Chapter 340 Confession
Yu Qing went into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, adjusted the water temperature, buried her whole body under the shower, and the hot water washed over her whole body along the top of her head, giving her the illusion of relief.

Xiang Yisen stood alone in the office and walked around randomly. He hadn't seen many things, but he didn't move around. He waited for Yu Qing to come out after taking a shower and explain to him.

Standing at the stairs, he was surprised to see the warehouse full of shelves on the first floor.

Thinking of Yu Qing telling him that he can wander around casually, it means that there is no danger here.

Coming down from the stairs, besides the shelves with goods in the warehouse, he also saw firewood piled up in the corner, electric bicycles of a certain brand, and so on.

Strolling into the kitchen, apart from a huge table and many chairs, there are also many kitchen utensils that he has never seen before.In particular, the vegetables stacked on the side, taking up one-third of the restaurant area, are all vegetables that are only grown in winter in their place.

Thinking of the carrot fried meat on the dinner table tonight, there is nothing I don't understand.

After a rough stroll around, I returned to the office on the second floor, and saw a woman sitting there blowing her hair.

Seeing him coming back, Yu Qing stopped what she was doing and turned off the hair dryer, "Wait a minute, I'll dry your hair, or you can take a shower first."

Xiang Yisen tried his best to pull a stiff smile, "Okay."

Yu Qing acted as if she hadn't seen his smile, she dragged him into the bathroom, and simply taught him how to adjust the hot water.

After he finished washing, Yu Qing patted the lotion on her face, walked forward with a smile, took his arm intimately and said, "Let's go, I'll show you around."

She added: "I know you must be very confused in your heart. In fact, I was also confused at the beginning. I don't know where this place is. I only know that as long as I want to come in, I can enter here through my own thoughts. I was able to bring you in for the first time, and I also had a tentative mentality, but I didn't expect to actually bring you in."

Xiang Yisen listened carefully without saying a word.

Yu Qing wasn't surprised that he didn't get a response right now, after all, anyone would be shocked by such a thing.There may be a period of time when the brain is shut down.

"This place is what I got when I woke up in the hospital after I almost fell into the river last time. I can freely enter and exit this space, and I can move around freely. I can't go to places outside the gate. Let's call it space for now. .”

Yu Qing took him to the kitchen first, "This space should be a studio. This is their dining room and kitchen. These stoves are very useful but they are not things of our time. This is a double-door refrigerator, which is more technologically advanced. My dowry refrigerator is advanced."

Xiang Yisen opened the refrigerator and checked it. In fact, he couldn't tell the reason from the appearance alone, but it didn't stop him from wanting to see it.

He kept his face sullen and kept silent. Yu Qing introduced the water heater, and he just checked the appearance.

Yu Qing didn't know what he could see just looking at the appearance like this?Or was she just dumbfounded by what happened tonight.

Coming out of the kitchen, there was nothing to introduce on the shelf. She put a rice cooker in front of him, "This is a rice cooker. You saw it in the kitchen just now, but it's a large one, and it can cook rice for a dozen people." , this one is small, it can only cook for three or four people."

Xiang Yisen glanced at the two electric bicycles, "Is that also the one that was here?"

"Yes!" Yu Qing hugged him happily and pushed him towards the electric car, "There are exactly two cars, and we will each have one car in the future."

Xiang Yisen sighed inwardly, and gently stroked her hair.

With such a treasure, how dare she pull him in and introduce it to him without reservation. Isn't this silly girl afraid that he will have evil intentions and kill people to seize the treasure?
Xiang Yisen is more interested in electric bikes than anything else. He checked it out and tried riding it. This is not the time to study it, so he put it aside for the time being and followed Yu Qing into the live broadcast room.

When he saw many small squares fixed on the brackets, he asked, "What is that?"

Yu Qing felt sad when she saw this. If she hadn't prepared these things at the beginning, wouldn't she have rewarded the staff for suppers and drinks, and wouldn't have traveled here?
Glancing at the man next to him, the sadness didn't seem that strong, but in fact, she earned it by time travelling.

"That's a cell phone."

After wearing it for so long, she has never been in this live broadcast room, especially these devices, she has never tried it.

What would happen if she turned on the live broadcast?
When the two returned to the office, Yu Qing sat in front of the computer, turned on the computer and said, "This is the most important thing in this studio."

Yu Qing gave a brief overview of online shopping.

Xiang Yisen suddenly realized, "The last time you went to Yangcheng, did you buy all the goods you bought from here?"

Yu Qing nodded honestly, "Well, this time the electric fan is also purchased from here."

"I always thought there was someone behind you, so this is it." Xiang Yisen finally found the answer, and looked at her with a puzzled expression, "It's hard for you to deceive me."

Yu Qing could hear the feeling of grievance, she hugged his neck helplessly, and pecked his lips, "I have no other choice, please forgive me."

Xiang Yisen grabbed her waist, pulled her into his arms, let her sit on his lap, and also kissed her on the lips.

He said sincerely: "Qingqing, I am very glad that you chose me, I am very lucky to have you."

"We are destined to be together." Yu Qing's heart was as sweet as drinking honey. To be able to travel over and make a marriage with him, what is it if it is not destiny?
Her words hit the apex of his heart, and a turbulent emotion surged up in his chest, but he couldn't find an outlet.

"Is it fated?"

"Yeah!" Yu Qing put her palm on his chest and said treacherously, "Honey, your heart is beating so fast~"

Xiang Yisen pressed the big palm on the small one, curled his lips and said with a smile: "Now I'm so emotional that I can't calm down, what do you think should I do? Hmm~"

Now he finally realized the benefits of getting married, that is, he finally didn't have to suppress his emotions and run to the bathroom, because his wife was by his side.

"Hehe." Yu Qing smelled a hint of danger, smiled coyly, shrunk her neck deliberately, and asked weakly, "Shall we go out?"

"No, it's right here."

The outside walls are not very sound-proof, and the two of them can't enjoy themselves together. Xiang Yisen let out because of a fool. It's different inside. There are only two people in such a big space.

Yu Qing bit her lip and asked shyly, "You don't want to be here, do you?"

There are no beds here.

However, why is my heart a little excited, the office acridine, I have never tried it before.

The excitement, does it mean that she also has the physique of a rotten girl?

(End of this chapter)

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