Abandoned Women of the Age: Getting Rich by Spatial Warehouses

Chapter 361 The Clingy Single and Double Girl

Chapter 361 The Clingy Single and Double Girl

Originally, the three of them could take one car, but now that there are two more girls, Lu Jinzhong can only get a taxi.

The girl with double eyelids blinked, sitting a little nervously in the car, and said apologetically, "Brother Lu, I'm sorry for costing you."

The Lujin Center was feeling sorry for his money, and this extra expense could have been saved. When he heard the girl's apologetic words, his machismo burst out, "It's okay, it's on the way anyway."

"Our sisters are really lucky to go out this time, to meet such an enthusiastic and good comrade like Brother Lu."

Lu Jinzhong was surprised, "This is the first time in my life that a girl said that I am a good comrade."

The girl with double eyelids blinked and said with a smile: "Brother Lu, you are a good comrade, those who don't know how to count are blind."

Lu Jin thought in the center, should he tell Brother Sen that your wife is blind!
Two taxis arrived at Yangcheng Hotel one after the other.

Yu Qing got out of the car, and couldn't wait to drag Xiang Yisen into the lobby. She opened a room at the service desk with her work certificate and marriage certificate, and asked the waiter to deliver her luggage to the room.

Thinking back to the last time they came here, the two of them still had a relationship and lived in two rooms. This time, the two of them have developed to the point where they live in one room. The fate develops so fast!

The couple first ordered their favorite food in the restaurant on the second floor. As for Lu Jinzhong's "Hua Hua Envoy", they ordered by themselves when he came.

"Brother Sen, sister-in-law." As soon as two dishes were served, Lu Jinzhong led the two girls and stood beside their table.

Yu Qing raised her eyebrows calmly. Is she planning to pick two?I wonder if Comrade Lu's kidneys can afford it?

"Sit down." Xiang Yisen said lightly, in fact, he has already come out, he will not care about the three melons and two dates, since he brought someone over, let's sit down and eat together.

Lu Jinzhong greeted the two girls to sit down with a smile, and then he asked, "Brother Sen, what did you order?"

"We ordered what we like, and you can order what you want."

In fact, the dishes ordered by their husband and wife are enough for three people.

But now there are two more inexplicably, Lu Jinzhong had no choice but to bite the bullet and order three more dishes with a smile on his face.

Yu Qing had been hungry for a long time, and now that two dishes were served, she moved her chopsticks first, but why should she be polite with the dishes she ordered?
The two girls on the opposite side were embarrassed to move their chopsticks, because the two dishes were not enough.The girl with double eyelids is very curious, what are these trio doing in Yangcheng?Or what are the three of them doing?

Yu Qing was also very curious about these two girls coming to Yangcheng, she didn't know whether they came to Yangcheng to visit relatives or to wander around.

The two girls are cold and hot, one with single eyelids and the other with double eyelids. Generally speaking, the girls with double eyelids are the ones with double eyelids, and the girls with single eyelids are responsible for sitting there to gather the number of people. It is an interesting combination.

When the dishes were served, the two girls were shocked. After eating the food on this table, they cost dozens of dollars. What are the identities of these three people?

After eating and drinking enough, I called the waiter to pay the bill. Sure enough, as the two girls expected, it cost about [-] yuan.

One meal eats up a month's wages of low-level workers, and the two girls are a little bit unsure about the pulse of the three of them.

Back in the room, after washing, the two girls washed the changed clothes and hung them outside the window. The temperature in Yangcheng is so high that they can dry in one night.

Then the two lay on the bed, and the girl with single eyelids asked, "Where are we going to find a job tomorrow?"

"Let's stop looking for a job for now. Let's follow those three tomorrow and see what they are doing in Yangcheng." The girl with double eyelids pointed outside.

"This is not good, we have already taken advantage of others today."

"What's wrong with this, don't be embarrassed, it's not that I insisted on posting it, it was that kid who insisted on showing off and dragging us to dinner."

The single-eyed girl was stunned for a moment: "If you don't go outside to look for a job, you haven't lost the address your classmate left you. We can go to your classmate. Didn't she say that there is a good job there?"

"Oh! Put the rest aside for now. If I don't know what these three people do, I won't be able to eat or sleep. Don't you wonder what they do?"

The girls with double eyelids are mainly stimulated today. They have a little money in their hands to plan and spend, while others can eat up their month's salary with one meal, and they feel a little unbalanced.

Of course, there is no rush to find a job at this moment, a delay of a day or two is fine.But if she missed this day, she would never have the chance to find out the origin of these three people, and it would be tantamount to missing a lifetime.

The single-eyed girl couldn't understand her persistence. The two came to Yangcheng together. She didn't look for a job, and she couldn't act alone.

She could only continue to accompany her reluctantly, and she was embarrassed to eat free food, so she just kept a blank face the whole time.

The three who didn't know that they were missed had a good night's sleep.

When I got up in the morning, I went down to the second floor to have breakfast.

As soon as the three of them sat down, before they had time to drink, the two single and double girls from yesterday came in at the door.

Miss Shan Shuang was named by Yu Qing for them, because they didn't know their names, and their characteristics were so obvious, they were called Miss Shan Shuang.

"Good morning everyone, what a coincidence." The girl with double eyelids waved to them excitedly.

Lu Jinzhong also waved to them happily, "Good morning, two sisters, come here quickly, it's better to come early than coincidentally, sit down and eat together."

The two girls and the single girl sat down familiarly, and Lu Jinzhong put the menu in front of them in a very gentlemanly manner, asking them to order first.

Yu Qing secretly rolled her eyes, she really didn't see the appearance of licking the dog.

Xiang Yisen noticed his wife's small movements, called the waiter amusedly, brought a new menu and put it in front of her, and whispered in his ear:

"You can order whatever you like, we don't need money."

Yu Qing frowned and ordered the two of them's favorite food. After finally coming to Yangcheng, she had to satisfy her cravings.

"This crab roe bun tastes good, and the chicken feet in black bean sauce, seafood soup buns, and honey sauce pork buns are all very good. Before we go back this time, we must pack more and take them home to eat slowly, especially their here. All kinds of porridge, especially nourishing the stomach."

"Okay, listen to you." In the past, he didn't know his wife's secret, but now he shared it with him. It's not too convenient to store things in it.

After breakfast, the girls once again saw the delicacies of Yangcheng. At this moment, they felt that maybe it was the right time to come to Yangcheng to find a job.

After breakfast, Yu Qing planned to go shopping in Seafood Street, and meet Brother Hai by the way, since I haven't seen him for a few months, it's strange that I miss him.

I just had a full meal, so I walked over just to digest my food.

Yu Qing didn't express any opinions on the single and double girls who followed Lu Jinzhong, so the two little girls could follow if they wanted to, and she didn't need her to entertain anyway.

Xiang Yisen just looked back and stopped paying attention.

 Tomorrow, I will hang the water for another day. The two-year-old child, who received the injection for the first time, saw the guard sister and shouted to go home~
(End of this chapter)

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