Abandoned Women of the Age: Getting Rich by Spatial Warehouses

Chapter 363 Single and Shuang Girls Want to Set Up a Stall

Chapter 363 Single and Shuang Girls Want to Set Up a Stall

At the dinner table, neither party discussed business, but only chatted about ordinary interests and street anecdotes.

After a meal, the host and guests enjoyed themselves.

Coming up from the air-raid shelter, everyone was blinded by the whitish sunlight outside.

Returning to the store from the back street, Brother Hai made a pot of tea for everyone, sat down slowly and chatted while digesting food.

This is Haige's unique way of digesting food.

Yu Qing glanced at Brother Hai's big belly, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes!

"Brother Hai, what is the most popular product in your street right now?"

"There are no products that are not in short supply these days." Hai Ge joked.

Everyone nodded, as long as the goods you need in your daily life are in short supply.

Brother Hai knew what Yu Qing meant by asking this question, so he smiled and said without hesitation: "The most in-demand products are nothing more than electronic products, fashion, and all products that are at the forefront of fashion. They are the favorites of the poor everywhere."

Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing looked at each other.

Xiang Yisen asked, "Brother Hai, can I go to your warehouse to see your goods?"

Brother Hai raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, glanced at the other people, hesitated for a moment, and laughed: "Isn't it just to see the goods, sprinkle water."

Xiang Yisen asked the others to sit here and wait, he pulled Yu Qing to stand up, and followed Brother Hai all the way to the small warehouse behind the shop.

It is said to be a warehouse, but it is actually a compartment separated by a store, which is used as a warehouse to store goods.

After entering the warehouse, Brother Hai closed the door, casually patted the pile of goods on the side, turned his head and said seriously: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing looked at each other and smiled.

"As expected of Brother Hai, you'll know what we mean as soon as we speak."

Yu Qing straight to the point: "We want to buy some goods from Brother Hai, and I hope Brother Hai will give you a preferential price."

Brother Hai frowned slightly, and scratched his head in confusion, "You are definitely not here to tease me, I don't understand, don't you have a lot of supplies that are in short supply? Seeing you coming this time, I still want to Another batch in your hands."

Yu Qing won't go into details about the specific situation, she just said that she needs to cover up the situation, and only hopes that Brother Hai can cooperate, "As long as Brother Hai sends us the goods once a month, that's fine."

"That's no problem." Brother Hai nodded. Customers have been buying from him for a long time. It's a small matter for him to help deliver the goods, and he readily agreed.

It's just, "Do you still have the goods from last time? If so, I'll take them all."

Yu Qing nodded. Before coming to Yangcheng this time, she placed a lot of orders online, just to prepare for coming to Yangcheng.

"Do you want the same product as last time?"

Brother Hai was overjoyed, and said firmly, "Yes, as much as you want."

Yu Qing: "In addition to electronic watches, toad mirrors, and bell-bottom pants, we also brought a few home appliances this time. I wonder if you are interested, Brother Hai?"

"What home appliance?" Brother Hai rubbed his hands nervously. Home appliances are items that are difficult to buy even if you have money. This is even more in demand.

"Electric fan and rice cooker."

A door blocked the sight of the three people who stayed in the shop, making them extremely curious about everything inside.

Lu Jinzhong glanced at the two girls sitting next to him, and sighed in his heart. If he didn't bring these two girls here today, wouldn't Brother Sen take him into the warehouse with him? Avoid him?

"Brother Lu, what are they looking for?"

Xiang Yisen's departure made the girl with double eyelids heave a sigh of relief. At the same time, she was also very curious about what kind of goods he was talking about?

There are some in the Lujin Center, but I don’t know exactly what it is, so after hearing the girl’s question with double eyelids, I just shook my head, “I don’t know what it is either? It’s probably the ones in the store.”

The goods in Hai Ge's warehouse are basically hung in the shop.They went into the warehouse just to find an excuse to talk.

"Oh, Brother Hai's products are all in high demand. If you bring them back to our hometown, they will sell well." The girl with double eyelids had a bold idea in her heart, but unfortunately, she was short of money.

She glanced at her companion sitting on the side with a wooden face, and she couldn't count on her outside.

"Of course, Yangcheng is full of gold, and it's really easy to make money here."

Therefore, Lu Jinzhong boasted about the fact that they set up a street stall in Yangcheng last time.

The girl with double eyelids stared at her eyes with admiration, "Brother Lu, you are so amazing. Hearing what you said, we all want to buy goods and set up a stall outside."

"Average, third in the world." Lu Jinzhong puffed out his chest.

The girl with double eyelids hesitated for a while, then she seemed embarrassed to discuss: "Brother Lu, do you think this is okay? We are idle today anyway, why don't we buy some goods from Brother Hai in the afternoon, and we will display them on this street in the evening. How about making money?"

"This..." Lu Jinzhong scratched his head, setting up a stall is fine, but the problem is that he doesn't know what arrangements Brother Sen has for the evening?

"Brother Lu, are you worried that Brother Sen and the others have arrangements?" The girl with double eyelids seemed to see his worry.

Before he could answer, he came up with an idea: "They have arrangements and it doesn't affect us to set up a stall. If he asks you for something, you can just go and do it. The two of us will just look at this stall. How about the three of us sharing the money when we make money?" ?”

Hearing what the girl said, Lu Jinzhong was really moved. If he cooperated with this pair of sisters, wouldn't he have an extra income?
"You let me think about it."

The girl with double eyelids gave him a push, and said angrily, "Brother Lu, what is there to consider about this matter? It's a business that is sure to make money without losing money, why are you hesitating?"

As she said that, she looked a little sad, "It's just that our sisters don't have much money on them. If you don't have enough money when you buy the goods later, you have to trouble Brother Lu to fill them up first, and we can return them to you after we sell out."

"Money is not the problem, it's just..." Lu Jinzhong knew that he didn't have a lot of money on him, and he came here this time to buy goods. If he lent it to a single girl, he was worried that it would not be enough for Brother Sen.

But just now he has already boasted to the sky, so he can't talk about it now, can he?

The girl with double eyelids didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, because she knew that he had to be dealt with before Xiang Yisen and the others came out.

"Money is not a problem, so it's okay, Brother Lu, we've made an agreement like this. When the goods arrive later, we'll set up a stall outside, and when the stall is closed at night, we'll go back to the hotel."

In the end, she winked at Lu Jinzhong, and said mischievously: "Brother Lu, you can wait for the money when you go back tonight."

The words have already come to this point, Lu Jinzhong couldn't refuse anymore, so he could only bite the bullet and nodded, which was regarded as his agreement.

He thought, if he was short of money, if he really couldn't do it, he should borrow some money from Brother Sen first, and then pay him back when he made money.

It's just that he forgot, the world is impermanent!

No matter how well you plan some things, there will be accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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