Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 106 The Negative Neighbor

Chapter 106 The Negative Neighbor

It's Wang Erni's bad neighbor again.

Su Yun didn't know what to say.

She raised her eyes to look at Xiao Lin, the meaning in her eyes was obvious.He had to solve this matter for her. She didn't want to have to deal with a bad neighbor like Wang Erni when she was so busy.

Of course Xiao Lin understood what his wife's small eyes meant.

He thanked Wang Wei and politely invited Wang Wei to sit at home for a while.

Of course Wang Wei didn't go, he just came to talk to Xiao Lin and Su Yun, and then he went back to his home.

Su Yun turned her head and entered the room, Xiao Lin followed behind and promised that he would definitely solve this matter.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, I feel bad when I get angry."

Xiao Lin spoke aggrievedly.

Su Yun had a sullen face at first, but she couldn't resist Xiao Lin's cuteness. After a while, she laughed out loud.

"It will be glib."

"Huh? Is my mouth oily? Wife, would you like to try it?" Xiao Lin made a gesture to kiss her, but Su Yun giggled, she kept turning to one side to avoid Xiao Lin.

Seeing that Xiao Lin was about to succeed, a small voice sounded.Su Yun didn't hear it, but Xiao Lin heard it very clearly.

He squinted his eyes and raised his head, and glanced at the yard of Li Erniu's house.

On the two-meter-high fence, a head quickly retracted...

"what happened?"

Su Yun didn't know why Xiao Lin stopped suddenly... Cough cough cough... She didn't really want him to continue!She just felt that the two of them were at home right now, and the time, place, and people were all in place, so Xiao Lin had no reason to give up halfway like this.

After all, he is notorious for not seeing rabbits and not throwing eagles.

Xiao Lin smiled, "It's okay, you go into the room first."


Su Yun followed his gaze to look at the courtyard wall, she nodded obediently, "I'll go clean it up."


Xiao Lin entered the room with Su Yun, put the things in his hand on the ground and went out the door.

Su Yun didn't ask what he was going to do, she found a basin and fetched a basin of water, took a rag and wiped the house she hadn't lived in for ten days.

Xiao Lin didn't go next door, he went to find Li Wei.

next door yard.

Wang Erni, who was caught peeping, thought that the cripple or that vixen would come to make trouble for her. After she retreated to her yard, she immediately put away the bench.

She even thought of a countermeasure. If they dared to ask her why she climbed the wall to peek, she would never admit it.

Anyway, there is no evidence, they can't do anything to her.

With such thoughts in mind, Wang Erni waited all afternoon but Su Yun and the others came to make trouble.

"Isn't that right? When did the vixen become so talkative?" Wang Erni was very confused.

At this moment, the sound of someone talking came from the next yard, and Wang Erni's heart was like a cat scratching her again. What's going on?Did they really not care that she peeked?
Wang Erni went to find the stool she had hidden and climbed up the wall to look.

Just before she got on the stool and poked her head out, the door of her house was pushed open.

Li Erniu, who was supposed to work in the machinery factory, walked in from the outside with anger all over his body.

"What's the matter, Daddy Tiger? Why did you come back early?"

Li Erniu walked up to Wang Erni angrily, "Come down."

The tone was more serious than ever.

Wang Erni reluctantly asked what's the matter?
Li Erniu couldn't help being angry when he saw that she not only didn't know what was wrong, but also looked like she had been wronged by the world.He reached out and grabbed Wang Erni's arm and pulled her off the stool.

Suddenly being pulled down from above, Wang Erni was unprepared, and her knees fell to the ground with a plop.

"Ah... my leg... hurts so much!"

"Li Erniu, are you going to die? Why are you so crazy?"

Wang Erni's loud voice made Su Yun and the others next door hear her.

Li Erniu's face turned green with anger.

"You lazy woman, I work hard all day to provide for you to eat and drink at home. Look at what you have done? Not only did you fail to teach Huzi well, but you also caused troubles here and there all day long. Do you think I was too It's too easy, isn't it?"

A regular worker in a machinery factory is a very enviable job.The monthly salary is 35 yuan. If you live frugally, it is enough for a family of three.

For this reason, Wang Erni couldn't find a job, and Li Erniu didn't dislike her either.

It's just that he can bear that Wang Erni doesn't have a job, and he can give Wang Erni a large part of the money he earns, but he can't bear that Wang Erni keeps her life on the line and keeps her eyes on others.

Today, when the male owner of the yard next door went to the machinery factory to find him, he felt that Wang Erni would lose all of his face.

He asked the workshop director for leave, and hurried back just in time to see Wang Erni standing on the stool with his own eyes...

Li Erniu was so angry that he was about to smoke, he dragged Wang Erni who was still on the ground to drag him away, "If you don't want to live a good life in the city, go back to my hometown."

Their hometown is also a remote mountain village. Li Erniu was a promising worker and Wang Erni felt that she was superior to others in the village. Then go to the ground to plan food.

Therefore, when Wang Erni heard that Li Erniu wanted her to go back to the countryside, her expression changed with fright. She cried, made noise and rolled all over the floor, and refused to go back.

"If I don't leave, I won't leave. Don't think I don't know, you want to drive me away because you have other foxes outside, I won't leave!"

In terms of sarcasm and violence, Wang Erni and Li Cuifen may be on the same level.

People like them can always cry anytime and anywhere regardless of the occasion, as if their parents are dead anytime and anywhere.

No, Wang Erni has already been dragged to the gate of the courtyard, she is holding on to the stone pillar with one hand and crying.

The loud voice attracted many people in the alley to watch.

They watched and pointed, and Li Erniu's neck was red with embarrassment. He really wanted to kill Wang Erni, a lazy woman, but he couldn't really kill her.

Gritting his teeth, Li Erniu let go of Wang Erni's hand and strode out of the alley.

Wang Erni's voice of crying and cursing was still coming from behind, most of them were saying that Li Erniu had someone outside and wanted to drive her away.

The neighbors who were watching couldn't bear it and said something for Li Erniu, "He works in the machinery factory all day long to earn money, so how could there be other people?"

"That's right, that's not a nice thing to say, Wang Erni, you can't say that about your man."

"My own man has to hurt himself."

We are all neighbors, and these people also kindly persuaded each other.Who knew that Wang Erni not only failed to listen, but even scolded the person who persuaded her bloody.

Su Yun, who just walked out of the yard to pour water, listened to the conversation outside the door.

Hearing Wang Erni's insulting voice, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Wang Erni, this is the so-called ignorance of good and bad, right?

But by the way, did Xiao Lin go to talk to Wang Erni's man in the afternoon?Su Yun tilted her head to look at Xiao Lin who was working seriously, the corners of her lips curved slightly.

"Brother Xiao, what do you want to eat tonight? I can satisfy you!"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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