Chapter 342 The Big Melon of the Year
Xiang Yisen gave her a blank look, "Don't worry, it's a lot of work, and I'm tired too."

Thinking of this man's bravery, Yu Qing couldn't help but blush, and kicked him angrily, "Get out, sleep upstairs tonight."

Xiang Yisen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and just hugged her and closed his eyes to sleep. It was really late, it was already late at night.

Kuang Gang turned on the light, endured the glare of the light, raised his wrist to see the time clearly, and hurriedly pushed the woman sleeping next to him to wake up, "Hua'er, Hua'er, hurry up, it's almost time."

"Ah, is it time?" Huang Lanhua sat up in a daze, rubbed her cheeks, and forced herself to wake up.

Kuang Gang got up, put on his clothes, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and made himself sober.

Huang Lanhua then stood at the door of the bathroom, yawned and said, "Go on to sleep when you're tired. It's not far from the operation workshop, so I'll go there by myself."

The bathroom in this small welfare suite was too small, and she could barely turn the corner by herself in it. When Kuang came out, Huang Lanhua went in to wash up. She didn't fully wake up until she put a cold washcloth on her face.

Kuang Gang stroked his hair twice and shook his head, "In the middle of the night, I am worried about letting you walk outside alone as a woman. Besides, I know you are timid, and the lights are dark outside. I am afraid that you will be afraid."

He insisted on delivering it, but Huang Lanhua didn't say much, anyway, it was only a few steps away, and he could continue to sleep when he came back, "Okay."

Kuang Gang picked up the flashlight, and the two went out.

Seeing that he was holding a flashlight, Huang Lanhua smiled and said, "It's the same as not having this flashlight."

When he got out of the stairs, Kuang Gang turned on the flashlight to give it a faint light, but it disappeared after walking a few steps.

"The next time someone goes out, remember to ask someone to bring back two pairs of batteries. You sometimes have to work night shifts at night and spend a lot of time, so you need to prepare some batteries at home."

There are street lights in the factory area, but the distance between the street lights is far away, and some places cannot be illuminated. It is more convenient to have a flashlight, so you can be prepared.

"En." Huang Lanhua took Kuang Gang's arm and half hung herself on him, so that she could walk safely without fear of falling.

It's just that before the two of them walked out of the corridor of this building, they found a woman coming from another road.

When he got closer, Kuang Gang found that this woman was Yu Tiantian who came to the power station with them.

Yu Tiantian just smiled politely when she saw their husband and wife, and passed by the other way before getting lost.

Huang Lanhua poked Kuang Gang, and said in a low voice: "Isn't she transferred to a new department? Now she doesn't have to work the night shift, why is she coming out so late? Do you think so?"

Kuang Gang's thoughts were synchronized, and he understood what she meant in seconds, "Come on, let's follow up and have a look."

The mystery in the opposite building was not resolved, and the couple were scratching their hearts and lungs.

Yu Tiantian was very cautious. After meeting Kuang Gang and his wife, she walked around another building before returning to Jian Wenji's downstairs.

Kuang Gang and Huang Lanhua, who had followed all the way, looked at each other, the mystery was about to be revealed, and the fire of gossip was burning in the eyes of both of them.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a light knock on the door from the second floor, and after a while the door opened, and Yu Tiantian was pulled in.

Huang Lanhua wanted to tiptoe upstairs and continue to listen to the corner, but was grabbed by Kuang Gang, and he let her go after dragging her for a while.

"Why are you dragging me out? I want to hear if they are right." Huang Lanhua made a correct movement with two fingers as she said.

"It's about time, and you want to be late and get your bonus deducted?" How could Kuang Gang let her listen to the corner? It's quiet in the middle of the night. If a little movement is discovered, it will be embarrassing to death, and maybe it will be punished by the leader. bear grudges.

"I just wanted to finalize if they were in that relationship."

Big melon of the year!
One is a middle-aged widower, and the other is a handsome and beautiful comrade in the Mood for Love. Huang Lanhua is excited just thinking about this combination, and she especially wants to know their follow-up.

Kuang Gang loves gossip because he loves gossip, but he has a bottom line. He doesn't want to offend the leader. He is afraid of being put on small shoes. One day it will be exposed, why should we be this villain.”

"You're right, as long as we know what's in our hearts." Huang Lanhua said so, but she was so curious in her heart that she couldn't help asking: "You said they were completely wrong, how did they get together? What is Comrade Yu thinking, to find a man who can be his father?"

"Don't think about it, let's go, I'll be late for work later." Kuang Gang urged.

Under the cover of night, too many stories happened in the factory area.

As soon as Yu Qing woke up until dawn, even if she slept well later, she didn't have the courage to get up early and run in the morning.

Xiang Yisen wanted to ask her to get up and exercise, but when Yu Qingyi complained that he was doing too much, his heart softened immediately.

Not long after going to work today, Xiao Xiaofeng came to find someone, "Comrade Yu, the leader asked you to go to the meeting with me."

"Oh, good." Yu Qing greeted her colleagues in the same class and followed them to the factory building.

In the station master's office, except for Quan Jifeng and a person from the financial department, the others are all four people from the purchasing department.

Seeing the two of them coming in, Quan Jifeng beckoned, "Xiao Yu is here, come and sit quickly, you are the only one missing."

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long." Yu Qing sat down as she said.

"The factories and office buildings in the city are already being painted. Time is running out. The hotel is about to be renovated. This time I call you over to discuss the procurement of decoration materials."

When it comes to this, Quan Jifeng has a headache. Hotel decoration is too trivial in every aspect, and he has a specialization in technology. The most important thing is that he doesn't understand the hotel industry. It's a bit embarrassing for him to be a big boss to manage this.

However, he is a leader, and he will not show his own shortcomings.

So let everyone get together and discuss it.

Everyone expressed their opinions one by one, Yu Qing sat on the side and listened expressionlessly, but she was already stunned in her heart.

I used to think that leaders were all professionals, because she just left school and entered the society in her previous life, and she also joined the company for a while, and the leaders of all departments are professionals in various industries.

Those who can be leaders must be stronger than employees' business ability.

But what's the situation now?
Judging from their speeches, the leaders themselves can't figure it out. This era is not like later generations where college students are everywhere. If the leaders themselves don't understand, they can recruit professionals to manage them.

In this day and age, you don’t want to recruit college students from the outside like this kind of units in the valleys. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the first batch of college students will be divided up by good units as soon as they graduate. Which round will you get them.

This could not help but remind her of the past. She heard that some units were facing transformation, and many companies began to attract investment, but they were miserably deceived by some empty-handed scammers.

(End of this chapter)

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