Chapter 344
He could see with his own eyes last night that she bid a high price of 80. This girl is not ordinary fat, and dared to bid such a high price without blinking.

"Yeah." Immediately, Yu Qing happily talked to him about the automatic price marking of the system. With this new function, she no longer has to worry about the low price marking when she has antiques in her hand.

She found out the cardboard box containing the thermal underwear and put a page of stamps in it. The box was larger than the stamps, which was just right, so she didn't have to worry about the stamps being folded during transportation.

Xiang Yisen thought for a while and said, "Then tomorrow if we have time, let's go to the antique shop and buy some more."

"I'll talk about it when I have time. Have you installed twenty fans?"

"The last one, ready soon."

After Xiang Yisen installed the last one, he followed Yu Qing non-stop to find goods, package them and deliver them.

After the two of them were busy, they could finally rest for a while.

Sitting in front of the computer, browsing the page while eating watermelon.

The goods purchased online last time could not be sold for two days, so I had to buy some other products.

"I can buy some of the toad mirrors from last time. When I was looking for the bell-bottom pants, I found that there were still some in the warehouse. I don't need to buy this." Xiang Yisen put forward his own suggestion.

Yu Qing went into the store she bought last time again, and chose several toad mirrors, each with a quantity of [-]. After taking pictures and paying, she asked again: "Well, what else do you think can be sold here?"

Most of what Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing browsed were women's items, which were too gaudy and not suitable for their age.

So, he suggested again: "You search for labor insurance products."


Xiang Yisen pointed to an old-fashioned cloth shoe on the website, "This shoe is good, suitable for this era, and the price is really affordable. It's only [-] yuan. If you order [-] pairs, you won't worry about selling them at all."

"The Jiefang rubber shoes are also good. It's only ten yuan. You can also order two hundred pairs. You can allocate the sizes and see how many you order in each size."

"This kind of rain boots is also good. Whether it is raining in the city or in the country, you must buy two hundred pairs."

Yu Qing added everything he had chosen to the shopping cart, then turned around and looked at him dumbfounded, "Comrade Xiang, you just selected all shoes."

"I choose almost everything, all of which are household goods, and you can also choose some things for lesbians according to your vision."

Of course, Yu Qing has to choose some clothes that women like. Summer skirts and T-shirts are must-haves. Considering this era, she chooses long skirts for all skirts, and the styles are simple and elegant, and the fabrics are not out of the ordinary.

She didn't choose those sexy styles either.

Then I chose a few women's sandals, which are convenient for customers to match with skirts.

Then there are the summer clothes cleared out last year in the studio warehouse, which can be sold outside or in stores.

This time the purchase fully reflected the advantage of having a man's support, she no longer had to worry about being discovered by him, but was careful, guarding against this and that.

Xiang Yisen forked a piece of watermelon and held it in front of Yu Qing, she opened her mouth and bit it, "Let's take so many shots this time, I'll pay."

"Well, let's start with these." Xiang Yisen forked a piece and threw it into his mouth.

"Nearly ten thousand is gone." Yu Qing muttered casually after paying.

Xiang Yisen saw her look like a money fan, and felt amused, "This is just a small amount of money. After a few days, your account will have more than 100 million more."

"Hehe, indeed." Yu Qing turned her head and pulled the man's cheek twice, and said generously: "When the money arrives, I will give you a gift, you can choose whatever you like online."

Xiang Yisen thanked him earnestly: "Thank you Madam for your mercy."

"Haha." Yu Qing was amused by his serious look, and stretched out her hand to pinch his tall nose, "I love your aloof appearance!"

The next morning, when Yu Qing woke up, there was no one around her.

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. When I passed the kitchen, I found that the rice cooker was cooking porridge, and it was almost ready.She yawned and went into the bathroom.

Squatting in the bathroom and checking the time, it was only seven o'clock.

The porridge in the kitchen is almost ready, did Xiang Yisen wake up at five o'clock?
After she finished washing and came out of the bathroom, Xiang Yisen came back with a lunch box.

He looked at her, "Qingqing, you just woke up?"

"Well, why didn't you wake me up when you got up and ran?"

"I just rode my bike to the construction site in the morning."

Yu Qing turned around and went into the kitchen, turned off the power, "I went to the construction site, why are you back?"

"Half of the scaffolding on the construction site has been dismantled, and the rest is just some finishing work, as long as Lu Jinzhong is here." Xiang Yisen stopped her from carrying the pot, and handed her the lunch box in his hand, "This pot is very hot. I come."

Holding the lunch box in one hand and the bowls and chopsticks in the other, Yu Qing followed Xiang Yisen to the main room.

As she walked, she said: "It's too inconvenient to carry it around like this. Next time I will order a square table and put it in the kitchen for the two of us to eat."

Xiang Yisen praised: "You have a good idea."

Breakfast is simple white porridge with big meat buns. They seem to seldom eat coarse grains since they started the fire. Yu Qing remembered that there were coarse grains in the grains at home according to the grain skills, which seemed to be corn dregs.

Next time I use it to cook porridge and drink it, how does it taste?

After breakfast, after washing the dishes and chopsticks, Yu Qing found a large black canvas backpack from the studio.

"Don't tell me, you are taking this bag to hold money?" Xiang Yisen pushed the bicycle and looked at the black bag in her hand, amused.

"Why are you so smart, you can guess right!"

The black canvas bag Yu Qing prepared was for storing money, it was too rough to carry a sack like last time.

As soon as the two turned to the street of the glass factory, they saw several people gathered in front of the shop from a distance.

Yu Qing stretched her neck and looked forward, "These are the people who got the news, they came so early?"

"It's possible." Xiang Yisen accelerated his bicycle.

"The boss is here!"

Someone exclaimed, and others looked over.

"Hey, comrades are here so early!" Yu Qing greeted everyone with a smile before getting out of the car.

Someone couldn't wait to ask: "Boss, what are you buying today?"

"You guys wait first, let's go in and set up the store."

Xiang Yisen removed a door panel and let Yu Qing go in first. He stopped the others first and they lined up first.

Yu Qing originally wanted to put all the goods on the first floor, but after thinking about it, she was afraid that someone would have looked in from the door just now, so for the sake of safety, she unloaded the goods on the stairs on the first floor, and the rest on the second floor storehouse.

The store is too shabby.

Yu Qing spread a layer of plastic sheeting on the ground, and then placed special-priced wool and fabrics on it.

"Comrade Xiang, remove all the boards and let the customers in."

Xiang Yisen quickly removed the door panel, and customers rushed into the store.

 Thank you for your votes~

(End of this chapter)

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