Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 281 The sensuality is sultry, she is the top CV37

Chapter 281 Sensual and seductive, the real daughter is the top CV37
Listen to everyone's ghost roar and ghost screaming.

Shi Lian put her fingers on the mouse, slid the mouse lightly, and poked the ID of the two dots of water.

The information that popped up, sure enough...

There is no "lingering sound" logo.

It is indeed quitting the guild.

Did you follow her back?

Shi Lian can now imagine that after she resigned from the guild, Two Points of Water also resigned from the guild, and Ling Lingyu Yin is probably going crazy now.

There is no such thing as a "lingering sound" mark on their profile.

It is estimated that within a few minutes, it will spread throughout the entire CV circle.

Those "lingering sound" fans are probably going crazy.

After losing a brother and a sister.

Can "Long Ling Yin" still maintain the title of the undefeated number one guild in the circle?

Shi Lian was also very curious about the answer.

But what will become of the lingering sound.

What's none of her business?
Anyway, Lingling Yuyin has nothing to do with her.

Who made her the guild that came with two points of water?

It doesn't belong to the lingering reverberation tube at all.

Only two points of water left...

Being able to be married to the daughter of the Nie family is "supposedly" a marriage.

Of course there is no shortage of money.

It's not a problem for him to break a contract casually.

What's more, she seems to have listened to the guild management discussion before...

The two points of water and the lingering sound actually have no contractual relationship at all.

It's just a simple partnership.

If so.

She could only mourn in silence for the lingering sound.

Shi Lian was still thinking deeply here.

Over there, the man's low magnetic and sexy voice responded to the words of those people who were booing: "Well, I don't want Lianyan to be unhappy."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's no good, the CP I knocked on mom is real! " Xixixi hugged her head, unable to calm down anymore.

"Water God, are you chasing us, Yan Yanda..." Jiu'er sensed something was wrong with this atmosphere, and asked tentatively.

I thought that the man would at least be stunned, or would not answer.

Unexpectedly, the man gave a low "hmm".

Everyone: "!!!"

Water God really wants to develop CP with Lianyan!
What did Jiu'er think of again: "Then you and President Nie..."

She had heard that there was a baby kiss between Water God and President Nie.

"I have nothing to do with her." The man replied simply.

There were obvious sighs of relief from the others.

Shi Lian: "..." Why don't you come and ask her what she thinks?

The man was like a roundworm in her stomach, the moment Shi Lian thought of it.

He said: "Lianyan, don't be angry because of them, if you want, we can start a guild again."

It's not like Shi Lian didn't think about it.

If you want to do something, go suppress the limelight of the heroine of the world and let her luck drop.

Indeed, start a new guild again, and step on the head of the lingering sound.

As the heroine of the world, Nie Niao's luck value will definitely drop.

And she, plus two living signs of water.

It will be much simpler than those newcomers who have just established a guild.


She finds it troublesome.

To set up your own guild, you have to spend a lot of energy live broadcasting and recruiting people.

Still have to pick up the order.

Even if it is the fastest, it will take three or four months to have the chance to fight against Ling Ling Yu Yin.

Have this idle time.

She might as well go and do something else.

Shi Lian yawned, and said in a lazy voice, "Forget it, I will start the live broadcast by myself in the future, have fun, and develop the career line of film and television dramas."

(End of this chapter)

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