Chapter 362
When Xiang Yisen's deep gaze swept over, the girl Shan Shuang squeezed the hem of her clothes nervously. Later, when she saw him, she just looked at him casually, and turned back without saying anything.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, and they didn't know why, in the team of three, they were not afraid of Lu Jinzhong, not afraid of Yu Qing, but afraid of this tall and handsome man who didn't say a word.

His aura is so intimidating!
Seafood Street is still as lively as ever.

Do not!
It should be more lively than last time they came!
There are a few more types of goods at the street stalls than last time.

Yu Qing observed the past all the way, mainly to see the quality and style of these products.The goods she wants to buy are more expensive than more.

When we arrived at Brother Hai's shop, like last time, he was sitting in the shop having breakfast.

Seeing the group of them, he was obviously taken aback, "Beautiful girl, ouch! I never thought you would come to Yangcheng, please sit down."

"Brother Hai, long time no see! You are still so rich and attractive." Yu Qing laughed seeing him with a shy stomach.

"Haha, a beautiful girl's words are sweet." Hai Ge smiled, and after asking him to sit down, he looked at the unfinished breakfast on the table and asked politely, "Have you had your breakfast? If you haven't eaten, I'll send it over again. "

"Thank you, we've already eaten."

Brother Hai packed his breakfast into the kitchen at the back, came out and sat down and asked, "When did you arrive in Yangcheng?"

Yu Qing smiled sweetly, "Yesterday, I came to say hello to Brother Hai when I'm not here."

"Haha, good. Just because you treat Brother Hai as a friend, I'll treat you all to dinner at noon today, and I'll take care of you." Brother Hai said boldly.

"That would be disrespectful." Yu Qing was not polite to him, and the two had business dealings, so being too polite to each other would be unattractive.

A few people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Yu Qing and Brother Hai learned about the changes in Seafood Street during this period, as well as some products that are in high demand.

At noon, Brother Hai was the host and took them to a private restaurant with no signboard in the back street.

The environment is quite quiet. In the hot city of Yangcheng, the air here is cool. When you come in from the outside, you can feel the temperature has dropped by a few degrees.

The dining table is placed in the shaded corridor, with the passage blowing through, it is very cool!

Brother Hai went into the kitchen at the back first, and he didn't know what he said to the boss. When he came out, he asked everyone to follow him.

He explained: "It's cool to sit in the corridor, but it's still hot when you eat. I'll take you to a cooler place."

Yu Qing couldn't figure out where else could be cooler than here. It seems that there is no air conditioner in China in this day and age.

Brother Hai led everyone through the main room, and then out through the back door. There was a small wing room behind the main room, which looked like a private room in a hotel in later generations.

After entering, a set of tables and chairs was placed in the room. Beyond the tables and chairs, there was a ladder extending downwards at the innermost position.

"Hey! There's a cave in this place!" Lu Jinzhong didn't expect that he would run underground after eating.

Brother Hai said complacently, "You guys haven't eaten underground, have you?"


Everyone thought it sounded weird.

"Isn't there a grave below here?" The girl with double eyelids pulled Lu Jinzhong and asked in a voice that only two people could hear.

Just thinking about it is scary, the girl with double eyelids shuddered, it would be too unreasonable to occupy the tomb of the ancestors after a meal.

Lu Jinzhong didn't think much about it at first, but was taken aback by this reminder, "Can't you? Don't scare me! I've been scared since I was a child, and I haven't seen anything before."

Yu Qing and Xiang Yisen looked at each other in blank dismay, this was really the first time they had experienced eating underground.

Hai Gela turned on the street lamp next to the stairs, went underground first, and said to himself: "Don't be afraid, this used to be an air-raid shelter, but it was abandoned later. The owner happened to run a restaurant and found that eating underground is not only quiet but also It was cool, so he used the air-raid shelter behind the house."

Xiang Yisen took Yu Qing's hand and followed.

Yu Qing is even more curious. She has only read the word air-raid shelter in textbooks before, and this is the first time she has seen a real air-raid shelter.

The stair passage is not spacious and can only accommodate two people walking side by side.As he went down, a gust of cool air surged up from the ground, and the heat outside quickly receded from his body.

The underground passage is not that spacious. It is only about ten meters long and about three meters wide.An electric light was installed on the wall every one meter for lighting.

The width of this channel is just enough to place a square table and chairs, and the remaining side can be passed by. There is a ditch under the corner opposite the table. The miracle is that this ditch is still running water.

This is so strange!

The owner of this place should have repaired it, the gutters were smoothed with cement and there were taps installed where customers could wash their hands.

There are five tables set up in the whole aisle, and now they are the first table guests at noon.

"It's so cool in here!" Yu Qing washed her hands and washed her face by the way, it was really comfortable.

"Haha, right, I didn't lie to you, it's really cool here." Hai Ge introduced with a smile: "This place is not open for business, usually regular customers come here, and most of the people who come here to eat are for the underground. You came here from the air-raid shelter, especially in the dog days, there is no place for you if you come late.”

"Today we are the earliest." Yu Qing smiled. She couldn't imagine how people used to hide in the air-raid shelter.

"Yes, when it's time to eat, the seats here will be full." Brother Hai poured a cup of herbal tea for everyone.

While a few people were talking, the waiter came down with the dishes.

Brother Hai: "I don't know what kind of taste you like, so I ordered some Cantonese specialties. The cooking skills of this restaurant are good, and the taste is very good. Wait for you to try it."

"Okay, I actually like Cantonese cuisine a lot."

Yu Qing didn't perfunctory Brother Hai for the sake of politeness. Although she likes spicy food, she also likes Cantonese cuisine which is mainly for health preservation.

The taste of Cantonese cuisine emphasizes "clear, fresh, tender, smooth, and fragrant", and pursues the original taste of raw materials. The authentic dishes are yearning and memorable.

Therefore, when dishes such as boiled chicken, black barbecued pork with honey sauce, steamed grouper, stewed corn with keel, and boiled shrimp are served, they are really full of color, flavor and taste.

Everyone was not hungry at first, but as soon as the food was served, just smelling the aroma made them hungry.

Yu Qing filled half a bowl of soup for Brother Hai, Xiang Yisen and herself, and said to Xiang Yisen, "This is their Laohuo soup. It has been simmered for several hours. It is nutritious and nourishes the stomach."

"Yes, the beautiful girl knows our Cantonese cuisine very well." Brother Hai told Lu Jinzhong that they would pick what they wanted to eat, so you are welcome.

Halfway through the meal, a plate of horseshoe cake was served at the end.

Yu Qing found that many people here had horseshoes in their food, and the factory also produced various canned horseshoes, and many dishes put horseshoes in them.

She wondered if she should buy some horseshoes to take home when she went back. Whether it is eaten raw or cooked, it is good, she likes to use horseshoes to make soup.

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(End of this chapter)

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