Chapter 335

Yu Qing glanced at the kitchen where the noise was coming from, and said with a smile, "I came back with Comrade Xiang. Sister Zhu will come and sit at home when she is free."

Zhu Mei waved her hands hastily, and jokingly said, "You two are newly married, and it's time for sweetness. Why should I bother you?"

Yu Qing pursed her lips but smiled silently.

Zhu Mei didn't get what she wanted, and she was quite disappointed when she saw her blushing face, so she got down to business, "Last time you were preparing for the wedding, I didn't ask too much, this time I'll ask you on behalf of everyone, dried bamboo shoots and wild mushrooms Do you still charge it?"

Yu Qing nodded when she heard the words, "Sister Zhu, I was going to talk to you about this when I came back this time. As long as the quality of dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms passes the standard, I want as much as I want. Please pass a message to everyone, I will get off work tomorrow Then start buying."

"Okay, with your words, everyone can rest assured."

Zhu Mei didn't talk much, because she could smell the aroma from the kitchen, so she didn't delay Qingmeizi for dinner.

When she got home, she washed her face and hands quickly, opened the air intake of the coal stove, and washed rice for cooking. There were no meat dishes at home, so she cooked two home-grown vegetables and added a bowl of pickles at night.

In the evening, after the family had finished eating and cleaned up the dishes, Zhu Mei helped the two children take a bath and let them go to bed first, so that they had time to find the dried bamboo shoots that had been dried a few days ago.

Sitting at the side drinking tea, Ji Daming saw her rushing in and out, never thinking of helping, now seeing him sending the children to bed, and turning out the dried bamboo shoots, and then thinking of the lights next door, he asked: "The next door Yu?" Comrade is back, she still buys these dried bamboo shoots?"

Zhu Mei: "Yes, I asked Sister Qing when I came back in the afternoon, and she said that it will still be accepted, and she will accept as much as we have."

Ji Daming frowned, "It seems that the dried bamboo shoots she bought last time were sold, and I don't know how much money she made from this purchase? Who did you sell so many dry goods to?"

Zhu Mei put all the scattered dried bamboo shoots into a big bag. Hearing this, she stopped her hands and said displeasedly: "I don't care who she sells to or how much money she makes, as long as she returns it Just buy our dried bamboo shoots, why are you so lenient? Don’t bother with anyone.”

"I'm just talking to you here. How could I go out and talk to someone about this? Am I that stupid?" Ji Daming was a little guilty. Will go to ask for trouble.

"I hope you do what you say."

Zhu Mei thought about it and asked the man for his opinion, "Miss Qing buys a lot of dry goods every time. This time I counted, the dry goods in the residential area may not be as much as last time. Tell me, I will work hard to go to the nearby area. What do you think of the village buying dry goods and reselling them to Qingmeizi?"

Ji Daming stared at her, with disapproval on his face, and reprimanded in a low voice: "No! You are speculating, what is the difference from the next door? If others know that my daughter-in-law is also eating this bowl of rice, where will my face be? put?"

Zhu Mei raised her eyebrows, "Ji Daming, I found out why your speech is getting worse and worse now?"

"Why is it ugly? I'm telling the truth!" Ji Daming glared at her angrily, "Don't you think it's an honor to speculate?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhu Mei's mouth, "Is your face important, or is it important to have enough food?"

Ji Daming: "I didn't starve your mother and child, and I gave you my monthly salary, what else do you want?"

Zhu Mei: "Yes, we didn't die of starvation by eating bran swallowed vegetables every month, but we are not far from starving to death. He also said that the monthly salary was handed over to me. This is a beautiful statement. When will you give the salary to me?" Leave it to me."

"I didn't give you money every month?" Ji Daming asked back.

"What you pay is the food expenses, which is not enough every month, and I have to subsidize some to barely make it to the end of the month."

Every time Zhu Mei thinks of these years, she feels bitter. When she was young, she was temporarily confused by this man's appearance.

I thought that the educated youths from the city were all good in every way, even if they were not good at doing farm work, it was also because they had never experienced hardship since childhood.

Later, after getting married, I realized that the perfect person in front of her before was all a fucking fake.

When doing farm work, he chooses the light and fears the heavy, and chooses the fat and the thin. A man's work points are not as much as a woman's.

When I got home, I lay down on the bed or on the bench. I didn't care about anything at home. I just waited for the meal to open my mouth and the clothes to stretch out my hands. I became a grand master and waited for her to serve.

And after she finished her work in the field, she still had to work at home when she got home, and she had to take care of the children after finishing the housework.

Later, after a lot of trouble, the man returned to the city, and he became an unemployed youth in the city, and she had to bring food from the countryside to the city to feed his family.

After two years of hard work, I finally found out that the power station here was recruiting workers, and I had no money to go through the relationship. I borrowed a sum of money from her natal family to get my current job.

As a result, now that I have a job, my parents-in-law, who used to do nothing at home, jumped out and asked them to pay pensions every month.

Ji Daming was dissatisfied, "I gave you the food expenses. If you can't make it to the end of the month, it means you won't be in charge of the house yourself. Everyone else has come here like this. Why can't you live?"

Zhu Mei was too lazy to quarrel with him, so she brought back the topic of going off track, "Your objection to this matter is useless, I have made up my mind, I will ask sister Qing tomorrow, if it is possible, I will go to the nearby village tomorrow Buy dry goods."

Ji Daming stared at him, sternly threatened: "How dare you!"

"Look if I dare." Zhu Mei knew he was a paper tiger, "I'll make money and buy meat in the future, so don't eat it if you can!"

"You dead woman, why don't you listen to me!"

"If you hand over all your monthly salary to me, I will consider everything and listen to you."

Ji Daming craned his neck to glance at the bedroom, and quickly closed the bedroom door tightly.

While rolling up his sleeves, he said harsh words, "If you don't beat me for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles. If you don't show me some color, you don't know how good I am, do you?"

After saying that, Zhu Mei, who was confronting him, went into their bedroom, threw her on the bed, and jumped on her.

next door.

After Yu Qing and Xiang Yisen had dinner, seeing that it was still early, they leaned on the bedside reading a book to pass the time after washing up.

Occasionally, the sound of frogs and insects can be heard outside the house. In addition to the breathing of the two people in the house, there is the occasional sound of pages being turned. It is rare to have such a quiet time in busy days.

Yu Qing read it a little fascinated, immersed in the storyline in the book, and forgot the time for a while.


Yu Qing raised her head and looked at Xiang Yisen, her eyes were a little confused, "What's that sound? Have you latched the door?"

"The kitchen door is locked, and the door here is also locked." Xiang Yisen glanced across the wall inside the bed, and looked down at the book again.


Seeing that the man didn't take it seriously, Yu Qing shouldn't be a thief.

It's just that before reading the two lines, there was a soft voice from next door, Yu Qing couldn't hear what they said?
"The house is not soundproof at all."

Xiang Yisen chuckled: "You only know now?"

Yu Qing pursed her lips, leaned into his ear, and complained in a low voice: "If you said that the couple next door did something, how embarrassing it would be for us to hear it."

It's just that as soon as she finished speaking, the voice next door was a little strange.

Xiang Yisen looked at her teasingly.

Yu Qing covered her mouth and muttered softly: "No... Could it be that my mouth is open?!"

"Why don't you lean on the wall to confirm?"

"Nervous!" Yu Qing blushed and thumped him.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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