Abandoned Women of the Age: Getting Rich by Spatial Warehouses

Chapter 359 Going out, danger is everywhere

Chapter 359 Going out, danger is everywhere

This time they didn't get a sleeper ticket, and Lu Jinzhong's seat was not in the same compartment as theirs, so the two were secretly happy.

Lu Jinzhong wanted to change seats with the people around them, but no one wanted to talk to him.

In the end, there was no other way, and he approached Xiang Yisen with an aggrieved face, "Brother Sen, you are not willing to change seats with me, what should I do?"

"Cold salad!" Xiang Yisen said coldly.

"How about, Brother Sen, you and your sister-in-law will switch to my car?"

She has already sat down, Yu Qing doesn't want to squeeze around, it's too troublesome!What's more, the journey is boring, and many acquaintances can talk by the side.

So, she helped him with an idea, "Money can turn ghosts around, why don't you try."

Xiang Yisen looked helplessly at his wife, she was really a kind-hearted girl.

Lu Jinzhong was inspired by her, his IQ is not too low, and he knows how to find travelers who travel alone.

Just opposite them were three seats in a row, two of them were traveling together, and the other was a single middle-aged woman.

After several persuasions, Lu Jinzhong finally sat opposite them at the price of two yuan.

"Now it's your wish."

Lu Jinzhong pursed his lips and smiled, "Thank you sister-in-law for your help."

The journey is lonely and difficult.

It took half an hour for the train to leave the station, and I got tired of seeing the scenery outside.

Lu Jinzhong clutched his stomach, "Sister-in-law, do you have anything to eat? I came here in a hurry to drive the car today, so I didn't have breakfast."

Xiang Yisen kicked him under the small table, "If you want to eat, go to the dining car to buy it yourself."

What Yu Qing prepared was their lunch, and now it's for this kid, what will Qingqing eat for lunch?
Lu Jinzhong was stunned for a moment, then retracted his legs, "Brother Sen, you have changed!"

"." Xiang Yisen moved his gaze out of the window.

Yu Qing smiled and shook her head, took out two lunch boxes from her luggage, opened one of them, and there were three meat buns inside.

"This is my lunch. I can only give you one. If you are really not full, you can only go to the dining car."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Lu Jinzhong took one, took a big bite, and deliberately showed off in front of Xiang Yisen that it was delicious.

Xiang Yisen suddenly felt his gums itch, and kicked under the table again.It wasn't until he saw the other party bared his teeth that he retracted his long legs.

The two girls sitting next to Lu Jinzhong looked at each other and smiled, and one of them pursed his lips and smiled, "It's so exciting to ride in the car with you, and you have to be careful with your feet under the seats, or you will be affected if you are not careful." .”

Yu Qing looked down at the four long legs, and couldn't help laughing loudly, "Be careful, there is a girl next to you, you should pay attention to your image."

"Sister, you are so beautiful." One of the big-eyed girls sighed.

"Thank you, you are beautiful too."

Yu Qing grinned at them, and tilted her head to see that they were all dressed similarly, the only big difference was one single eyelid, one double eyelid, and the eyes were quite big.Her small face was rosy and healthy, and she was wearing new clothes.Let people know that their family is well-off at a glance.

The big-eyed girl stroked her braids and said with a shy smile, "Not as pretty as my sister."

There is no woman who doesn't like to be praised, so Yu Qing blinked and followed suit: "What a sincere and good boy."

Big-eyed girl: "." It was the first time I met such a thick-skinned woman, and I praised her that her tail was up to the sky.

The train was moving slowly "besides, besides".

At noon, he stopped at a small station, and Lu Jinzhong saw itinerant vendors selling eggs, roast chicken, melon seeds and peanuts on the platform outside the window.

He stood up abruptly, startling the two girls next to him.

"Brother Sen, sister-in-law, what do you want to eat? I'll jump out of the window to buy something to eat."

Yu Qing looked out of the window, fried melon seeds and peanuts got angry this day, and today's portion of eggs has already been filled, and finally there is only one option left: roasted chicken.

"Buy us a roast chicken." As he said that, he drew ten yuan for him, and refunded more and paid less.

Lu Jinzhong was about to jump out of the window, Xiang Yisen said suddenly, "Give your wallet to your sister-in-law for safekeeping."

Although Lu Jinzhong didn't know the reason, the train didn't stop at the small station for too long. In order to hurry, he didn't waste any time, so he took out his wallet and gave it to Yu Qing, and jumped off the train with only a little change.

He moved back and forth very quickly, and it didn't take long before he picked up two roast chickens and ran back, first passing the food in through the window.

Then, he slowly climbed in through the window.

If the time is fixed until late at night, and Lu Jinzhong puts on some makeup, he will look like a female ghost crawling out of the TV in a horror movie.

Ha ha!
Forgive her for thinking a little too widely!

"Brother Sen, sister-in-law, eat roast chicken."

Xiang Yisen turned his gaze around him, "Check to see if the pockets of your clothes and trousers are in good condition."

Hearing this, Yu Qing shifted her gaze from the roast chicken to Lu Jinzhong.

When Lu Jinzhong heard this, he hurriedly checked his pockets. Someone opened a hole in his trousers pocket, which was the pocket he was used to carrying his wallet.

If Brother Sen didn't tell him to leave his wallet before getting off the car, then his wallet should have disappeared and disappeared.

Lu Jinzhong handed over his pockets to Xiang Yisen and his wife to witness. He said with lingering fear: "Thanks to brother Sen who said something before I got out of the car, otherwise I would have suffered a heavy loss. I will not thank you for my great kindness here. I will wait until I go back." Brother must invite you to rub it."

"Hehe." Xiang Yisen closed his smile, and glanced at him with indifferent eyes, "No time!"

Yu Qing also remembered that in later generations she had heard that this small station was too famous in the 80s and 90s.And this name is not a good name, but notoriety.

In other words, this small station is still a relatively prosperous station in this era, and people with a radius of tens of kilometers around come to this station to take the train.

But the people in this small town are notorious for being lazy, stealing and playing tricks, as long as a stranger gets off the train, if you are single or a couple with little combat effectiveness.

Then, there is no doubt that you must be the target of being robbed!
Especially single girls, not only have to worry about money being robbed, but also the possibility that their personal safety will not be guaranteed, and they will be arrested and sold.

Later, because it was so notorious, people gradually preferred to sit a little farther or a little closer, get off at the other two platforms before and after this station, and would rather walk a few more steps than to get off at this station. When they got off the bus at the station, they were afraid of being in danger.

"Sister-in-law, do you also know the name of this site?"

Yu Qing shook her head, "I don't know what to do, but it's not too late to know now."

"I'm afraid when I think about it." Lu Jinzhong shrank his neck, "I don't know when the pocket was cut, and I didn't spend much time in the distance from getting off the car to getting on the car. incrediable."

Yu Qing also couldn't figure it out, "Well, you have to be careful when you go out."

 In the morning, I will take Erbao to fetch water, and there is another chapter to be updated later~

(End of this chapter)

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