Chapter 343 System Upgrade
"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu!" Quan Jifeng knocked on the table, and when Yu Qing came back to his senses, he asked with a worried face: "If you have any opinions, please tell me."

Facing everyone's stares, Yu Qing sat down with restrained and divergent thoughts, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "The hotel decoration is urgent or urgent, and it is not urgent. Should we make a plan for such a big matter?"

Quan Jifeng glanced at everyone, turned his head and asked humbly: "Xiao Yu, tell me about the plan in your heart, what kind of plan?"

Yu Qing coughed lightly, "The quality of the hotel decoration will directly affect the future operating income, so the decoration of our hotel must have a process and a cost plan. Like the construction plan, construction deployment, etc., there must be a decoration team , if there is no decoration team, then we must find a leader who knows how to do it.”

After a pause, she said again: "Of course, before construction, we have to make the design drawings of the hotel first. What kind of style do we want to decorate this hotel, then design according to that style. After the drawings come out, our purchasing department can do it." Start to act, otherwise the purchased materials may cause waste. Therefore, I suggest that the station leaders hold a meeting to make these decisions before calling a meeting of our purchasing department."

I don't know if Quan Jifeng was insane or was fooled by someone, and even called them to a meeting without any preparations. Is it really as simple as purchasing a piece of clothing in the street?
Yu Qing returned home and complained about it to Xiang Yisen.

After hearing this, Xiang Yisen just rubbed her hair, smiled and said nothing.

After this incident, Yu Qing didn't hear the leader's request for a meeting. Yu Qing visited the factory every day at work, and sometimes chatted with the other two members of the former sanitation trio.After get off work, he and Xiang Yisen cook and do housework together, and the two get tired of it.

A few days passed in a flash, and when it was time for her shift to go on vacation, Yu Qing followed Xiang Yisen back to the city.

It was already noon when the two got out of the car, the sun was shining in the sky, and the whitish sunlight was particularly dazzling. Yu Qing took out two pairs of toad glasses from her bag and gave Xiang Yisen a pair. The two of them felt much more comfortable wearing these glasses up.

"Let's go home after eating outside." Xiang Yisen raised his wrist and looked at the time, it was already 12:30.

Yu Qing agreed, "Okay, it's getting hotter and hotter today, and it's a pain to go home with a body full of heat and have to cook."

Noon was the time when the state-run hotel was busy, and when Yu Qing and the others arrived, the restaurant was full of people.

Xiang Yisen ordered food, and Yu Qing took out two lunch boxes from the luggage bag, "The restaurant is crowded, let's pack it up and eat slowly."

Xiang Yisen glanced at her luggage and knew that her lunch box must have been taken out of the studio. He was very envious. It's great to have a space to store things anytime, anywhere!
The two returned home under the sun, Yu Qing was sweating all over, she threw out a paper fan box, "It's too hot, you install a fan first before we eat, I'll take a shower and change clothes first. "

Xiang Yisen had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed Yu Qing before she could enter the studio, "It's too hot outside, I want to go in and take a shower too."

"Okay." Yu Qing picked up the lunch box and dragged him into the studio together.

After taking a shower, the two sat at the table to eat in home clothes. The studio was warm and comfortable, so there was no rush to install a fan.

"Are you going to the construction site in the afternoon?"

Xiang Yisen shook his head while eating, "No, do you have plans for this afternoon?"

"Rest at home in the afternoon. If you have nothing to do, you can help me install a few more fans. The store will need them tomorrow."

"Okay, no problem." Xiang Yisen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought it was a big deal.

After dinner, both of them didn't leave the studio. The man's energy was really high. Xiang Yisen put down his bowl and chopsticks and rested for a quarter of an hour before going to the warehouse to install a fan.

Yu Qing rinsed the lunch box, and her eyelids began to droop. The sleepy bug came to report on time. She yawned, spread the sofa into a sofa bed, lay on it with a thin quilt, and fell asleep after a while.

It was two hours after I fell asleep again, the thin quilt was folded, and the sofa was reassembled.Standing at the stairs, she saw that Xiang Yisen was still busy in the warehouse.

Xiang Yisen heard footsteps coming downstairs, looked up at Yu Qing, "I woke up."

"Well, take a rest when you're tired."

Yu Qing went into the kitchen and cut a plate of watermelon and brought it out. Since she confessed to him, the benefits have also become apparent. She doesn't have to shy away from what she wants to eat and do.

"Comrade Xiang, take a break, come over and have some watermelon."

Xiang Yisen stopped what he was doing, clapped his hands and came over, "Feed me."

Yu Qing pursed her lips and smiled softly, then forked a piece of watermelon into his mouth with a small disposable fork, "Is it sweet?"


"Tian, ​​do it yourself." Yu Qing glanced at him coquettishly, and stuffed the small fork into his hand.

Xiang Yisen raised the corner of his mouth, took the small fork and forked a piece into his mouth, it was really sweet!
Yu Qing looked at the electric fans placed on the open space of the warehouse, at least a dozen of them were installed.

"Install a few more, and make up twenty."

In fact, it is much more convenient to carry the electric fan with a cardboard box, but some customers are too lazy to install it themselves and insist on it already installed.

However, there are not many such customers, so it should be almost enough to install twenty units.

After the two finished eating the watermelon on the plate, Xiang Yisen wiped his hands and started to get busy again.

Yu Qing went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes, cut a new dish and brought it back to the office.

Sitting at the desk, forked a piece of watermelon and ate it before turning on the computer and starting to process the order.

The other orders were normal. What surprised Yu Qing the most was that the monkey ticket that was put up last night was actually sold, and the transaction amount was [-] million.

She remembered that the price she put up last night was 80. It is impossible for customers to pay the wrong amount or increase the price by themselves, so...
Does the system now have its own functions of estimating and correcting prices?

Thinking of this, Yu Qing tried to issue a new version of monkey tickets, the first version was [-] pieces, and there was a saying in the back that "one monkey ticket is one car, one monkey ticket is one apartment".

It can be seen that its collection value.

When filling in the basic information, there is an option for automatic valuation next to the price column. Sure enough, the system has been upgraded!
Yu Qing didn't know if this was an upgrade of the website system or because she traveled through time, and the system that followed her was upgraded separately?

She doesn't bother to think about things she can't figure out. She has always disliked forcing herself to do things she doesn't want to do, unless it's absolutely necessary.

Print out the order and go downstairs to find the goods and pack them.

"Is there a lot of orders today?" Xiang Yisen asked while installing the fan, taking advantage of his spare time.

Yu Qing said with a smile on her face, "Yes, there are more than 100 orders, and the transaction is more than 100 million."

"More than 100 million?!"

Xiang Yisen was shocked for a moment, but then thought of some possibility, "The stamps that were hung up last night were sold?"

 Thank you for your support~

  Continue to ask for a wave of monthly tickets~
  Everyone has votes to vote, but no votes to sign in~
(End of this chapter)

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