Chapter 333 Arguing (Adding Changes to the Monthly Pass)

In Beijing in May, the sun is bright and the temperature is suitable.

It is the season when the warbler flies and the grass grows. As long as there is grass and trees in the streets and alleys, there is a new green

item home.

Father Xiang sat at the dining table, looking at the whole grain porridge, a plate of bland pickles, and a plate of cabbage that had lost water. These days, he was used to eating a diet with a combination of oil, water, and meat and vegetables.

Suddenly returning to the previous situation, Xiang's father was a little unacceptable, and his mood was completely different from the weather outside.

He pointed to the lunch on the table, stared at Wu Lizhen in a bad tone and asked, "Is there not enough food at home or is there no oil and water at home?"

"It's good to fill your stomach. Do you still want delicacies from mountains and seas every day?" Wu Lizhen pouted, nagging about her difficulty, "It's just the two of us who go to work and earn such a dead wage, but we have to support a whole family My son, if you don’t plan carefully on the monthly food bills, do you want to drink water at the end of the month?”

Father Xiang knocked on his rice bowl, and gave her a cold look, "Isn't there water on the table now? Could it be dry?"

Before he was not in charge of the family, he didn't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt, but since he went to Yicheng, judging from the daily food and wages of his son's house, he earns quite a lot of wages every month, and his purchasing power is even more amazing.

He alone is equivalent to the wages of the two of them, and he eats less than pig food every day, but his son and daughter-in-law eat fine food every day.

If you don't compare, you don't know. The difference between the two is simply worlds apart.

"It's not too dry, you can see that the chopsticks can stand upright." Wu Lizhen said and inserted the chopsticks in his hand on the coarse grain porridge.

Father Xiang is not good at arguing with women, thinking of going home for vacation, he hasn't eaten a meal made of white rice and white noodles until now.

He asked again: "Didn't you exchange the flour and rice tickets at home for food?"

"No, such fine grains can't be used casually."

Xiang's father stared at the woman in front of him with complicated eyes, and told her, "Then you use up the rice tickets and flour tickets in the afternoon, and come back with some fine grains. In the evening, we will eat white rice, and stir-fry the bacon I brought back. plate, let the children have a good meal.”

The siblings, who were eating silently by the table, almost shed two lines of tears when they heard this. It was too difficult. With Father Xiang's words, they could finally have a good meal.

Originally, their mouths faded away, but when Father Xiang came back, they finally ate a greasy meal, but within a day, they returned to their original shape, and they still faced coarse grain porridge and pickled lumps for every meal.

"This, this is too wasteful. It's not yet the end of the month, so you're not afraid of running out of food at the end of the month!" Wu Lizhen objected.

"Don't worry, it's really short of food at the end of the month, so use the money to buy some high-priced food."

"Here, are you ready for this day?"

"Are you willing to do it or not?" Xiang's father suddenly snarled, with obvious anger on his face, "If you don't want to do it, I will ask Mrs. Li next door to help me buy food and cook. The kids are going to have a good meal."

Wu Lizhen was shocked and stunned on the spot, "You, you, you"

This is the first time this man has yelled at her since they got married, how dare he?How dare he?
"Also." Father Xiang pointed to the dish and emphasized: "In the future, put more oil in the cooking. I just brought back a big bucket of oil a few days ago. Don't tell me that there is no oil at home!"

When Wu Lizhen heard this, she panicked for a moment, feeling that this man was about to lose control, and she couldn't control it, how could this work?
Thinking of this, she stood up abruptly, as if she was about to suppress the other party's head, and refused: "No, since you leave this house to me, you have to listen to me at home. I will take care of all the supplies at home. Careful planning, you can not destroy my plan."

Father Xiang's face was gloomy, and he stood up, "Hmph, I won't spoil your plan, my son and daughter-in-law respect my oil and meat, so I'm entitled to how to deal with it."

Wu Lizhen stuttered in shock and asked, "You, what do you mean?"

Xiang Chongwen glanced at her with a half-smile, then walked towards the kitchen.

There is only one cabinet in the kitchen for things such as bowls and chopsticks. If you want to find things in the kitchen, it is the first choice. It is clear at a glance what is placed in other places.

"What are you looking for? Xiang Chongwen, are you prepared to have a hard time?" Wu Lizhen saw him enter the kitchen with a change of expression, and hurriedly chased him in.

"I don't think you want to live a life!" Xiang Chongwen threw half of the bacon in front of her. If the bacon he brought back was five catties, then the bacon thrown in front of her now was less than one catty.

In addition, I ate a few slices on the day I came back, which means that at least four catties of bacon disappeared.

He looked around the kitchen, and it was clear what was in the big fart kitchen, "And the white oil barrel I brought back?"

Wu Lizhen was flustered, how could she get over this situation?

Xiang Chongwen caught a glimpse of the small oil can in the cabinet, he brought it over and put it under his nose to smell it, it smelled like camellia oil.

This jar also weighed less than a catty, and the other oils, including the oil barrels, were gone.

There is nothing to understand. It turns out that his family has been living the life of an ascetic monk in order to save money for other families.

What a big joke!
"Chongwen." Wu Lizhen knew that the matter had been revealed, and she probably couldn't hide it if she wanted to, so her tone softened, "Here, my mother and sister-in-law are in trouble, so ask me for a loan. We are all relatives, how can I not borrow it?" ?”

Father Xiang didn't bother to talk to her about these parents' gossip now, so he picked up the half-cut bacon and left the kitchen.

Wu Lizhen chased it out, "Where are you going to take this meat?"

"Changkang, come here." Xiang Chongwen beckoned his younger son to come over, and then saw Xiang Xue looking at him timidly, and beckoned to her, "Xiang Xue also come here, Dad will take you to eat delicious food today."

Joy flashed across Xiang Xue's eyes, and she ran out of the door in small steps.

Only Wu Lizhen was left standing in the living room, his face turning blue and white, staring at the door gloomyly.

Walking on the street, Xiang Chongwen, Xiang's father, felt much better with the hurried pedestrians coming and going and the warm breeze blowing.

"Dad, where should we go for delicious food?" Xiang Xue stared at the bacon in his hand and swallowed.

Xiang Chongwen was heartbroken, and wanted to rub her head. Thinking about the relationship between the two, he looked at the height that was almost chest-high, and rubbed Xiang Changkang's head halfway.

"Of course, go to the state-run restaurant to eat delicious food."

"Dad, I want to eat egg custard from the restaurant." Xiang Changkang is only four years old, and he thinks egg custard is the best.

"Okay, let's satisfy our Changkang today, and I'll order you a bowl of egg custard."

When the three of them arrived at the restaurant, Xiang's father asked the restaurant to process it for him. He cooked all the bacon, and ordered a bowl of egg custard, a braised fish, and three bowls of rice.

When the food was ready, the stomachs of the three of them began to grow up.

Father Xiang pushed the custard in front of Xiang Changkang, "Eat it quickly."

Xiang Changkang impatiently scooped up a spoonful of custard and blew it, and stuffed it into his mouth in one gulp, "Yeah, it's delicious."

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(End of this chapter)

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