Chapter 80 I Can Thank You
When Su Tian came out of the hospital gate, the mooncake bag was replaced with various fillings for making mooncakes, fabrics, and pork for Zhang Xiuxiu. As for the rest, she just put them in the bag when she got home.

"Sweetie, you're finally back."

"Hey, it's far away, look, I bought it, here it is for you." Su Tian proposed to put the pork wrapped in oil paper into Zhang Xiuxiu's cloth bag.

"Thank you Tiantian, this is the money and the ticket."

"I don't need a ticket." Tickets are sometimes much harder to find than money. Su Tian didn't ask for it. Why don't you ask for money? You can buy a white flour steamed bun for two cents here. How can you not want two yuan? Well, in order not to make people suspicious, I have to accept it.

"And this, for you." Su Tian took out the light blue headband she ordered from the space and handed it to Zhang Xiuxiu, and put a yellow one on her own head.

"Tiantian, you... I don't have anything for you." Zhang Xiuxiu was very embarrassed. How could she have the nerve to keep asking Tian Baoer for things? That's not how she took advantage of her.

"Then you made my shoes." Su Tian raised her feet, a pair of thousand-ply sole cloth shoes.

"But my aunt still gave me trousers."

"Then make me another pair when you have nothing to do." At that time, let my mother give Aunt Zhang a bed sheet that was stitched together in small steps.

"Thank you." She knew she had taken advantage of it, but she liked this headband so much, especially when she and Tiantian could both wear it.

"Thank you, let's go to the town."

"Well, do you look good?"

"It's pretty, like a little fairy. Sister Xiuxiu, squat down, your hair is loose." Zhang Xiuxiu and Su Tian had the same hairstyle.

"Oh, good." Zhang Xiuxiu squatted down without thinking.

Su Tian tied Zhang Xiuxiu's hair with the red string she bought, and tied it up by the way. The soil on the road was very thick, so she had to wash it after tying it into a ponytail. The hair was too long and troublesome.

By the way, I also coiled it up for myself, and put on a headband. From the back view, I look like twins.

"Tiantian, the aunt who asked us for directions seems to know Grandma Su." It's not that she is sociating, but that she has a relationship with Mrs. Su. She always feels that she can plot against Su Tian, ​​but she feels that there is nothing to plot against A reminder is what she should do as a friend.

Su Tian was taken aback for a moment, do you know him?Something flashed by, but she didn't catch it.

Su Tian shook her head, telling her not to think too much, just stay put.

Sure enough, when Su Tian arrived at the entrance of the town, Mrs. Su chatted and laughed with the aunt Zhiqing, and they hit it off very well.

"Little girl, we meet again." The aunt greeted Su Tian warmly when she saw Su Tian.

"Hello." Su Tian couldn't decide what they were going to do, so she didn't say much. It is necessary to be harmful and prevent others.

"This is my second granddaughter, next to my second child." Mrs. Su said affectionately, holding the aunt's hand, with a chrysanthemum smile on her face.

"Tiantian, this is a sister of mine from far away. You can call her mother-in-law. After so many years, we can be regarded as seeing each other."

"Hello, Auntie."

"Our village over there is not called aunt, but mother-in-law. You can just call me mother-in-law. The little girl is really beautiful. Do you have a partner? No mother-in-law will find you one."

Su Tian smiled awkwardly and said nothing. She searched her memory, but she couldn't find any village where aunt was called mother-in-law. Anyway, she has this doubt, so she won't let down her vigilance.

"Just now, I don't have a partner. If there is a good girl, you must tell the old sister that my granddaughter is getting older, so I can't delay."

"Look at what you said, it must be."

The aunt looked at Su Tian again, looking up and down, as if she was looking at an object, that gaze made Su Tian feel uncomfortable.

"You girl, why don't you thank your mother-in-law soon. If it weren't for your mother-in-law, there would be such a good thing waiting for you." Mrs. Su suppressed calculations in her eyes.

"Thank you, my parents are worrying about my marriage, so I don't need you to worry about it." What kind of mother-in-law, like a mom called her husband, what the hell.

Su Tian pouted, pulling Zhang Xiuxiu away from the two old things.

The aunt frowned, then let go.

Su Tian was too lazy to look and didn't see it, but Zhang Xiuxiu was always paying attention, and hurriedly whispered in Su Tian's ear.

"That woman doesn't look like a good person."

"I have a good relationship with Mrs. Su, how many good people can I have?" Su Tian really didn't pay attention to it, and worried her, everyone was done, at worst, she went to the space to hide for a few years, and then changed her appearance.

"Grandma, the car hasn't come yet."

Su Tian heard the voice and turned around. It was a gay man about the same age as Su Qi. This was Mrs. Su's favorite grandson, Su Hongjun, the son of Boss Su. Su Tian had never seen Su Hongjun before, so she didn't recognize him for a while. come out.

Zhang Xiuxiu whispered to Su Tian, ​​"This is Su Hongjun, didn't he come home tomorrow, why did he come home today."

Su Tian, ​​who heard this, kept her eyes open. She never believed in coincidences. Her intuition told her that Mrs. Su was suddenly amiable. The Red Army, all of this may have something to do with her.

"He hasn't come yet, come quickly and recognize him, this is my sister from far away."

"You look so young, I can't even call you aunt." Su Hongjun said flatteringly.

"What should I call it? I still have to call it."

"Yes, yes, that's what you said."

"Su, Tiantian, come here quickly, you child is alone, your big brother will go home early for the holidays, let your parents come over early tomorrow."

Su Tian curled her lips. At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it. Based on the treatment of their family in the past, she knew that this meant that her parents were going to work for her grandson.

After hearing this, Su Hongjun straightened his back even more, and squinted at this taciturn cousin, wanting to see the envy and yearning in her eyes, as well as the careful fawning, but——

What did he see?
Is that straight girl with pink lips and bright eyes and bright teeth really the timid, ordinary, even ugly cousin she used to be?

Su Hongjun couldn't believe it and looked at Mrs. Su for confirmation. Mrs. Su nodded with a sullen face. She really didn't expect that a division would make that family look radiant.

I knew that she would not have separated their family if she was killed. Now it is too late to regret it. The second child's wings are hardened. If he doesn't listen to them, Zhou Huiyu will not accept it, especially the two brothers and sisters Su Tian and Su Qi , even more earth-shaking changes.

"Cousin Su Tian is really an eighteenth-generation female college student. It's only been a while, and my cousin won't recognize you soon. I'm walking on the road, my cousin will never dare to recognize you." Su Hongjun is worthy of walking out of the mountains in the factory Those who work here speak differently.

(End of this chapter)

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