Chapter 339

"Oh." Yu Qing thought to herself, the frequency of this transfer was almost catching up with her.

Huang Lanhua changed the burden on her shoulders from the left to the right, and happily explained: "I heard that a lesbian from the operation workshop has been transferred to the newly established purchasing department. I will be transferred to take her place."

"The lesbian you're talking about should be Yu Tiantian." Yu Qing was stunned.

"That's her." Huang Lanhua nodded.

When the two entered the residential area, Yu Qing's house was at the outermost edge, and her house was the first to arrive.

She unlocked the kitchen door, turned to Huang Lanhua and said, "Would you like to come in for a glass of water?"

It was meant to be polite, but Huang Lanhua actually let go of the burden on her shoulders and followed Yu Qing into the kitchen, "I'm really thirsty."

Yu Qing glanced at her in surprise, put down the vegetables in her hands, poured half a basin of water into the basin, and the two washed their hands together.

Yu Qing poured her a glass of water, "You used to stay in the county town, are you used to living here now?"

"You'll get used to it after a long time." Huang Lanhua put down the cup, looked outside, and then approached Yu Qing mysteriously, "I'll tell you a secret I discovered."

"Secret?" The corner of Yu Qing's mouth twitched, she realized now, why did Huang Lanhua follow her in just a few steps home, drinking water might be an excuse, the ultimate goal was to share the secret with her.

Is it just that the secret is shared and it's still a secret?

Huang Lanhua said excitedly: "Yes, the secret, I discovered it a few nights ago."

Yu Qing thought to herself, could there be ghosts and monsters hidden in the newly built power station?

In other words, a few nights ago, after a hearty exercise between Huang Lanhua and his wife, Kuang Gang got up to drink water, and accidentally found two hugging figures printed on the window of the opposite building.

Kuang Gang rubbed his eyes and thought he was wrong, "Hua'er, come and look at the other side."

"What's the matter on the other side?" Huang Lanhua put on a dress and stood up, lying on the window and looking at the opposite side, the light reflected on the window's shadow, one of them had long hair, it was obvious that a man and a woman were hugging each other in the room.

She blushed and spat at him, "Why do you ask me to come over to see this kind of thing?"

Kuang Gang excitedly whispered: "You have come to the power station not long ago, maybe you don't know who lives in the building opposite us. If you knew who he is, you wouldn't say that."

"Who lives there?" Huang Lanhua yawned, and pulled her shoes back to the bed.

Kuang Gang glanced back at the shadow on the window of the opposite building, ran to the bed excitedly, hugged Huang Lanhua and said, "Chief Jane."

Huang Lanhua looked confused, "Chief Jane?"

"Well, Chief Jian's name is Jian Wenji." Kuang Gang briefly told her about Jian Wenji's situation, "Think about it, he's an old widower, and it's not unusual for him to have a woman at home in the middle of the night? And What I want to know most at this moment is who this woman is? Is it from our power station or came in from outside."

After all, Kuang Gang's heart itched unbearably, and he got up and lay down on the window to observe the opposite side carefully.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had a wife to hug, he really wanted to go downstairs and see which woman came out of his house.

After hearing this, Huang Lanhua's eyes lit up, and she got up and lay down on her window to stare at the window of the opposite building.

She stabbed the man next to her, and Bafeng asked, "What do you think they are doing now?"

Kuang Gang moved closer to Huang Lanhua's ear, and jokingly asked, "What do you think they are doing?"


Huang Lanhua took a few more sips from the cup and asked, "Sister Yu, do you think this woman is in the power station or outside?"

"I can't guess." Yu Qing laughed it off, just listen to this kind of romantic affair.

"I heard from Gangzi that there are no single lesbians who are the same age as Section Chief Jian in this factory area. I think either the lesbians are from outside, or they are young lesbians, or"

"Okay, Comrade Huang Lanhua, don't analyze such unfounded things. Just look at other people's affairs. Don't think about it in your heart. It will waste your energy."

Yu Qing was speechless and wanted to roll her eyes. The couple's gossip-loving temperaments are exactly the same, and they really answered that sentence.

Yu Qing didn't take the matter of Section Chief Jian looking for a woman seriously. We were all men and women who were eating and drinking, so it was normal to have certain needs.

Huang Lanhua didn't talk much, she left after sharing the matter.

Yu Qing washed the cup and hurriedly washed the rice for cooking.

She didn't cook too many dishes at night, she just used carrots to stir-fry twice-cooked pork, and then stir-fried it with the sweet potato tender vines picked up in the afternoon.

Two dishes are enough for two people at night.

During the meal, Xiang Yisen frowned slightly when he saw the stir-fried pork with carrots on the table. She was so confident that she didn't even bother to cover up at the very least?

But he didn't say much at the moment, anyway, no matter how many unreasonable things happened at home, he would patiently wait for her to give him a reasonable explanation at this moment.

It's just that he has been looking forward to this explanation for a long time.

Yu Qing carefully observed Xiang Yisen's expression for a while, and found that he was calm and composed from the beginning to the end, concentrating on eating.

There is no fresh meat at home, and there are no carrots at this time of year. She took these out to cook in the end, just to stimulate him one last time and see how he would react?
The result was a bit unsatisfactory.

After eating, the two packed up the kitchen and went back to the bedroom.

Xiang Yisen found out his pajamas, sat on the stool and waited for her next arrangement.

Yu Qing found out her pajamas, held Xiang Yisen's hand, and smiled slyly: "Are you ready?"

She thought about it, and felt that instead of explaining to him, it would be more convincing to drag him into the studio, let him face it intuitively, and explore by herself.

I just don't know that the studio allows outsiders to enter.

But no matter what, try it first, if you can't get in, she will explain to him.

Xiang Yisen didn't know what she was going to do, but he nodded, "Ready."

Yu Qing asked again: "You might as well close your eyes."

Xiang Yisen's thick long eyelashes trembled, and he closed his eyes obediently.

Yu Qing stared at his sharp-edged face, stretched out her hand to pinch his straight nose, pulled him to stand up, and then entered the studio in a flash.

To her surprise, Xiang Yisen really came in.

Xiang Yisen felt a moment of weightlessness, that feeling was just a moment, but the feeling of that moment was quite real.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

The place where he came in was the studio, Xiang Yisen looked at the spacious and bright office, "Where is this?"

He was still in the bedroom just now, but he changed his place just by closing his eyes, and he confirmed that he didn't move.

"I won't tell you where this is." Yu Qing picked up her pajamas and said, "I'll take a shower first, you can go shopping if you have nothing to do."

After taking a shower, explain to him slowly.

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(End of this chapter)

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