Chapter 336 Returning to the Power Station

The couple who used to be very restrained had a bit of a fight this night.

When she woke up the next day, Yu Qing yawned again and again.

"If I had known this was the case, we would have slept upstairs last night."

Xiang Yisen rubbed his cheeks to wake himself up, "If you sleep upstairs, you won't be able to listen to the corner. Didn't you want to do this a long time ago? This time it just happened to be your wish."

"Are you asking for a beating?" Yu Qing raised her fist forward to beat him.

Xiang Yisen grabbed her small fist, and with a little force, he hugged her full, bowed his head and kissed her unceremoniously.

Last night, he heard the movement next door, and he endured it all night. At dawn, he had already heard the sound of the door opening next door. When they got up, they were not afraid that they would hear the movement.

When the clouds stopped and the rain stopped, the two simply cooked a bowl of noodles for breakfast.

Holding a bag of fruit candies in her hand, Yu Qing dragged her exhausted body to the duty room of the security department to clock in.

"Xiao Yu, when did you come back?"

"Good morning, Comrade Li, I came back yesterday." Yu Qing grabbed the candy and put it on the table in front of him, "Come and eat the candy."

"Hey! There are still sweets to eat, thank you." Lao Li smiled and peeled one and threw it into his mouth.

In the duty room, two colleagues from the morning shift were sitting there drinking water. Yu Qing each grabbed a handful of candy, "Is there nothing going on in the factory these days?"

"Nothing, everything is normal."

Yu Qing chatted with everyone for a while, and waited for the four people in the middle shift to arrive, and the two shifts were completed.

"Old Li, Xiao Wu, I'm going to visit the factory."

Lao Li glanced at the bag in her hand, smiled and waved, "Go, go."

Yu Qing came out of the duty room and went to the factory building first.

"Sister Yu, are you back?"

"Well, Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Li Xiaoyu carefully looked her up and down, stared at her face and said, "Sister Yu, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Yu Qing looked down at her clothes, and smiled: "Really? I don't feel it myself."

Li Xiaoyu didn't know how to describe it. Her sister-in-law was also the same when she was newly married.

"Of course, Sister Yu, what do you want to do when you come to the factory?"

"It's nothing, I'm just here to patrol, and I'll give you some candies by the way." Yu Qing raised the bag in her hand and grabbed a handful of candies for her.

Li Xiaoyu took it with a smile, and pointed to the office behind, "Then I won't delay you, I'll go in and do something."

Yu Qing went up to the second floor, and when she passed by Xiao Li's office, she went in and grabbed a handful of candy for him, "Thank you for giving us the certificate."

"Comrade Yu" Xiao Li was a little confused.

Yu Qing waved her hand and went to the leader's office.

"Leader, can I come in?"

The door of the leader's office was wide open, but Yu Qing didn't knock on the door, she stood at the door and asked.

"Come in." Quan Jifeng looked at the person standing at the door, and glanced at someone standing behind the door pouring boiling water.

"Uncle Quan, you are busy."

"Well, I said, why did you two come to my office tacitly?"

"A couple?" Yu Qing hurriedly turned her head and saw Xiang Yisen holding a tea mug, she couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect you to come too."

The corners of Xiang Yisen's lips rose slightly, and he put a tea mug in front of her, "It's hard to come back once, and I always come to talk to the leader."

Yu Qing took a sip of the tea that the man personally poured for her, and then took out a bag of candy and a bag of red dates from the bag, both of which weigh about a catty.

"Uncle Quan, this is a gift we brought back for you and Uncle Qin. Why didn't Uncle Qin see anyone? Isn't he at the power station?"

"Well, he went out to do some errands." Quan Jifeng took the candy and red dates and poured out some, and put the rest in the drawer, "Thank you for your gifts, I borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and I'm here to eat candy."

Yu Qing: "Thank you, Uncle Quan, we just need to drink water."

"Xiaoyu, how are you preparing? The factory and office buildings in the city have already been capped, and the rest of the exterior walls and interior walls will be painted very quickly. When the scaffolding is removed, the hotel will be renovated, and your purchasing department will be up and running first." .”

Yu Qing was a bit regretful at the moment, why she applied for a job transfer back then, and now that the leader has agreed, it's not good for her to leave the new department as soon as she arrives.

But going to work step by step in this way affects the speed at which she makes money.

However, the only advantage of the purchasing department is that you can run around instead of staying in the office all day.

"Uncle Quan, may I take the liberty to ask, who are the people in the purchasing department?"

Quan Jifeng took out a piece of paper from the folder and gave it to her, "There are four people in total, you can see for yourself."

Yu Qing took it over and took a look. She knew the person in charge, Jian Wenji. The last time we went to the provincial capital together, there were three employees, except for her and an unfamiliar name, which she didn't recognize.

Then, she pointed to the last name and asked, "Uncle Quan, why did she transfer here?"

Quan Jifeng asked: "She was recommended by Section Chief Jian. I remember that you two seemed to have a festival? Are you okay working together?"

"I'm fine, as long as she doesn't have anything to do to provoke me." Yu Qing doesn't care about this, but it's better not to be with this kind of woman when she goes out to do errands in the future.

Quan Jifeng's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at the silent man sitting next to him, "Your daughter-in-law is so violent, don't you care?"

Xiang Yisen raised his head and looked at him calmly, and asked back: "Other people bully her, should I teach her to hold back her breath?"

All Jifeng: "."

"Ha ha."

Yu Qing looked at Quan Jifeng who was choking half to death and couldn't answer a word, and laughed out loud.

After laughing enough, he comforted me: "Uncle Quan, you don't need to worry about things that haven't happened yet."

Quan Jifeng took a deep breath, pointed to the door and said, "You two hurry up, the end of the corridor is the office of your procurement department in the power station, hurry up and find Old Jane."

It really hurts to see these two young people!

"Okay, let's go first, you are busy." Xiang Yisen stood up, took Yu Qing's little hand and left the office.

The door of the last office at the end of the corridor was open. There was no sign on the door, but a piece of red paper was pasted on the door, which said Hotel Purchasing Department.

Yu Qing stood at the door and knocked.

Jian Wenji looked up to see Yu Qing, put down his work, and said with a smile: "It's Xiao Yu, please come in, please come in."

Xiang Yisen stood in the corridor and did not follow in.

"Hello, Chief Jane, I'm busy."

There are four desks in the office, and the other two are busy clearing their desks.

A boy and a girl.

The young man was very young, Yu Qing had just read his resume in Quan Jifeng's office, and he was assigned just after school, named Xiao Xiaofeng.

Seeing Yu Qing coming in, he gave her a friendly smile.

Yu Qing smiled back.

The other girl, you don't need to look closely, you can tell that it is Yu Tiantian who she loves and ignores her.

(End of this chapter)

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