Chapter 364 Buying a House
Both Xiang Yisen and his wife were very satisfied with the conversation with Hai Ge, and the three of them came out of the warehouse with smiles on their faces.

"Brother Sen, take a look, what's the stock in Brother Hai's warehouse?" Lu Jinzhong stood up and asked.

Xiang Yisen glanced at him indifferently, then nodded dispensably, "We have something to do with Brother Hai and we have to go out. Whether you continue to play or go back to the hotel, you decide."

Lu Jin tensed in the middle, "Brother Sen, where are you going? Can I go with you?"

Xiang Yisen stared at him coolly, and asked lightly, "What do you think?"

Lu Jinzhong's scalp was numb from being stared at, and he looked back at the single girl, smiled shyly, sat back and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Brother Hai smiled and said, "If you don't want to go back, just continue playing here."

Then he turned his head and said to Xiang Yisen: "Wait for me, I'll ask my wife to come down to look at the shop."

Yu Qing stared, your mother-in-law is upstairs, why didn't you call me during lunch?
Brother Hai was very fast, and soon there were footsteps in the corridor, and a middle-aged woman with the same tonnage as him came out behind him.

With a kind smile on his face, when he saw a customer in the store, he spoke poor Mandarin with a strong dialect accent.

Yu Qing and the others are not too far away from Yangcheng, and after hearing a lot, they can probably guess the meaning of her words. If it is a northerner who has never been to Yangcheng, they must not understand what she is talking about.

The three of them took a taxi to Xinlongsha.

Don't ask them why they went to Xinlongsha?

Yu Qing wanted to buy a house in Yangcheng last time, but she didn't have a lot of money at that time, and if she bought a house, the funds in her hand would be a bit difficult to turn around.

So she has been patient, and when she came to Yangcheng this time with tens of thousands of dollars in hand, she once again proposed to Haige that she wanted to buy a house in Yangcheng. Haige was very happy to contribute the house in his hand.

The house that Brother Hai brought them to Xinlongsha to see was an old brick and tile house, but the advantage was that it had a large area, which made Yu Qing very satisfied.

She bought a house and lived in it for too little time. The main reason for buying a house is to increase its value. She hopes that when she gets old, she can also be like the elderly in Yangcheng. Every day when she wakes up, she can ask three or five friends to go to a tea restaurant for morning tea.After taking a nap in the afternoon, you can drink afternoon tea leisurely, and stroll around when you have nothing to do.

In her last life, she was particularly envious of these elderly people, thinking that it would be nice if they could relax as much as she got old.

The landlord is a well-dressed middle-aged man with a curly back, and he speaks and moves very stylishly.

He has been wandering overseas, and he came back only after the death of the old man in his family. Now that the old man's funeral has been done, he wants to sell the house early so that he can go back as soon as possible.

A house of 2 square meters costs a little more than [-].

Yu Qing readily paid for the property, and while it was still early, Brother Hai accompanied them to transfer the ownership of the property.

Holding the freshly released real estate certificate, Yu Qing's cheeks were blushing with excitement, and she waved her hand proudly: "Brother Hai, I will treat you tonight, I hope you will appreciate it."

"Okay, I'll wait." Hai Ge agreed cheerfully, and asked again: "Just when can you give me the goods you promised me?"

With such a good product, he wished he could sell it tonight, get it early and make money early.

Hai Ge thinks that the happiest thing in life is making money.

Yu Qing raised the red book in her hand, "I will deliver the goods here tomorrow, and then you arrange people to come to our house to pick up the goods, and we will pay for the goods and deliver the goods."

Brother Hai opened his mouth, originally he wanted to say what to do with such trouble, it would not be better to just bring the goods to his shop.

Later, on second thought, maybe others don't want him to have contact with the delivery person.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth, "Okay, that's the deal."

After finishing the work, Brother Hai went back to the shop first.

Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing returned to the newly bought house. The house was built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the blue bricks and black tiles have the characteristics of southern architecture.

The main room has a living room, and the left and right sides are bedrooms, one bright and one dark, dividing the main room into five rooms.There is no yard, and there are streets and alleys when you go out.

It can be said that the drip ditch under the eaves is her land.

There are some simple furniture in the house, Yu Qing didn't plan to use these old furniture, after all, the old man just left here, although she is not afraid of ghosts, but she can't pass that test in her heart.

The couple put all the furniture in the house into the dark room on the right, and vacated the other rooms.Released all the goods that had been prepared in the warehouse of the studio.

It's fine for them to stay in the hotel this time, and they can directly live in their own house when they come to Yangcheng next time.

Looking at the cleaned-up room, Yu Qing turned around happily, threw herself on Xiang Yisen, and asked with crooked eyes: "Sensen, should we buy a big bed online and put it in the room on the left? "

Xiang Yisen raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said with a pleasant smile: "Well, there is no rush, we will be ready when we come to Yangcheng next time, and we will live here directly when we come."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Finally, I have a place to stay in this city.

Yu Qing turned her head and glanced at Xiang Yisen, with three-dimensional facial features, her eyes were indifferent and unruly, but when facing her, there was a little tenderness.

Perhaps in his life, these gentlenesses are all precious.

However, she is very satisfied with this little bit of tenderness, because some of his tenderness is given to her, and other women have no chance to get it, and she has it alone.

It's better than a man giving you tender eyes, then turning around and greeting other women.

Xiang Yisen found that his wife's eyes were complicated and difficult to understand, so he smiled lightly and said, "What's wrong?"

"Haha, it's nothing, I just found out that you are very handsome at the moment, and I was fascinated by you for a while."

"Hehe, naughty." Xiang Yisen pinched Yu Qing's nose, and his deep laughter echoed in the room.

In the evening, Brother Hai took them to an open-air restaurant facing the river, where the last afterglow was reflected on the surface of the river, sparkling.

There are many tourists on the shore, and the evening breeze blows away the residual heat left by the sun during the day.

Life in Yangcheng is not as fast-paced as later generations, and many people take a walk along the river after dinner.

"Is the scenery here beautiful?" Hai Ge asked with a smile.

Yu Qing withdrew her gaze, looked at Brother Hai and said with a smile, "This is my ideal retirement life."

"Haha." Brother Hai nodded her with his hand: "You are not big, but you have a lot of thoughts."

The food was ready, and as soon as the few people moved their chopsticks, two children surrounded them.

Both were eight or nine-year-old girls, holding a bouquet of flowers in their hands, and one of them asked Xiang Yisen clearly: "Brother, our flowers were just picked this afternoon, do you want to buy a bouquet for this girl?" A pretty sister?"

Surprise flashed in Yu Qing's eyes, she didn't expect that in this era, someone would know about selling flowers in the night market.

Indeed, no era can underestimate the wisdom of the masses.

 Recommended final article: "The Leisurely Farm of the Farmer's Daughter-in-Law", today is free~


(End of this chapter)

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