Chapter 334

Father Xiang looked at Xiang Xue who hadn't moved his chopsticks yet, "Eat quickly, we'll finish the fish and meat at noon today, don't let it go to waste."

Xiang Xue resisted the urge to pick up the meat, and waited until Father Xiang took a bite of the dish before she moved her chopsticks. When the chef's fried meat entered her mouth, she narrowed her eyes happily, it was so delicious.

It's a hundred times more delicious than her mother's fried dishes!
The three of them were so hungry that they wiped out all the delicacies, and finally even ate all the vegetable juices on the plate with rice.

Looking at the two children slumped on the chair, Father Xiang took a sip of tea contentedly, "Do you want some water?"

"No." The two children shook their heads in unison.

"Okay, take a 10-minute break, let's walk back slowly, after we get back, both of you should do your homework well."

When the father and son returned home, Wu Lizhen saw that his hands were empty and the meat he brought out was gone, so she asked, "Where's the bacon?"

Father Xiang didn't bother to talk to her, so he went to the study.

Wu Lizhen asked Xiang Xue unwillingly, "Where did the meat your father brought up go?"

"Eat." Xiang Xue glanced at her and said calmly.

"Eat it!?" Wu Lizhen exclaimed, and asked in disbelief, "Such a big piece of meat, did you eat it all in one meal?"

Xiang Xue nodded.

Xiang Changkang showed off: "Mom, I also ate egg custard, which is very delicious, much better than yours."

Hearing this, Wu Lizhen suspected that she would have a heart attack from anger.

For the next two days, every meal time, Xiang's father took the two children to the state-run restaurant to report on time. The meals were a combination of meat and vegetables, which made the two children smile, and looked forward to it when the meal time came.

When it was time to go back to the research institute, Father Xiang patted his ass and left.

Leaving the two children at home to face Wu Lizhen again, and eating the bland food she made for three meals a day.

From simplicity to luxury is easy, from luxury to simplicity is difficult.

For the two children, the clear soup with little water and no oil or water was crueler than torture.

What will the children do if they can't stand it?
Every day they make trouble for Wu Lizhen to buy meat and improve the food.

"Mom, I want to eat meat, I don't want pickles." Xiang Changkang broke into tears as soon as he dropped his chopsticks.

Wu Lizhen patted the table, "Do you like to eat or not! If you don't eat, I can have an extra bowl!"

What a bunch of debt collectors!

The old and the old are out of tune, ran away when they got into a fire, and didn't take responsibility for putting it out, leaving this mess to her, what can she do?
Love to eat or not, if you don’t eat, you will starve to death!
"I want meat, I want meat"

Xiang Changkang's crying was like a magic voice piercing his ears, causing Wu Lizhen's temples to bulge.

Xiang Xue rubbed her head, she also got a headache from the quarrel, "Mom, the old man's salary is quite a lot, so you insist on helping your mother's family, regardless of our two children's lives? Let us follow you to eat chaff and swallow vegetables?"

After hearing her daughter's words, while Wu Lizhen was sad, she spoke according to the anger in her heart, a little recklessly, and said everything.

"What do you mean I don't care about your life or death? Have you starved to death all these years? As for eating bran-swallowed vegetables, that's all I can do. If you don't starve to death, you're pretty good. You have the ability to find someone who can make you eat and drink hot food." !"

Xiang Changkang heard that they were arguing and no one cared about him, so he jumped off the chair, ran to the two of them and rolled on the ground, howling, "I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat!"

"Stop yelling!" Wu Lizhen was a little bit overwhelmed by the torture of these two children, "I'll go buy meat in the afternoon, okay!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the crying stopped immediately.

Wu Lizhen stared at Xiang Xue's red eyes, then glanced at her son who was full of tears and snot, and scolded in disgust: "How did I give birth to you two wolf cubs, you two debt collectors were born to torture mine!"

Thinking of the crying of the children and the persecution of her mother's family, Wu Lizhen felt sad from her heart, why is her life so hard!

My natal family, my natal family is unreliable.Husband, husband is unreliable.Looking at Douding who is not tall, it seems that this son is also a white-eyed wolf and unreliable.

Who do you think she can rely on in this life?
Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing returned to the power station. It was time for work, and the two of them entered the factory area without meeting many people.

Getting married from here, and coming back again, the scene and everything in front of her are covered with a layer of strangeness.

The Lingjiang Hydropower Station was her first meaningful home in this other world, but she felt strange about it only a few days after she left.

There is also a sense of belonging, but it is not as strong as the small courtyard in the city. It may be that the home in the city was bought by her with money, and it really belongs to her home.

"Do you think I'm a heartless, heartless person?"

Xiang Yisen opened the door, turned around and asked with a smile, "Why did you say that?"

Yu Qing spoke out her inner feelings, "Does it seem that I throw away when I run out of use, and cross the river to tear down the bridge?"

"It's human nature. You only have a few months of memory here. If you grew up here since you were young, your feelings will be much deeper."

Xiang Yisen put down the luggage, and the two started to tidy up the house. When he came back this time, he wanted to move his things down, and the upstairs house was going to be returned to the station.

Yu Qing smiled, "I feel strange to the outside world. When I really return to my home, that feeling seems to have disappeared. I feel relaxed and at ease here."

This time they brought back two electric stoves, and after cleaning the kitchen, Xiang Yisen connected the two electric stoves to electricity.

But the pot for boiling water here is the big iron tripod pot with the sharpest bottom. A flat stove like an electric stove cannot be placed stably on this kind of pot.

How to do?
"Or, you can stretch the wire of this electric stove a little bit, put the stove in the firewood stove and use bricks to raise it up a bit, just enough to reach the bottom of the pot."

Xiang Yisen stroked his forehead, and said helplessly: "I can only make it like this first, and tomorrow I will go to the maintenance workshop to weld a reinforced iron frame to support this iron pot."

Waiting for the water to boil, it looked weird, the stove was not burning, and the water on it was boiling, but it was practical.

The two of them hurried all the way, and washed it from head to toe with boiling water.

Yu Qing went back to the bathroom to wash clothes, and Xiang Yisen went into the kitchen to make dinner.The division of labor between the two is clear.

When Yu Qing finished washing her clothes and was drying them outside, Zhu Mei, who lived next door, came back from the field carrying a hoe.

Seeing her, Zhu Mei was overjoyed, "Miss Qing, are you back today?"

"Hey, Miss Zhu, you just came back from the field?" Yu Qing dried the clothes, poured out the water in the enamel basin, and looked back at her with a smile.

Zhu Mei looked at Yu Qing's fairer skin with surprise in her eyes.Looking at the spring color between her brows and eyes, as well as the charm exuding from her whole body, she knew it clearly.

A newly married woman is nourished by happiness, like a delicate flower that is about to drip, it is the most beautiful moment in a woman's life.

More beautiful than the budding girlhood.

"Sister Qing, did you come back alone or with Xiang Gong?"

(End of this chapter)

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