Chapter 357

After two days, the goods in the store were almost cleaned up, and only a little leftovers remained.

During the period, Er Gang came to him again, and Yu Qing agreed to supply him with supplies. The two of them did not interfere with each other, and they made progress together.

"After we finish eating, should we go to the match factory first or go to the train station to buy tickets first?"

"Go to the match factory first. Don't worry about buying train tickets. If you are delayed for a day, take a break." Xiang Yisen pinched her cheek, "You have been so busy these days that you have lost weight."

Yu Qing angrily slapped his hands that were making trouble on his face, "My face is not a persimmon, why are you pinching it?"

This man is ashamed to say that he has made her tired, and this man is the one who has tired her the most these days!

The male god who used to be cold and alienated is now more and more down-to-earth in front of her.

But there is also a downside to being down-to-earth, that is, it is getting more and more clumsy.

Xiang Yisen was not annoyed when his hand was slapped away, he said patiently: "Eat quickly, after eating your husband, I will take you for a ride."

Yu Qing said angrily, "You are beautiful!"

"Ha ha."

After they had breakfast, they packed up and rode their motorcycles to the match factory.

When he was about to arrive at the match factory, Xiang Yisen deliberately rode a motorcycle to pass by the facade facing the street, "They are all going to sell this row of facade houses."

Hearing this, Yu Qing noticed that this row of facade houses were red brick bungalows with only one floor, and the area was not large. There were eleven rooms in total. The other street of the facade houses was directly surrounded by a wall.

The long wall and facade house enclose the southeast and southeast sides of the match factory.

To be honest, she is not very satisfied with this kind of old facade house.

Of course, everyone has come, so you have to go in and listen to the price they quoted.

Chen Yuzhu used to be an employee of a match factory. Seeing the desolate and decaying factory area, Yu Qing felt lucky for her. Applying to be transferred to the power station was perhaps the most correct decision she made in her life.

In a two-story factory building, the offices on the first floor are all guarded by General Tie. The two of them went all the way to the second floor, only to find that there were people working in the two offices near the stairs.

Knock on the door and go in, and the people inside see someone coming.

Especially the middle-aged man who was sitting at the desk and reading the newspaper. When he saw the two people coming in from the door, his eyes skipped over Yu Qing and stayed directly on Xiang Yisen. He stood up with a smile on his face, "Xiang Gong, come in." Come in and sit down, why do you have time to come to our factory today?"

"Hello, Director Liu." Xiang Yisen shook hands with the other party and introduced Yu Qing to him: "This is my wife, Comrade Yu Qing."

With that said, he introduced Director Liu again, and the two exchanged pleasantries before taking their seats.

Xiang Yisen straight to the point and directly explained the purpose of the visit. When Factory Manager Liu heard that the couple was here to buy a front house, he didn't care about it, thinking that they only bought one or two rooms.

He said to the gay man at the other desk: "Younger, how many doors are left in the row outside me?"

Yu Yu said: "The news has only been released for a few days, and no one has come to buy it yet. That row of facade houses has not been sold yet."

"How much are you asking for a room?" Yu Qing asked.

Yu Yu pushed the frame of the glasses, "The front rooms are different in size, the five rooms are larger for [-] yuan, and the others are smaller for [-] yuan."

"How big is the big one, and how big is the small one?" Yu Qing was curious about the size of the old front-facing house on the first floor, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to evaluate whether it was worth the price.

"The big one is [-] square meters, and the small one is less than [-] square meters."

The main reason for the sale of their match factory assets is to pay the wages owed to the employees. Now that production has been suspended for several months, many workers have already left their homes, and they can’t even open the pot.

Yu Qing did some calculations, and found that the average square meter costs about 100 yuan, which is as cheap as cabbage compared to the sky-high price of facade houses in later generations.

However, the prices of this era and the remote location of the match factory cannot be ignored.According to the wages of ordinary workers, they do not eat or drink. Those with high wages can buy [-] flat for one month, and those with low wages can only buy [-] flat for two months.

Of course, Yu Qing's power station unit is special, because the employees are required to stay in the valley to work, and they have a lot of subsidies.

For example, if you live in a power station residential area, you will be free of water and electricity bills.There are subsidies for heatstroke prevention in the dog days of summer, subsidies for protection against cold in winter, subsidies for flood prevention in the rainy season of the year, and other benefits during the Chinese New Year.So their wages are really high wages.

The match factory is just the opposite. If the factory closes down, it can be said that the economy in this area has entered a depression period. An ordinary person must be worried that this facade house will not be rented out.

Yu Qing knows that the city will develop better and better. This factory area will become a business circle in the center of the city in the future. A shopping mall and a pedestrian street will be built on the opposite side of the factory area. It will be bustling and prosperous 24 hours a day, with an endless flow of people.

Xiang Yisen calmly scanned the three people in the office, and seeing Yu Qing's calm expression, he knew that she should be able to accept the price.

He looked at Director Liu of the match factory, "Let's go and have a look first before making a decision."

Factory Manager Liu nodded, "Of course. Let's go, I'll go with you to take a look. In the past few years, this row of facade houses were mainly used by the factory. Set up in the front room over there."

Later, needless to say, the business was gone.The supply exceeds demand, and the output is piled up in the warehouse, and the entire factory is slowly dragged down.

Yu Qing felt that the factory hadn't introduced the old and brought forth the new. If the matches were not easy to sell, they would launch lighters that are more popular now. I believe the factory can last for a few more years, and it will be updated slowly in the future, maybe it can last until the new millennium.

Of course, for this kind of state-owned factory, those troublesome procedures that want to introduce the old and bring forth the new will not be discussed here for the time being.

The facade room is old and dirty, not as good as the facade of the glass factory.

Director Liu looked at the dirty and messy facade in embarrassment, and was at a loss for words. He came with him and wanted to brag about the real estate of his factory, thinking that he didn't expect to raise the price, at least not to make people bargain.

He didn't know that the people below were so irresponsible and perfunctory.

"Uh, less than, you call a few people over this afternoon to clean up the place, what is it like to be so messy?"

"Yes, I'll send someone over to clean it in the afternoon." Xiao Xiao glanced at Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing. He didn't know what they were thinking, and felt uneasy. He hadn't been paid for almost three months. Money has been tight recently, and if wages are not paid, the whole family will have to drink water to stay full.

Yu Qing frowned, of course she disliked the hygienic condition of the front room here.

It's just that she pays more attention to the structure and area of ​​the front room, and how much less can the price be?
A few people walked around the eleven front rooms. On the way back, Yu Qing noticed an open space behind the front rooms.

 Erbao has had a pharyngitis fever for three days. These days, I am very sticky. The delay of code words has affected the update speed~


(End of this chapter)

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