Chapter 356
Yu Qing glanced at the motorcycle outside the door, but didn't expose him, and responded very straightforwardly, "Okay, I'll go inside and pick up two exhaust fans, and you can send them there together."

Xiang Yisen tied four cardboard boxes, large and small, to the back of the motorcycle, and with the roar of the motorcycle, he gained the star eyes of a large number of big girls and young wives inside and outside the shop.

Sitting in the shop, Yu Qing rolled her eyes when she saw the admiring eyes of the lesbians in the shop. Although these lesbians were full of admiration, not all of them would take action.Therefore, she could only roll her eyes to express her dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, men are not bad and women don't love them!
Xiang Yisen's height and appearance are at the top, and now with a lot of money, if he is not married, he will be the best son-in-law candidate in the eyes of his mother-in-law.

Today, coupled with wearing a flowered shirt and flared trousers, paired with a toad mirror, the proper image of a rebellious and unruly social youth completely submerged his strong bookish temperament.

The lesbians in the store murmured together, and a lesbian who came to the store for the first time and didn't know the truth asked: "The gay man who went out just now is so handsome. I have never seen him before, but I don't know which unit he is from." ?”

The most important thing is that he is super rich. This brand new motorcycle should be the first one in the city.

"I don't know what unit, but I know he is the boss here, and that is the boss's wife." She pointed at Yu Qing.

A group of lesbians looked at Yu Qing. The comparison between the two made most lesbians feel ashamed, and a few lesbians thought they were as good as Yu Qing in appearance.

But they don't have the guts to ask them to provoke each other.

Xiang Yisen came out of the shop, and after a short ride, he saw a familiar figure stepping on the curb and waving at him.

He parked the motorcycle on the side of the road, looked at the other side and said calmly: "What's the matter?"

Er Gang tsk-tsk in his heart, this man is quite polite to him in front of his wife, as long as he leaves the woman's sight, he will ignore him.

Er Gang pointed to his motorcycle, and asked enviously, "Brother Sen, I see that your motorcycle is quite new, did you buy it recently?"

"Hmm." Xiang Yisen propped his two long legs on both sides of the motorcycle, looked through the rearview mirror, and checked his own image. There was nothing wrong with it.

Er Gang didn't care about the attitude of the other party, and continued to ask: "How much did you spend? Where did you buy it?"

Xiang Yisen turned off the fire and patted the fuel tank, "I asked a friend to buy it, and it cost more than 1 yuan."

The more than 1 he said was more than 1 online accounts.

The second bar let out a 'hiss', and suddenly felt a toothache. Yesterday he was still complacent. He bought a shop and felt that he had become a human being. Among his peers, he was regarded as a small asset.

After only one day, he was slapped in the face.

However, no matter how expensive it is, he is still tempted, "Brother Sen, please help me and ask your friend, is there any cheaper one, is there any one that is a few thousand more?"

Xiang Yisen stared at him knowingly, "Do you want to buy?"

Ergang shook the bicycle he was holding on to, and said helplessly: "I used to have this bike, and I felt very satisfied. Now that I see the one you are riding, I immediately feel that Erba Dagang is too plastic. It's a bit Not worthy of my identity!"

Xiang Yisen sneered and restarted the car, "Okay, let me ask for you."

"Then trouble Brother Sen." Er Gang was overjoyed when he heard this, and looked at the cool black motorcycle, his eyes almost glowing green.

"Boom boom boom!"

The voice is deep and deep, which is extremely attractive to men!
Xiang Yisen shook his head inwardly when he saw the appearance of the second bar, the brake was released, and the motorcycle rushed out.No matter how envious the people behind him were, he had to mail the electric fan out quickly.

Yu Qing also wanted to take the second bar under her command, seeing how rich and powerful he was clamoring to buy a motorcycle.In Xiang Yisen's view, it's better to work alone on the second bar outside than to work for others.

So Yu Qing's plan is doomed to fail.

Going back at night, Xiang Yisen told Yu Qing about Ergang wanting to buy a motorcycle, "Do you think it's possible to do this?"

Yu Qing's eyes lit up, she looked at him and asked unhurriedly, "What's your idea? I'll listen to you."

Xiang Yisen was amused, her eyes said everything, and she pretended to be an obedient little woman to ask his opinion.

"This business can be done, but whether it is a store business or this business, we have to have an excuse for the origin of the goods."

Yu Qing put her arms around his neck and lay on his body, "What do you mean we'll go to Yangcheng again?"

"Hmm." Xiang Yisen held her face and kissed her lightly on his lips, tasting it lightly.

"Okay, the goods in the store will be sold out in about two days, and we will go to Yangcheng when the store is finished." Yu Qing lay on him, her eyelids a little heavy.

Xiang Yisen embraced her and asked, "Is there no need to ship today's order?"

Yu Qing sighed softly, she didn't want to move lazily, she was already very tired after being busy in the store all day, and she still had to process orders from the studio when she got home.

Now they are busy except when they are sleeping.This is not the life she was looking forward to. The life she was looking forward to was rich, leisure and quality.

"I'm so tired, how can there be so many things?"

Xiang Yisen hugged her and lay on his side on the bed, and kissed her on the lips again, and said, "I'm tired, we won't go in today, just go to sleep, okay?"

The daily tasks were not completed, Yu Qing was a little guilty, her eyes flickered, "Let's go in and have a look, we have formed a habit every day, if we don't go in and finish things, we always keep in mind that it may affect our sleep at night."

She twisted her body and said coquettishly: "However, I'm so tired, you have to carry me in."

The corners of Xiang Yisen's mouth raised high, and he scratched her nose dotingly, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

With a thought in Yu Qing, the two appeared in the warehouse. Xiang Yisen easily carried her upstairs and let her sit on his lap.

"Open the sofa bed and let me sleep there." Yu Qing couldn't lift her heavy eyelids, she was too sleepy.

Xiang Yisen thought that he would pack and deliver the goods later, so he agreed and put her on the sofa.

Yu Qing lay on the sofa, staring at Xiang Yisen's busy back, and soon fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she was awakened by Xiang Yisen. She opened her misty eyes, looked at the energetic man, and slapped his hand away, "Stop messing around, I'm so sleepy."

Then, with a thought, the couple appeared on the original big bed.

"You sleep yours, I'm busy with mine, good boy, this is only one time tonight." Xiang Yisen bit her soft earlobe.

"No, I'm so tired." Yu Qing pushed his approaching head away.

"Do you know what I saw on the computer just now?" Xiang Yisen saw that she was not interested, and said again: "I saw that the stamp hanging behind you was photographed again."

Sure enough, when Yu Qing heard that the stamps were sold, she opened her closed eyes instantly, "Really?"

"Well, I've shipped it."

(End of this chapter)

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