Chapter 338 Discovery
When he woke up, Xiang Yisen had already prepared lunch.

Yu Qing yawned and rubbed her eyes. She didn't sleep well at night, and she didn't seem to get enough sleep no matter how she came to catch up on sleep during the day.

"Haven't you had enough sleep yet?" Xiang Yisen leaned against the door frame and looked at her who was sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah." Yu Qing lazily walked in front of him, put her arms around his waist, and rubbed her head against his chest, the clear breath on his body was reassuring.

Xiang Yisen didn't expect her to make such a clingy gesture at this moment. He rubbed her loose hair and asked softly, "What's the matter? I want to sleep. Let's sleep after eating."

Yu Qing rubbed her head again, raised her head and smiled at her, "It's okay, I'll wake up after washing my face."

Xiang Yisen bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips, "Go."

After the two of them finished their meal, Yu Qing asked Xiang Yisen to rest for a while, and helped her collect the dry goods when the family members brought them.She went to the duty room first.

In the morning, she took a lazy nap for an hour or two, and at noon she went to take over as a substitute, so that the colleagues in the duty room could also take a break at noon.

In the afternoon, when the colleagues in the same class took a nap and took over the shift, Yu Qing went home again.

When I got home, several family members were already waiting at the door of the kitchen. Inside, Xiang Yisen was calling for change.

"Comrade Yu, you're back."

When Yu Qing walked to the door, the family members greeted her warmly when they saw her.

"Well, everyone has a lot of dry goods this time."

One of the family members said: "Wow, this time there are not as many dried bamboo shoots as last time, and the amount of dried mushrooms is good this time. I hope this time they can be sold at a good price."

Yu Qing smiled and said, "The purchase price is the same as last time, don't worry everyone."

"Your purchase price is fair, we don't worry about it, we just want to ask you, after collecting this time, will you still accept the dried mushrooms after we dry them?"

"Harvest." Yu Qing knew that spring bamboo shoots were out of season, and there were fewer mushrooms in summer, but in autumn, it was another peak season for wild mushrooms to grow.

"Really, that's really great. We can earn some income while we're at home besides growing vegetables."

The family members are very happy, especially those who have no jobs. Only the man earns money to support the family, and the family's income and expenditure are not balanced every month. They dream of doing something to make some money.

Yu Qing could feel everyone's excitement from the bottom of their hearts. She was thinking about what else could make money in the countryside.

What else is there besides the mountain goods on the mountain?
It has not been confiscated here, and a few family members came, looking at the green hills and the reservoir in the distance.
Have it.

Although the Lingjiang Hydropower Station is located in a remote mountain valley, it is rich in natural resources. In addition to the wide reservoir, there are many ponds around the power station.

"I also collect small dried fish. In summer, if there are no fungus on the mountain, you can make nets and go to the pond to stretch small fish and shrimp."

This kind of net for stretching small fish and shrimp is different from the net for fishing fish in the water. It is a net made of fine gauze, and the four corners are crossed with thin bamboo poles, and then a long rope is tied to cross the bamboo poles. The other end of the rope is tied to a long bamboo pole.

The net can be lowered and collected on the shore without launching into the water at all, which can ensure the safety of personnel.

Of course, it is impossible to use new gauze for making nets. People usually use old mosquito nets that can no longer be used at home, cut them into pieces of cloth about 80*80 in size, and then make them into nets.

A person has more than a dozen such nets, and he can gain a lot in a day.

"Do you also accept dried fish?" the family members asked.

Yu Qing nodded, "Both big and small dried fish are accepted, but we can't hunt big fish, but we can still stretch small fish and shrimp, and it's not dangerous. If you want to make money, you can move. In the future As long as I come back, everyone can bring the dry goods over at any time."

"You have a good idea. Comrade Yu has a flexible mind. How could everyone think of selling small fish and shrimp for money before?"

Before five o'clock in the afternoon, the dry goods were collected.

This time, eight big sacks were packed, four big sacks each for dried bamboo shoots and dried mushrooms.

Since the purchase price of dried mushrooms is much more expensive than that of dried bamboo shoots, this purchase cost more than 1000 yuan, which is [-] more than last time.

The two of them sorted out the dry goods, and Xiang Yisen suddenly asked: "I heard from them that last time there were more goods, and this time there were eight sacks. Then last time, there were more. If I remember correctly, last time I only used [-] sacks. The car loaded up with three sacks, how did you sell the rest of the goods?"

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound in the kitchen.

Yu Qing stopped what she was doing, and faced his probing gaze, she only felt her scalp tingling.



There will be a day when rumors will be shattered!
"This, this matter is a bit complicated, and I can't explain it at the moment."

Xiang Yisen looked at her leisurely, "I can't tell at the moment, you can speak slowly."

Yu Qing's mood was a bit complicated, with tension and relief at the same time.

She nodded, "Okay, let's water and fertilize the vegetable field first, and I will explain it to you slowly when I come back at night, okay?"

Xiang Yisen smiled, and he accepted it. He was not in a hurry to know the truth, and he could take his time at night.

The vegetable seedlings in the vegetable field have all grown up, and the vines have climbed up the inserted bamboo poles, and many flower buds have grown, and small beans are hanging.

The chili and eggplant have branched out and have flower buds.

With the help of a man to do physical work, Yu Qing felt a lot easier, at least she handed over the water and vegetables to the man.

It's not the first time Xiang Yisen has watered and fertilized, and he does it well without teaching.

The vines of the watermelon seedlings in the middle of the vegetable field grew luxuriantly, and there were many branches. Yu Qing cut off the excess vines, leaving only two or three vines for it to bloom and grow watermelons.

The sweet potato vines are also growing luxuriantly. At present, only this sweet potato vine can be eaten as a vegetable in the entire vegetable field, and the others have not grown up yet.

Yu Qing picked up a lot of sweet potato twigs at the top of her neck and put them into the studio. She couldn't hide it anymore, and she wasn't going to continue to hide it. When it was time for a showdown, she was not afraid of being discovered by him.

She pinched all the ridges of sweet potatoes, leaving only some for frying at night, and took all the others into the studio.

"Comrade Xiang, is it almost over?"

"Soon." Xiang Yisen replied without turning his head, and quickened his movements.

Yu Qing looked at the male god who used to not eat fireworks, now he was going to fertilize the ground, and slightly raised the corners of his lips. It was really not easy for a male god to do this for her.

She shouted to him: "You pour it slowly, I'll go back to cook first."

"Okay, you go slowly."

Yu Qing waved her hand at him, "Got it."

On the way back, I met a yellow orchid carrying a bucket.

"Sister Yu, are you coming back from the field?"

"Yes, how do the vegetables you grow look like?" Yu Qing smiled at her. She still remembered that it took a lot of effort to start a wilderness, so she didn't know how her vegetables were growing?

"It's okay." Then Huang Lanhua told her what vegetables she had grown and how they looked.

Yu Qing: "Now you come to the power station, which department are you assigned to?"

"When I first arrived, I went to the cafeteria, but now I'm transferred to the operation workshop."

(End of this chapter)

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