Chapter 337 New Colleague (seeking a monthly pass)
Jian Wenji pointed to the place facing the door and said, "Xiaoyu, you came just in time. The table opposite Xiaofeng is your place. He brought the table and chairs back for you. You can clean it yourself."

"Okay, thank you Comrade Xiao." Yu Qing wiped the table with her fingers, it was clean and free of dust, presumably Xiao Xiaofeng had already wiped it for her.

Xiao Xiaofeng smiled shyly: "Colleagues should help each other, you're welcome. But how do you know my surname is Xiao?"

"Hehe, as for your surname, I guessed it, do you believe it?" Yu Qing took out a handful of candy from her bag and put it on Xiao Xiaofeng's table, and she gave Jian Wenji another handful.

"Come on, let me treat everyone to some sweets."

As for the woman who ignored her, I'm sorry she also treated her as transparent.

Jian Wenji thanked her with a smile, looked around her and Yu Tiantian, and his heart began to beat, wondering whether it was right or wrong to transfer Yu Tiantian to the purchasing department.

"Comrade Yu, come over and eat candy." Xiao Xiaofeng didn't know that the two were not in harmony, so he beckoned Yu Tiantian to come and eat candy together.

"I don't eat food that comes from you." Yu Tiantian turned her head to the other side.

"." Xiao Xiaofeng had candy in his mouth, should he swallow the candy or spit it out?

"." Jian Wenji who just peeled off the candy and was about to put it in his mouth, should he eat this candy or not?

Yu Qing lowered her head with a sneering smile, raised her head and said goodbye to everyone, "I'm still at work, I'll leave first if I have nothing to do, you guys are busy."

After hearing this, Yu Tiantian became anxious, and blurted out the words of finding fault, "You also have a share in this office, and you want to leave without cleaning?"

"Do you like it or not!" Yu Qing left the door without turning her head.

Xiang Yisen was leaning on the railing, wondering what she was thinking, when he heard her footsteps, he looked over, "Can we go?"

Yu Qing took his arm, leaned close to him and whispered, "Honey, let's go."

Xiang Yisen's steps paused invisibly, stretched out his other hand and pinched her cheek, then slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and pulled her downstairs.

The two distributed candies to other colleagues who had a little relationship with each other. When they returned to the residential area, they didn't let go of the children playing in the community. Everyone gave out a few candies.

Shout out these children's happy and sweet-talking sisters and brothers non-stop.

"These brats should call me uncle, why don't you let them call us brother and sister regardless of their size?"

"I've always felt that I'm a child who hasn't grown up, so it's okay to call me elder sister. Besides, Beibei is about the same age as them."

So Bei Bei called her sister, and there was nothing wrong with these kids calling her sister.

"Sister Qing, where did you come back from? Didn't go to work today?" Zhu Mei was sitting in front of her house, eating with her rice bowl, and greeted the couple with a smile when she saw them.

Yu Qing turned her head, looked at her with a smile and said, "At work, sister Zhu, did you just have breakfast?"

"Yes, I went to the field when I got up, and I wanted to finish that little thing, and I'm so busy with this business that I don't come back until now."

In order to do more work, people in the countryside often don't pay attention to the time. Yu Qing didn't say much, but cared: "No matter how busy you are, you have to come back to eat on time, or your stomach will be too hungry."

"That's the reason." Zhu Mei nodded perfunctorily, "Sister Qing, do you have time? Come and sit for a while, I have something to ask you."

Yu Qing and Xiang Yisen looked at each other, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Zhumei Gourd, she pushed him, "If you have nothing to do, go back first, I'll go talk to her."

"come back earlier."

Yu Qing glared at him, "I'm still at work."

Xiang Yisen snorted softly, meaning that if he doesn't make it to this class, he just needs to stroll around the factory area, and there will be no delay in returning home.

Seeing the man reluctantly entered the house, Yu Qing went to the next door.

This scene fell in Zhu Mei's eyes, making her teeth sore, it was too greasy!
Sure enough, newlyweds are different. People like them who have been married for many years sometimes really hate each other, wishing that the two parties would be as far away as possible.

"Sister Zhu, just ask if you have anything."

"You sit first." Zhu Mei patted the stool next to her.

Yu Qing sat down as she said, and saw that she was about to put down the bowls and chopsticks to pour water, so she quickly stopped her, "Sister Zhu, we are next door neighbors, don't be so polite, you should eat first."

"It's okay, I can't eat with sore teeth now, so go get you a glass of water first."

Seeing that she was determined to do so, Yu Qing didn't stop her, and after a while she brought out a glass of water.

"Did you go to the doctor for your toothache?"

Zhu Mei grinned, "No, it will be fine in a while."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while before Zhu Mei talked about the vegetable field on the mountain, "It hasn't rained for a while, and your vegetable field hasn't been watered for a few days.

"Thank you for reminding me, I'm planning to water again later in the afternoon."

"Miss Qing, I didn't see that you are still able to plant the land. Although the vegetables in your field are not watered diligently, the vegetables are growing well, and the beans are blooming. I believe that after ten days you will be able to plant them yourself." ate the vegetables."

"Blooming?" Yu Qing couldn't believe it, the carob seedlings must have grown too fast.

She didn't know much about the crop growth cycle, but she was a little surprised that it bloomed earlier than other people's.


Zhu Mei thought about it in her heart, and then asked: "Sister Qing, you said how much you would charge for dried bamboo shoots, I just wanted to ask you, if I bought them from a nearby village and sold them to you, would you accept them?" receive?"

Yu Qing was slightly stunned. She didn't expect Zhu Mei to be so business-minded. This idea was good. She hadn't even thought of going to a nearby village to buy it. The other party had already thought of it.

She mainly wanted to help the family members of the employees in the station, and never thought of helping the nearby villagers to generate some extra income.

"What? Did you make things difficult for you? If it doesn't work, forget it, I just asked casually." Seeing her in a daze, Zhu Mei thought she was in trouble.She quickly retreated!
Yu Qing shook her head, "Sister Zhu, your idea is very good. Everyone can generate some income, and by the way, the nearby villagers can also get some extra income. Very good."


"Well, how about this, when you go nearby to buy dry goods from the villagers, remember to check them carefully, and never accept unqualified ones." Yu Qing promised: "As long as the quality is qualified, I will accept as much as you have."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Don't worry about the quality, I'll definitely check it out." Zhu Mei was a little eager to go, and wanted to go to the nearby villages immediately to buy.

"The purchase price is still the original price to buy you. As for the price you buy the villagers, you can decide for yourself."


After making an agreement with Zhu Mei, Yu Qing went home.

Xiang Yisen was holding a book in his hand, leaning on the bed and flipping through it. When Yu Qing came in, he just glanced at it, and then his eyes fell on the book again.

"Comrade Xiang."

Xiang Yisen glanced at her again, "Why?"

Yu Qing walked over and lay on him, "Are you bored at the power station?"

Xiang Yisen didn't take his eyes off the book and didn't say a word.

If he doesn't say a word, it's his default.

Yu Qing said again: "Comrade Xiang, you have to do me a favor this afternoon."

Then, she talked about the purchase of dry goods in the afternoon, and asked him to weigh and pay for her if he had nothing to do in the afternoon.

Seeing that he didn't object, Yu Qing yawned, rolled to the inside of the bed and hugged his waist, closed her eyes and said, "That's the deal."

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets~

  Continue to ask for a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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