Chapter 341

"Don't worry, leave everything to me." Xiang Yisen couldn't wait a long time ago, it didn't match the image of the male god in the past.

"Wait." Yu Qing held his head and asked her to recall whether there is surveillance here.

Xiang Yisen's voice was hoarse and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Is there anything else? I can't wait."

Yu Qing struggled, "There is surveillance here, I will turn off the surveillance first."

Although this studio belongs to her now, the computers here are connected to the Internet. If a hacker attacks here and the video streams out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Xiang Yisen let her go, waiting for her to turn off the surveillance.A fierce tiger rushed to embrace him.

This night, Yu Qing's body was incredibly soft, and Xiang Yisen's attitude was unprecedentedly strong.
The night was alluring, long and tormenting.

Yu Qing woke up again, lying on the sofa like a dead fish, her whole body didn't seem to be her own, she felt exhausted even if she moved her fingers, this is the serious consequence of indulgence,
She rolled her eyelids, and saw Xiang Yisen sitting in front of the computer, wondering what he was looking at?
Presenting this space in front of him this time is already her maximum limit. Even if she is killed, she will not tell anyone about the incredible thing of rebirth after her death.

Especially the man next to her. She was afraid that he would have a psychological shadow. It took courage to marry a wandering soul and have children for a lifetime!

When the love is strong, you don't feel it, but when the love is weak, it will appear.

He had already tidied up the messy office, Yu Qing rolled her eyes, and was about to close her eyes to replenish her energy.

"woke up."

Xiang Yisen came over, squatted in front of the sofa, pushed back the broken hair on her forehead, and the corners of her slightly raised mouth showed his good mood, and asked softly, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Yu Qing rolled his eyes at him, she was struggling to speak now.

"Hehe." Xiang Yisen chuckled, and stroked his slightly red and swollen lips with his fingers, "Want to drink water?"

Yu Qing closed her eyes tiredly. Marriage really requires physical capital, and girls who don't have the physical strength should think carefully.

Of course high-speed tits are an exception!

Hearing Xiang Yisen's footsteps leaving, he turned back not long after.

"Come and drink some water."

He lifted the person up and leaned against him, and handed the water glass to her lips.

After drinking a glass of warm water, Yu Qing's hoarse throat finally felt much better. She sighed and said softly, "You ruined me."

Xiang Yisen kissed her forehead tenderly, "Thank you Madam."

"You haven't slept?"


Yu Qing looked at the computer and asked in confusion, "What were you looking at just now?"

Xiang Yisen curled his lips, and explained: "Look around casually, if you see someone selling dog skin plaster, take a second look."

"Dog skin plaster?" Yu Qing obviously didn't believe it, it was impossible, how could the website allow this kind of fake medicine to be sold online.

Xiang Yisen hugged someone and sat in front of the computer, "If you don't believe me, see for yourself, there are other fitness pills, Dali pills, Jiugong secret method, Lingbo Weibu. This is not the world of martial arts!"

And the price is not cheap.

Yu Qing looked at the computer page, really
and many more.

"Extraterritorial Mall!?" Yu Qing looked back at Xiang Yisen and asked in shock, "Where did you come from?"

Before he could answer, Yu Qing checked the previous page by herself.

"Since when are there more foreign malls here?"

On the homepage of the website, there is an icon of an extraterritorial mall.

"Didn't you have this before?"

Xiang Yisen leaned over and stared at the computer. Many of the products on this website have high technological content, and they are things that cannot exist in this era.

However, if there are samples working hard, it should be able to improve the technological level of their country.

Yu Qing couldn't figure it out, "It didn't happen before, but if you didn't point it out this time, I wouldn't have noticed it. I don't even know when there was this mall here."

"Could it be because you brought me in, the website gave you benefits?" Xiang Yisen said after thinking for a while.

Yu Qing looked at him with a half-smile, as if she had heard some joke, "You really dare to think about it, put all your money on your face!"

Xiang Yisen hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek, "Am I not right?"

"Hehe. You're right, but I'm tired!" Yu Qing sighed.

"Squeamish!" Xiang Yisen was very satisfied with the weight in his palm, and then looked at the computer and asked, "Why are many products displayed in gray?"

"That's because we don't have permission to buy it yet." Yu Qing saw that there were only one or two items available for purchase, and the price was affordable for her.

The prices of other gray items are all marked with sky-high prices, and now she can only look at the ocean and sigh!
"You buy things from here, where does the money come from?" Xiang Yisen is now like a curious baby, interested in everything.

Yu Qing patiently explained to him how she opened a store to accumulate capital, and how to buy goods online and sell them offline.

The online and offline currency values ​​are different, so how to balance them.

"The dry goods you bought outside are sold online?"

"Well, this is just a small amount of money. The most important thing is to help the family members of the power station generate more income. It is too slow to accumulate funds by relying on these dry goods."

Yu Qing told him again that the most profitable online sales are antiques.But this can’t be sold in batches, and the amount on the account can only be consumed too much, so one or two items can be sold online to make up the balance.

"So, the clothes and dry goods usually hung in the online store are just to avoid the store from being canceled, and to slowly accumulate funds, and the water will flow for a long time."

"Are you ready for the fan that will be sold in the store next time?" Xiang Yisen asked again.

Yu Qing chuckled: "It's been prepared a long time ago, it's all piled up in the warehouse, didn't you notice?"

Xiang Yisen narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the woman in his arms for a few seconds, "I didn't pay attention."

"Ha ha."

Xiang Yisen ignored her ridicule, thought for a while, pointed to the computer screen and said: "Didn't you buy a lot of stamps last time, I believe you won't buy so many stamps for no reason, it should be valuable for collection, you might as well put them away Some are online, see if they can be exchanged for money?"

Yu Qing looked at him in surprise, held his cheek and kissed his thin lips, she was worried about what new items to put on it for sale.

"You're great. If you don't remind me, I don't even think about putting the stamp on it."

The corners of Xiang Yisen's mouth were slightly raised, watching her busy in a good mood, taking pictures, editing pictures, and uploading pictures, while he watched and studied seriously from the sidelines.

When she finished her work, she reminded softly, "It's getting late, we should go out."

Yu Qing rubbed her sore and swollen eyes, "Okay, you hug me."

Xiang Yisen held Yu Qing in his arms, turned around and went down to the warehouse on the first floor, picked up a new rice cooker from the shelf, and said, "Okay, let's go out."

With a thought in Yu Qing, the two appeared in the bedroom, standing where they left.

Xiang Yisen put her on the bed, Yu Qing rolled on the bed, and warned: "Don't make noise tonight, I want to sleep well."

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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