Chapter 358
Yu Qing asked calmly: "Director Liu, this row of facades is older and more dilapidated than I imagined. The price you gave is a bit unacceptable."

Liu Chang looked embarrassed, and said helplessly: "Let's not talk about the price for the time being, but there is nothing we can do now. The real estate cannot be sold cheaply, otherwise the workers in the factory will not agree. They are waiting for this money to live and support their families. young and old."

The couple looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes, the old fox was complaining to them.

"Director Liu, can you see if this works? We want all of this row of facades, and you can give us a preferential price."

Comrade Xiao Xiao didn't want to make things difficult for the factory manager, so he took up the quarrel, "Both comrades, the assets are all owned by the public, and the price is also determined by the factory leadership. Our factory manager really can't decide to give you a discount, otherwise the money will have to be paid by our factory. Fill it up."

That's the end of the story, if they continue to bargain, they will be said that they want to take advantage of the public.

Yu Qing didn't worry about the price anymore, but pointed to the open space behind and asked, "Director Liu, if we buy all these facade houses, can this open space be given to us?"

Factory Manager Liu looked in the direction she pointed, and there was a green space of about [-] square meters. How could such a large piece of land be given away!
He looked at Xiang Yisen with pity. How can such a good man find a wife who doesn't know anything? It's really a drag.

He coughed lightly, and said solemnly: "This land is about two hundred square meters, how can it be given away. If you really want it, we can only set aside this land and sell it to you."

Yu Qing waited for his words, "Then I will trouble Director Liu to help us with this matter. Can we transfer the ownership right away after we buy this row of facade houses today?"

Yu Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart and nodded, "Yes."

When the four of them returned to the office, Xiao Yu took out the agreement that he had prepared earlier, Xiang Yisen saw that there was no problem, and the couple signed their names.

After signing, Xiang Yisen lifted the canvas bag at hand and put it on the table under the eager eyes of Director Liu and Comrade Xiao Yu.

There are eleven doors, five for 1000 yuan, and six for [-] yuan, a total of [-] yuan, less than [-] yuan.

Xiang Yisen took out nine bundles from the bag, and forty sheets were drawn out of one bundle.

He put the money on the table and pushed it forward, "You count the money, count the money in person, and you will not be responsible for leaving."

Director Liu stared at the pile of notes with mixed emotions, some were happy, some were sad, and most of them were relieved.

Xiao Xiao was not as thoughtful as the factory manager. He happily counted the money over and over again, and after confirming that it was correct, he locked the money in the safe and took the couple to the housing management office to complete the formalities.

Holding the real estate certificate in her hand, Yu Qing once again lamented that housing prices in this era are cheap. In a few years, it may not be so easy for ordinary workers to buy a house.

"What's the matter, are you overjoyed?" Xiang Yisen came over and said in a good mood: "We have saved another fortune for the children, so we won't have to worry about marrying a wife in the future."

Yu Qing rolled her eyes, "I don't even know where the child is, whether it's a boy or a girl, so you're just daydreaming here?"

"I haven't come yet, that's because I didn't work hard enough." Xiang Yisen walked out with his arms around her. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women was very eye-catching, attracting passers-by to look back frequently.

Yu Qing kicked him shyly, and put the red book into her bag.At the same time, I also thought about an important thing, that is, the plan to launch the revolution, which should have been implemented in the capital at this time.

It's just that they are located in a remote place, and there must be at least a two-year buffer period for any policy implemented by them to try it out here.

She remembered very clearly that in her last life, those who had children in rural areas in [-] only paid a little money, and then it became stricter.

So, does she want to rush?
In the evening, just as Yu Qing put the food on the table, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

"It's so late, who else is coming to the door?"

Xiang Yisen put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and said with a cold face, "I'll go and have a look."

Yu Qing shook her head amusedly, Xiang Yisen put on that stinky face, those who didn't know thought he was protecting food, but in fact it was the same, just didn't like others to disturb his two-person world.

As soon as the food was served here, Xiang Yisen entered the door with a dark face, followed by an unexpected person.

Yu Qing asked in surprise: "Comrade Lu, why are you here so late?"

"Sister-in-law." Lu Jinzhong carefully glanced at Xiang Yisen, and smiled, "I heard that you are going to Yangcheng, this time I also want to go with you."

"Are you going with us? Do you know why we are going? No, why are you going to Yangcheng?" Yu Qing was even more surprised.

"I know you are going to buy goods. This time, I borrowed a lot of money from my friends. I will go with you to buy some goods and bring them here to earn some pocket money."

Lu Jinzhong heard that they had earned more than 1 yuan a few times that night, and he was envious in his heart, and had been paying attention to their movements.At the same time, I couldn't hold back, so I went to borrow money from my friends, just to fight.

Yu Qing shrugged, "I have no objection."

"Brother Sen."

"Big profits mean big risks. Don't blame us if you encounter any accidents." Xiang Yisen warned him.

Lu Jinzhong laughed heartlessly, "No problem, take the risk at your own risk."

"Smile, we're leaving at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. If you have a ticket, you can follow. If you don't have a ticket, get out!"

Xiang Yisen swears and asks him to go to the kitchen to get the bowl by himself.

While Lu Jinzhong went to the kitchen to get a bowl, Yu Qing brought out a bowl of rice from the studio, otherwise the rice cooked at night would not be enough for three people.

Before going to bed at night, Yu Qing wrote down today's accounts.

The money received from selling goods in the store is nearly 3 yuan one after another, plus her own money before, from her family, gift money received at the wedding, and miscellaneous things, the total cash on her body is more than 4 yuan .

I spent 3 today, and there are more than [-] left.

This amount of money seems quite a lot, if you really want to do something, this amount of money is definitely not enough.

Yicheng is located in the middle of Yangcheng and the provincial capital. In fact, they take a car to go to the provincial capital and go to Yangcheng, and the time in the car is not much different.

The train to the provincial capital is not late, about ten hours.Going to Yangcheng is also not too late, it takes more than nine hours.

Lu Jinzhong caught up a few minutes before getting on the bus.

"Sen, Brother Sen, sister-in-law, I finally caught up with you."

Yu Qing saw him sweating profusely from running, "Did you oversleep?"

Lu Jinzhong shook his head, gasped and said: "There is no bus so early, I ran here, I was exhausted."

"Can you please, we are ready to get in the car."

Lu Jinzhong blushed, "Sister-in-law, I am in excellent health, there is no question of whether I can do it or not."

"Okay, let's go then."

Xiang Yisen took Yu Qing's hand and walked towards the car door.

 The previous chapter is under review, here is a reissue~
(End of this chapter)

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