Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 280 The sensuality is sultry, she is the top CV36

Chapter 280 Sensual and seductive, the real daughter is the top CV36
Everyone is stupid!

Especially Yingluo and Wuqing, who almost wanted to quit the channel and run away.

Mama Duck.

I have no face to see people!

"Cough... Water, water god, why are you here?" Jiu'er took a long time to find her voice, breaking the embarrassment at this moment.

The people who came in suddenly when Yingluo and Wuqing were having fun in "Showing Treasure" were two o'clock water.

That ID is simply blinding people's eyes.

He listened to Jiu'er's words, and his tone was a little unclear: "Can't I come?"

Jiu'er only felt that the voice seemed to be carrying a knife inexplicably.

And it was a knife aimed at her deliberately.

Jiu'er was so frightened that her voice trembled immediately: "No, no... I didn't mean that..."

"Okay, stop scaring Jiu'er." Shi Lian said, suppressing the inexplicable hostility of Two Dian Shui.

Then he softened his voice and said to Jiu'er: "Don't pay attention to him, you don't need to be afraid of him."

Jiu'er said "hmm" in a low voice.

How could you not be afraid!
That's two drops of water, water god!
It is the same existence as the originator of the CV circle!

They actually performed that kind of dubbing in front of the originator just now...

Want to die!
"Water, water god... why are you here? Did you follow Lianyan?" Chuchu asked cautiously after recovering his voice from the shock.

Shi Lian raised his eyebrows.

"Penguin" software has a friend tracking function.

It is the guild channel she is in, which will be displayed on the friend information.

Friends can follow the display and directly track into the channel.

"En." Two Dian Shui's voice was low and hoarse, as if covered with a layer of veil.

The original owner was very sensitive to voices, Shi Lian also noticed immediately: "Are you sick?"

"A little cold, I'm fine." Shi Lian probably noticed something strange about him when he heard it, and there was an imperceptible smile in Er Dian Shui's voice.

However, even if it is imperceptible.

Several other people could still hear two points of water. The tone of voice was much more relaxed than before.

The weird sense of oppression is also much less.

"If you're not feeling well, stop playing on the computer and go to rest." Shi Lian picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside, "Or, give me the address, and I'll buy you some medicine."

Two Points of Water coughed fiercely, but answered with a very natural smile: "I just took the medicine, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Shi Lian hooked her lower lip with a half-smile.

This is because she is afraid that she will know his address.

And pull out his vest?
She snorted lightly and didn't speak again.

But, it's just such a simple conversation.

The other six people in the channel let out strange booing noises in a very tacit understanding.


Knock, knock, knock!

I have heard for a long time that Water God and his apprentice Lianyan are very CP!
I have also matched couples several times before.

Sure enough, see you in person today.

It's really a sense of CP!
For a while, the admiration and tension towards Two Points of Water also dissipated a lot.

The atmosphere probably eased down.

A few people also had the leisure to poke some water information.

Seeing this, he was shocked immediately.

"Water God, have you quit the guild too?" Jiu'er was a little surprised. After reading it several times, she was sure that there was no sign of "lingering sound" on the information of two points of water.

As soon as the words came out.

There was another burst of yelling and teasing in the channel.

"No way! Water God, Lingling Yuyin was created by you alone, why have you quit the guild!"

"Water God, are you doing it for Lianyanda?"

"Your master-student relationship is so touching, I'm going to cry again!"

(End of this chapter)

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