Chapter 355 Provide news (addition for Gefei Zhuwang's mother)

Yu Qing put on the toad mirror and clicked her lips, "Remember to give you a thick gold bracelet next time, so that the three golds will be considered complete. Now, put on the toad mirror, and I won't let you go for publicity today. Wear a helmet." Then he handed the toad mirror in front of him.

Faced with his wife's bad taste, Xiang Yisen couldn't bear to listen any longer. He took the toad mirror and put it on. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the motorcycle flew out instantly.

"You want to scare me to death!" Yu Qing pinched his waist with her small hand.

Xiang Yisen: "." Are there any human rights?
Next, such a scene appeared on the streets of Yicheng. A handsome and wealthy street bum, riding a very dragged motorcycle, approached a beautiful lesbian from nowhere with fluttering long skirts. The streets roared past, majestic and cool!
Let the people all the way through the streets envy, envy and hate!
"I said Comrade Xiang, it's getting late, it's time to go to the shop, which turn is this?" Yu Qing reminded him from behind that Xiang Yisen had already turned countless turns on the road with a motorcycle No, just don't enter the glass factory street.


Xiang Yisen felt unwilling and could only go to the store first. It usually takes more than half an hour to ride a bicycle from the store to home. Now, even if he drives the motorcycle slowly, it only takes about ten minutes. If he doesn't make a few more turns , wouldn't it mean that the car has just been started, but it should be turned off in the blink of an eye?
In front of the shop, there were already a dozen people waiting there. When they saw the couple, they didn't recognize them at first.

I thought it was the rich second generation ancestor, but my eyes lingered between the motorcycle and Yu Qing.

It wasn't until Xiang Yisen picked up the key to unlock and remove the door panel that they realized that these two were the boss.

Yu Qing took off the toad mirror and smiled at everyone, she has made progress. Last time, there were only a few people who came early and waited at the door, but this time it doubled.

Of course, the reason why today is the weekend cannot be ruled out.

"Miss Boss, you are so beautifully dressed today, we didn't even recognize her at first."

"I don't know where the proprietress bought this outfit, it's so beautiful."

"That's right, her skirt is light and fluffy. I don't know what material it is made of. It must be very cool to wear."

"Stop talking, go in and have a look. The proprietress said the day before yesterday that there are new products arriving today. Let's go and see what new products there are."

All the door panels in the store have been removed, and all the fluorescent lights have been turned on.

The customers who came in were startled when they saw the brand-new furnishings, especially the lesbians, who saw the same style of long skirts and sandals as Yu Qing hanging on the wall, and resisted the urge to scream.

Some people reacted quickly, pointing to the skirt hanging on the sample, "How much is this skirt, boss? Look at what size I wear, and bring me one."

Yu Qing glanced at the other person's figure, directly found a size for her, and said with a smile: "18 yuan a piece, this is the size you wear, what else do you want?"

"Let me take a look first." The female customer paid for the skirt and put it in the bag, and then began to look at other products.

Xiang Yisen is in charge of the remaining [-] fans and several labor insurance shoes today.

In fact, he is the busiest. The shoes he buys are popular styles, which are more practical and meet most requirements.

Most of what Yu Qing sells here is for women who love beauty, and whether it is skirts, T-shirts or leather sandals, in this era, ordinary people cannot wear them, nor can ordinary people afford them.

"Boss, didn't you come back with some plastic sandals?"

".I didn't pay attention to the plastic sandals this time. I'll pay attention to them next time I go to buy them. If there are suitable ones, I'll buy some."

Yu Qing remembers that the plastic sandals of this era are very hard, and they are easy to cause blisters when worn on the feet, and the sandals are also easy to break.

In summer, shoe mending stalls are basically mending sandals. Some people don’t have the money to go to shoe mending stalls, so they use an iron sheet to burn red at home, and cut a piece of old plastic to fuse the broken sandals together.But it won't take long to mend it like this.

"Then you must remember to bring back some plastic sandals next time you go to buy goods." The customer told her.

Yu Qing nodded, "If you encounter it, just go in and come back."

Except for bath slippers, she has never worn plastic sandals, and she has never searched online. I don't know if there are plastic sandals that match this era on the Internet.

I wondered if I wanted to go to Yangcheng to really buy a batch of commodities from this era?

However, the store was very busy at the moment, Yu Qing didn't have time to think about it, and soon devoted herself to selling goods and cashiering.

At noon, when there were fewer people in the shop, Ergang came again.

Xiang Yisen saw him coming in and asked, "Is the product for you sold out?"

Er Gang chuckled: "Fifty sets, if they haven't been sold out in two days, then I have to drink the northwest wind."

"That's not bad. Did you come here today to get some goods?" Xiang Yisen pointed to the electric fan next to him and said, "That's all."

There are less than ten piled up next to it.

Er Gang nodded and shook his head again, and only after sitting down did he explain his intentions to the couple.

Yu Qing was taken aback, "You mean you bought a store in the east of the city, and you want to share the goods with me and sell them?"

"Yes, I don't know if Sister Yu is willing or not. I know it's embarrassing for you, but our shops are not in the same direction, one east and one west. Your business here will not be affected at all." Er Gang explained.

Yu Qing and Xiang Yisen looked at each other and thought about it seriously.

In the past, they didn't think of wholesale to others, but now that the second bar is released, this question has caused them to think deeply.

"We have to consider the matter you mentioned."

"Okay." Er Gang nodded, as long as he didn't directly refuse, he was willing to wait for two days.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, and before Er Gang left, he remembered a piece of news and told them quietly: "Brother Sen, Sister Yu, I heard that the match factory is going to sell part of its assets. If you have this spare money, you might as well buy one or two storefronts, I don’t think your business will stop at this store.”

Yu Qing was shocked, but she didn't show it, she smiled and thanked: "Thank you for letting me know, we understand."

Er Gang waved to the two of them with a relaxed smile on his face, and left the shop.

When the people left, the couple looked at each other and smiled again. Yu Qing said happily, "This kid has a conscience. We take care of him like this. He knows to provide us with gossip."

Xiang Yisen asked, "What do you think of this?"

Yu Qing thought for a while, and then said: "I have a little impression of the shops on the street he mentioned. It's not the city center now, but with future development, I believe that piece of business circle will be included in the city center in the future. If The price is right, we only make money if we buy it.”

Xiang Yisen glanced at the electric fan beside him, and then at the door of the store, "Then I will take advantage of the fact that there are not many customers in the store, so I will go to the post office to mail fans to my grandma and father-in-law, and I will go to the match factory to inquire. what's going on?"

 Thanks to Gefei Zhuwang's mother for the 1666 reward~

  There are [-] updates today~

  Ask for another wave of monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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