Chapter 345 Selling Goods
When they saw the wool and cloth on the ground, they all exclaimed.

"Oh my God!"

"A lot of yarn and fabric, and there are so many colors of this yarn."

"How do you sell this wool? How do you sell this fabric?"

Yu Qing replied: "Wool yarn is 15 yuan a catty, regardless of thickness or color, all of them are [-] yuan a catty."

Although these woolen yarns were given to her online at the processing price, they all contain cashmere. The supply and marketing agency sells them for 25 yuan per catty, and you have to ask for yarn tickets. She sells them here for 15 yuan per catty, which is really not expensive.

"Where's the fabric?"

"The cloth is really good for five yuan and nine a foot, and here we are five yuan a foot, and the Huadani Supply and Marketing Cooperative is six and thirty-one feet, and we are also five yuan a foot."

"Wow, it's much cheaper, do you need a ticket?"

"No tickets."

"No tickets!" Aunt Chen chose a bag of wool and asked, "How much does this bag weigh?"

Yu Qing told her: "A bag like this is a catty of thread."

"Then I only need one and a half catties to knit a sweater, what do you do if you have two catties here?"

Yu Qing: "There are ten small rolls of thread in the bag, and one roll represents one tael. If you want a catty and a half, just take five rolls from the other bag."

After she explained it like this, everyone understood!

Aunt Chen quickly picked up two bags of dark blue wool, which can be used to knit a sweater for her wife, and there are two or three taels left over, and she can knit a pair of wool socks for her husband.She asked the boss deliberately just now, just to see her attitude.

Retired workers like them usually have nothing to do at home, and knitting can just relieve boredom. Seeing the maroon wool, she carried two more bags, and the maroon can knit a sweater for herself.

She carried four bags, and her eyes wandered among the bright colors. She saw a bag of sky blue wool, which was just the right color for knitting a sweater for her little grandson.

A total of five bags of wool, Aunt Chen endured distress to find 75 yuan.

I wanted to carry these and leave, but when I saw the fabrics on the stall next to me, I couldn't move anymore.

This does not require a ticket, and it is much cheaper than the supply and marketing cooperatives.

When Aunt Chen left the shop, the 120 yuan she was carrying to buy two electric fans had already been spent.

There are many people who think like Aunt Chen. When entering the store and seeing that the goods are good and cheap, there are many people who can't stop for a while.

Yu Qing sat behind the booth and helped everyone cut the cloth, holding a red wooden ruler and a pair of scissors in her hand, and she cut as much as the customers wanted.

Xiang Yisen helped collect money and give change while taking care of the electric fan stall.

The husband and wife partner cooperate very tacitly, even if there are many people around, they can still be busy.

Comparing the prices of the two generations, the green vegetables in the later generations cost three or four yuan a catty, while the green vegetables here cost one or two cents a catty, and the wool processing price that Yu Qing came in this time was only twenty yuan a catty, which is basically the same as the price of the supply and marketing cooperative. Flat, and she only sells 15 yuan a catty in the store.

Although it was ten yuan less than the supply and marketing cooperative, she still made a steady profit without losing money, and the profit was huge.

The same goes for fabric.

This time she bought chemical fiber fabrics instead of cotton cloth, because cotton was only sold at seven or eight cents a foot in supply and marketing cooperatives in this era, and cotton cloth online was more expensive than chemical fiber.

So there is no money in cotton cloth!
The two were busy until noon, and the number of customers entering the store gradually decreased.

Yu Qing handed her purse to Xiang Yisen, "You look at the store for now, I'll go to the back and eat the food first, and I'll change it to you later."

Xiang Yisen took the money bag, "Okay, if you're tired, you can take a rest after eating, I'm not hungry now."

Yu Qing nodded to show that she knew, and carried the black canvas to the upstairs warehouse.I checked the number of electric fans, how many fans were sold in the morning, and I probably have a count in my heart.

After entering the dining room of the studio, she threw aside the black canvas bag containing the money, and went into the kitchen to bring out the previously prepared meals.

One meat, one vegetarian, one bowl of rice.

After Yu Qing was full, she didn't listen to Xiang Yisen to sit inside and rest, but filled a bowl of white rice, and then used a plate to hold a meat dish and a vegetarian dish.

Then poured two more enamel jars of warm water, and then left the studio.

After taking the food and water out of the studio and placing them on the paper box of the electric fan, she went downstairs with her enamel tank.

Xiang Yisen was helping someone cut cloth, and Yu Qing went over to put down the enamel jar and helped collect the money.

Xiang Yisen turned his head and asked in surprise: "You're finished eating? Didn't I tell you to rest inside for a while, why did you come out so soon?"

Yu Qing gave the eldest sister the change, and said solemnly: "I'm afraid I'm going to starve you."

The elder sister who paid the bill next to her pursed her lips, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She thought that the gay man was a cold person, sitting here looking at the store, and he answered a question when others asked him.

Unexpectedly, he would take extra care and care for his wife.

At this time, there were really not many customers in the store, Xiang Yisen couldn't say much in front of outsiders, so he could only leave this place to her, went to the back bathroom by himself, solved his internal emergency, washed his hands before going to the second floor to eat.

When he saw two hot dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, placed on top of a pile of cardboard boxes, he picked up the enamel jar and took a sip of warm water to moisten his throat, and once again lamented the convenience of having space.

It was still busy in the afternoon, probably because a certain number of fans were sold last time, and the market was saturated.Or because many citizens don't know the existence of her shop.

Anyway, the sales of electric fans today are not as hot as last time, only more than 100 units were sold in one day today.

However, these goods can be sold slowly, Yu Qing is not in a hurry.

The two were busy until six o'clock in the afternoon, and they refused customers who wanted to enter the store one after another. The couple chose to close the store.

No matter how much money you earn, your body is not as important. The two of them have been busy in the store all day, and they are physically and mentally exhausted. Yu Qing will not ignore her body just to earn more money.

It's time for them to go home to eat and rest!

Money can never be earned.

On the way back, Yu Qing put her arms around Xiang Yisen's waist and said, "Are you tired? I think next time I will ride my own bike, each riding his own. You don't have to be so tired."

After a tiring day, on the way back, Xiang Yisen had to hunch her hard to pedal the bicycle.

"How can you feel tired when you hunch your own wife? Even if I hunch you, you won't be tired for the rest of your life, and I'm happy!" Xiang Yisen pedaled his bicycle hard against the evening wind.

And he was in a good mood, thinking of the money he made today, he was full of energy!

It's good to listen to what he said, Yu Qing herself felt that her back pain was particularly uncomfortable, and he is also a mortal, how could he not be tired?
The tight waist and abdomen muscles under her palms could tell how hard he was pedaling.

He worked so hard, which made her feel bad.

"Comrade Xiang, how much does it cost to buy a jeep now? What are the procedures? If we can't afford a car for the time being, we can get a motorcycle instead."

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  Feifei continues to ask for monthly tickets, monthly tickets and monthly tickets~
  Today 23:59 before the monthly ticket is full of 106 votes plus a chapter~ (currently [-] votes)
(End of this chapter)

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