Supermarket space: the age group spoils and gets rich

Chapter 81 Want to force her to kill them

Chapter 81 Want to force her to kill them
"Cousin, too." Su Tian smiled back with a half-hearted smile, and she saw the satisfaction with the items in Su Hongjun's eyes.

What the hell, don't force her to kill them.

Su Tian lowered her eyes, making it impossible to see the roiling thoughts inside.

Just when Su Tian got impatient with being interrogated, people from the village rushed to the entrance of the town one after another, and Su Qi came back with a tractor.

He didn't go to lie down at home, he went to the oil mill to fetch soybean meal twice, and then went to the tofu factory to fetch soybean dregs twice. It was sent back early today, so he had to come again. The captain wanted to take advantage of the good weather to Put it in the sun and pack it up, so that it will be frozen when it is cold, and it is not easy to dry it. If the bean dregs are damaged, you will not dare to feed the pigs in the next year.

The ten pigs raised this year are particularly good, and the team leader is very confident that he can raise a few more pigs in the coming year. Even if there are fewer pigs, it is still called a pig farm.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Su Qi could see his sister's impatient expression from afar, the tractor was too loud, and he didn't hear what they said, but old lady Su was there, and that The cousin who always had his eyes above the roof was here, he must have been bullying his sister, and strode towards her as soon as he stopped the car.

"Brother, I'm fine, let's get in the car." I don't know what's going on with this old woman, I inquire left and right, and even want to hold her hand and talk, Old Madam Su even got closer to her for no reason, anyway, that Whatever the old woman said, Mrs. Su and Su Hongjun both supported her.

As we talked, we even talked about her marriage. Girls should get married when they are eighteen, and they will become old girls when they grow up. Good gay men are picked away by others, so they can only find second-married ones. , widower or something, it bored her to death.

"Why, I can still eat my own granddaughter." Seeing Su Qi's defensive face, Mrs. Su scolded Su Qi with a black face, without giving Su Qi any face.

Ever since Su Qi drove the tractor, he has never embarrassed Su Qi face to face.

Su Tian's face darkened immediately, she was really a shameless old witch, if it wasn't for her father's face, she would have slapped her twice.

"Then how could it be? If a grandma plots against her granddaughter, is that still a human thing? How could a grandma do something that is not human?"

Su Qi spoke at a well-proportioned speed, and he taunted back in a calm manner. He would not eat his own granddaughter. Why didn't he know when did she treat them as granddaughters and grandchildren? All the bones she ate were gone.

Old Mrs. Su is so angry that she is green and red and then white, and the colorful ones are so beautiful.

The aunt who stopped talking since Su Qi came over looked Su Qi up and down. She was tall and mighty, handsome, and her eyes were firm. If you don't look at it with partiality, this Su Qi is better than Commander Su Hong. In addition to being pleasing to the eye, the Red Army is indeed not very good looking. If Su Hongjun hadn't rescued Hu Wei, he really wouldn't be able to enter the textile factory.

"You are so grown up, you don't even know how to say hello when you see an elder. This is your aunt."

She didn't want people to notice Su Qi at all. She used to be taciturn and walked with her head on her head. Because of poor eating and hard work, she was thin and couldn't straighten her back. Now standing in front of her eldest grandson, she was older than she liked. The grandson will be a head taller, which makes her very worried.

"Auntie, which one? It can't be Grandma's distant sister?"

After Su Qi finished speaking, Su Tian would have been surprised. If she hadn't understood how loud the tractor was, she would have suspected that her brother heard it.

Su Qi rubbed his sister's soft ball head, and heard from his sister that it was a ball head, and he was wearing a yellow headband today, which was really pretty, and the big round eyes stared out of surprise were so cute.

Su Qi mischievously winked at his sister, which made Su Tian happy for a moment.

"Yes, that's right, if you know, don't hesitate to say hello. No matter how good the parents are, they are still not as good as the school can educate people." After the first half of Su Qi's sentence, Mrs. Su turned her head and said to her so-called distant sister.

Su Qi's brother and sister who don't like her are ruining Su Qi and Su's father and Su's mother.

"Brother, why did grandma say things differently? Why did you call me aunt and me mother-in-law?"

Su Tian asked pretending to be naive and ignorant. She was afraid that because she didn't know the names of this place, someone would take advantage of her. Although it is said that men and women are equal and women can hold up half the sky, they are different after all. In the relationship between men and women, the one who suffers is always the girl.

"Oh, that's it. It turns out that it is true. Then you sister from far away, you will not forget your name."

Su Qi's voice became colder and colder, so he said, how could this old woman give her younger sister a good face, so she was waiting here, some people called the old man mother-in-law, but the ones with prefixes are not just called Mother-in-law, only called mother-in-law, that is, the married girl calls the man's mother. Naturally, there are also mothers.

But there are people who plan against their granddaughters like this, there are indeed, isn't there one of them.

Mrs. Su panicked for a moment. The grandson didn't tell her his name, so how could she know.

"Young people are vigilant. My name is Niu Shufen. I don't like to be called aunt. You can also call me Niu or grandma." Niu Shufen said with a smile, but looked at Su Tian, ​​obviously she loved Su Tian very much.

"Brother, let's go, you have to come back to pick it up." This is the benefit that the captain gives to the members. You can ride on a tractor, and you don't have to fight with people you hate. She can also see that this family is so peaceful. For a long time, this is to plot against her again, she is not a soft persimmon, let them pinch.

"Brother Linchuan probably won't be able to keep up the first time." Su Tian glanced at Zhenzikou and said.

"Who is this?" Niu Shufen immediately turned to look at Mrs. Su and asked.

The old lady Su glared at Su Tian: "He is an educated youth who went to the countryside, and he has a good relationship with my grandson."

"oh oh."

Su Hongjun looked at Su Qi's skillful rocking car, and his eyes moved. If he knew how, he could go to the factory to drive. The salary for driving is much higher than that in the workshop. When I go back, I have to ask my grandmother to find the second uncle and the others. Opening his mouth, he didn't believe that his submissive second uncle would say no.

"Cousin, sit in the back." Su Qi frowned, interrupting Su Hongjun's imagination, and said after looking at Su Hongjun who was naturally sitting next to the driver's seat.

"Here, I'll see how you drive it." Su Hongjun's face froze. If Su Qi could teach him, he wouldn't let the nanny get in the way of the second uncle and the others, even though the nanny would bring him benefits every time he spilled and rolled. , but he still feels ashamed, if his colleagues or Aihua find out.

"Su Qi, let your cousin be in front." Granny Su thought of it when she turned her eyes, and said forcefully, Su Qi and Su Tian can drive it, why can't her eldest grandson not drive it, when the time comes, the eldest grandson will be there When going to work in the textile factory, let the boss drive the tractor, that is really happy for everyone.

 It's cheeky to beg for a wave of recommended tickets, monthly tickets, collections, comments, hello!
(End of this chapter)

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