealous the man was, and she regretted that she shouldn't have gone out to see what happened out of curiosity.

Being repeatedly sucked by him almost exhausted her to death.

When Luo Qijun came home, his parents happened to be setting the dishes.

Father Luo saw his distraught son walking in from the door, and hurriedly put down the bowl and chopsticks, "What's wrong?"

"Dad, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." Luo Qijun sat down at the dining table and shook his head. His thoughts were destined to be fruitless, and he didn't want his family to know.

Mother Luo put two bowls of rice in front of the father and son, and finally filled a bowl for herself, and put the chopsticks in the son's bowl.

Then he said slowly: "You have seen it, and you should give up."

"Old woman, what do you mean?" Father Luo looked at his wife in surprise, and there was something he didn't know?

"Ask your son." Mother Luo took a bite of the food and continued, "However, I guess he won't tell you."

"He didn't tell me, so tell me, what's going on here?"

Luo Qijun looked at Luo Mu in surprise, "Do you know where I went just now?"

"My son is Mo Ruomu, how can you hide your thoughts from me." Luo Mu gave him a look of resentment, "There are many things in this world that once you miss, you will miss it forever. Don't think about it anymore. After a while, I'll help you find a good girl, and you should come back to see her when the time comes."

Father Luo understood, "Brother Jun has a girl he likes? Is that girl married?"

Luo's mother rolled her eyes at him. Others said that the father knew the son best. As for the old man in her family, he only knew about the wine in the cupboard, and everything else was an afterthought.

"Your son fell in love with the girl in the house over there, but he didn't act at first. Later, when he realizes his intentions later, that girl already has a partner."

Father Luo looked at his son in surprise, "The girl in the house over there just got married on May [-]st. At that time, the dowry was so enviable to the people around here."

Luo's mother also regretted endlessly, "Who said it wasn't, Brother Jun realized this and it's all up to you! When she bought our house, I thought it would be great if she was our daughter-in-law, and I was lucky. Not to mention that it’s good to have children, the most important thing is that the family property is rich, if this is married, Brother Jun can at least save half of his life."

Luo's father felt that it was a pity when Luo's mother said this, "You are right, this daughter-in-law with golden eggs has become someone else's family."

"." Luo Qijun blushed, and hurriedly interrupted them before continuing, "Mom and Dad, do you see that your son has a face that eats soft food?"

Luo's parents looked at him seriously, and they shook their heads for a long time. Luo's father concluded, "Comparing seriously, I think our son's face is really not as handsome as that man's."

Luo's mother nodded, "Well, your son has a face that can't be eaten by soft rice. Of course, it can't be compared with other people's face that is hard to eat by soft rice."

Luo Qijun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Stop teasing me, both of you, hurry up and eat, or the food will be cold later."

Seeing his smile, Father Luo picked up his chopsticks and began to pick up vegetables, "That's right, what's the big deal about women, if you can't find one, you can find two, if you can't find two, you can find three. There is no shortage of women in this world. Why make a depressed face."

Luo Qijun laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Your son, I am not a big carrot. Two or three, one is enough for me."

"If my son chooses between being infatuated and being philandering, I would rather he be a philandering carrot." Luo Mu said what was in her heart.

That way at least I won't be sad, how nice it is to be happy and heartless every day!

Going to work tomorrow, Yu Qing started packing her house and luggage after breakfast, and Xiang Yisen went to the construction site to arrange things.

Everything else in the family is easy to arrange, but the three chickens don't know how to arrange them.

When Xiang Yisen came back from a trip to the construction site, he saw Yu Qing sighing at the three chickens in the yard.

"What's the matter? Did these three chickens offend you?"

Yu Qing frowned slightly, pointed at the three chickens who were catching insects in the vegetable field, and asked, "We're all going back this time, what about the three flat-haired beasts?"

Xiang Yisen, "Why don't we take it back and raise it?"

Yu Qing rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"Hehe." Xiang Yisen rubbed her head, "Put more food in the trough, there are still a lot of tender grass growing in the yard, and there are sweet potato vines in the backyard for them to eat, don't worry if you won't die of hunger !"

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(End of this chapter)

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